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❝ B E  G O O D

The next morning, Corbyn sits at the island with a frown on his face as he rereads the note in his hands for the hundredth time.

"You're up early," Daniel comments, bounding into the kitchen. "What's that?"

Corbyn hands the paper over wordlessly and runs a hand through his hair, at a loss as to what to do.

Good morning, Corbs!
You looked so peaceful sleeping, I didn't want to wake you. There's been a family emergency so I had to leave but I'll be back soon.

"She's not answering any of my calls," the blond mutters worriedly as Daniel sets it down.

"Well, she said it's an emergency," the other teen attempts to reason. "Maybe she's too busy to answer right now. I'm sure she'll call you when she gets a chance."

"But, all of her stuff is gone!" He points out. "She was in such a hurry, she couldn't wake me up, yet she had time to pack everything!"

"You sound like Sherlock when he's deducing," Callie says through a yawn, trailing into the room. "Has there been a murder?"


"Don't be so dramatic," Daniel chastistes, swatting Corbyn's elbow. "If it makes you feel any better, we can go visit her aunt's and uncle's house tomorrow if you don't hear anything from Addi by tonight. Okay?"

"Fine," he complies quietly, all of his usual excitement gone. "I just hope she's okay."

"Addi is a big girl," Callie chimes in, not completely sure what's going on but wanting to help. "She can take care of herself if need be."


Closing the gas tank, Addilyn climbs back into her car and starts her car again.

Mr. Quackington quacks adamantly, snapping her out of her thoughts as she glances down at him.

"Why aren't you buckled?" She questions, raising an unamused brow.

He honks again, plopping into his car seat with a huff.

"Watch your tone, young man," the girl chastistes, leaning over to buckle her pet up again. "I know you don't like it, but you have to have it on during our longer trips."

Mr. Quackington turns his head away, staring out the window moodily instead of answering.

Stretching her arm further back, Addilyn rummages around the cluttered backseat in search of a way to cheer him up. Stuck behind her bag full of clothes and phone - which she turned off after it wouldn't stop buzzing - is a box of Cheez-its.

"Here you go, buddy." She grins triumphantly, setting them in front of the duckling. "Now, be good and I might make a detour to a pond for you to play."

Mr. Quackington chirps happily, burrowing his head into the box and resurfacing with a beak full of orange squares.

Pulling out of the gas station, Addilyn continues to drive along the long stretch of highway, barely even registering the billboard reading "Welcome to Utah".

Risking a look at the radio's clock, she can't help but cringe upon noticing it's well past eleven in the morning. Everyone living in the Why Don't We house is undoubtedly awake at this point, which means they've all realized she's no longer there.

Nearly everything she had seen since leaving before the crack of dawn had somehow managed to remind her of them.

The little boy with a toy plane in the gas station caused memories of her and Corbyn's trip to Minnesota to flood back. Any store she passed made her think of ways Aurora could get them kicked out of it. The sale on spaghetti in the Kroger she stopped at had gotten her to smile as she instantly thought of Jack's hair. And a teenager she overhead complaining about the 'dangers of ice skating' got her to think of Zach's overprotectiveness when it comes to Carmen.

Despite all of this, Addilyn didn't feel the tiniest bit of regret towards her decision. In her mind, this was something she needed to do if she was going to get herself back on track. It hurt her to go behind Corbyn's back, especially when she thought of how hurt he must have been reading the note she left him. But, he would have insisted on coming with her if she had told him her plan and she wouldn't have been able to tell him no.

She wanted nothing more than to turn back around and fling herself into Corbyn's arms, with the intent of never letting go, but she couldn't.

The distance between the two would do them both some good, or at least that's what she told herself.

Maybe her absence would help him realize he deserved better. Addilyn didn't want to lose the boy, she loves him to death, but he truly does deserve more than what she can give him.

She was nothing but a rainy day compared to his constant positive rays of sunshine.

Besides, having her out of the picture would please the fans too and she didn't like being the one to hurt his career.

Not wanting to drown in her negative thoughts, Addilyn turns the radio on, blasting a song she doesn't know.

"That was Paris by The Chainsmokers," someone announces in a falsely peppy voice. "Up next is Something Different by an upcoming boy band, Why Don't We."

Her hand flies forward, nearly punching the knob in her haste to turn it off. Mr. Quackington quacks in alarm, not used to seeing his owner so worked up.

Addilyn reaches over to stroke his fuzzy wings, a movement that soothed both, her and the bird.

"I'm okay," she murmurs as he dozes off. "I promise."

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