Chapter 36- Goosey

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                       Louis's POV
     Autumn is practically falling asleep on her feet as we look for a nice place to rest. I scoop her up in my arms and she almost instantaneously falls asleep. She cuddles up to my chest.
     I start to levitate a little bit just to relax and let the pain in my legs from walking to leave. Autumn mumbles a few quiet things in her sleep, rolling over. I couldn't hear her but I caught one word: Goosey.
Goosey was her favorite little thing to carry around, a stuffed animal and surprisingly the teachers let her have it at school. Goosey was, well, a goose. Maybe 6 inches tall at most, 3 inches long. Not that big.
She must miss Goosey. Maybe I should go have Freddy get it soon. I stumble across a cozy looking house. It had a modern look to it. I open the door, setting Autumn down on a couch. I drape a blanket over her.
     Then I cuddle up next to her, pulling her tight to my chest. She rolls around, now facing me. I pull her even closer to me, my arms around her. She's very warm. And we fall asleep together on the couch.

-------------The next morning------------
I wake up, Autumn still sleeping cuddled up to me. I slowly get up, going to find something to eat. After all, that's what a good husband would do.
Ok, so maybe I'm going to ask her to marry me. Not now, maybe not this year. But eventually.
I scavenge the cabinets and... Bingo! Summer bars and Oreos! Autumn will be so happy.
     I unwrap the Summer bars and break them into small pieces. Then I take off the top of the Oreo and carve out the cream from the center. I put a little Summer bar pieces in and then put the cream I took out back over the chocolate. Then I put on the top and lay the Oreos out on a paper towel. I allow myself to eat 2 and save the rest for Autumn.
Now I need to think about how and where to find a ring... Normally, Autumn is the one you want to ask but since I'm supposed to be surprising her, I guess I'm on my own.
Autumn likes blue... So a ring with a blue diamond? I'll have to go check a jewelry store soon.
I hear rustling from behind me and immediately start to think about something else. Unless I figure out how to block my mind off from her, she can hear my thoughts and that would be spoiling the surprise for her.
"Good morning Louis," says Autumn with a yawn.
"Morning, babe. Get a goodnight's sleep?" I ask.
"Yeah, all I remember was you carrying me and then I woke up and I was cuddling with you. And I went back too sleep because I was too comfortable and tired to move." she says, laughing.
"You're such a silly, adorable girl." I say, making her blush. "I made breakfast..."
"Oreos! Thanks!" she says, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and then skipping into the kitchen.
     She takes a bite of one, stopping mid chew.
     "What is that flavor...? It tastes so good, but I don't think I've ever had it before..." she says.
"Maybe... A Summer bar..." I say with a grin.
     She stopped chewing. Eyes wide, she says "Summer bar?"
     I nod. Then she takes the Oreos and stuffs them all in her mouth.
     "Um, Autumn? I think you may have sort of a Summer bar problem..." I say.
     She glares at me, gulping down all of the Oreos. She rummages through a few cabinets and then picks out a water bottle. Then she drinks the entire thing.
Afterwards, she comes over to me, her arms going behind my neck. Instinctively, my arms snake around her waist.
"Thanks," she whispers, kissing me on the lips.
Her kiss has a chocolatey taste to it. I lick the Oreo crumbs off of her bottom lip. She pushes me away.
"Did you just lick me?" she says, looking at me strangely.
"Yup, I did. And it tasted like chocolate." I say.
"That's enough kissing for today then... Why don't we go and do something with our lives?"
"Well, not unless you have something in mind. I'd honestly rather stay here all day, kissing you."
"Thanks, but no thanks. That was enough for at least a few hours."
"Fine, then what do you have in mind?"
"Well... I was thinking maybe we could go back to the meadow? It's only been about a week so the berries should still be there..."
"Yeah, sure! I can fly is there."
I put a hand behind her back and then I pick up her legs, causing her to fall back into my other arm. Of course she screams and then gets mad at me when I do that, but in the end she gets happy after a few minutes.
Girls. I honestly don't understand their logic but I'm going to have to deal with it for the rest of my life. That is, after we get married.
"Autumn, can we make a quick pit stop on the way there? You can grab us some food and I can grab some new clothes... I really do need them. I've been wearing these for forever." I say. I think I'm going to go find a ring for Autumn.
"Yeah sure. I'll get food and then I'll come over and grab some clothes. Let's go!" she says happily.
I carry her out of the house and this time I slowly go up and up about 30 feet in the air. I fly over to a little plaza where I see the words food and clothes. There's also a jeweler's shop next to the clothes store.
     I drop her off two stores down from the clothes store and then enter the clothes store. The two shops are combined luckily so I slip through the door. I look through the display until I find the perfect ring.
     It has a golden band with one large, blue tinted diamond. It was like what you'd always imagined all rings as when you were a little kid.
     I carefully take the ring and place it in a small black box. Then I slip back through the doors.
     I slip the box into my pocket and start browsing through a few shirts when Autumn comes through the door. I grab two shirts that I like the most.
     "Which one do you like better? The black one or the blue one?" I ask her.
     "Personally, I like both." she answers.
     I help her pick out a few shirts and then we leave, taking our food and new clothes to the meadow where Autumn was about to be surprised.

______________________________________________________A. N. Hello everyone! Blah blah blah, hope you enjoyed!!

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