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Victoria Yue sauntered over to the man in a brown leather jacket, getting ready to board his black and orange T-70 X-Wing, also known as Black One. She smirked as her green eyes watched him talk to his orange droid with affection. Half sitting on a nearby pile of boxes, she crossed her arms over her own black, studded leather jacket. They were kind of a trend among the Resistance pilots.

"I swear you love BB-8 more than me," she teased. Poe Dameron turned around and gave her a grin. BB-8 made a little twitter. "I love you too, 8."

"More than me?" Poe mimicked her tone. He tried to lean on his black X-Wing casually but almost fell. Vicky laughed.

"Very smooth, Dameron."

"C'mon," he said. "I'm the smoothest person you know!"

"Weird sentence, but sure," she smiled. He grinned again.

"You saying goodbye or something, Vic?" Poe asked. He started putting BB-8 into the small cockpit in the back. Vicky helped him, and BB-8 made a thankful whistle.

"Can I not be a nice person?" she pouted. Poe gave a surprised glance.

"Victoria Yue? Being a nice person?" He feigned a gasp. "No way!" She hit his arm. "Ow!"

"Shut it, Dameron."

"So you'll miss me?" he smirked. She rolled her eyes.


"You're mean."

"I'm kidding." Vicky smiled again and flicked back a piece of purple hair. "You're the only one in our fleet who will actually take risks. Of course I'll miss you."

"You can take some risks without me! You're a commander!" He climbed into the cockpit of his ship, and Vicky followed him up the ladder. She crossed her arms and put her elbows on the edge, resting her head.

"You're my co-commander, Poe. Plus," she added, "you take all the blame for our stupid tricks." It was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, Vic, you're welcome." He flipped a couple switches, making sure everything was working, and put his helmet into his lap.

"Be safe, Poe. I can't afford to lose you and your idiotic brain."

"I'm touched. And when am I not safe?" Vicky laughed.

"All the time!" BB-8 gave another whistle. Poe was offended.

"Hey! You can't agree with her!" he called. Vicky winked at the droid.

"But I'm not joking," she said. "I need you on my team!" Poe smiled.

"I'll be fine, ok? I'm always fine!"

"I know, I know, but General Organa just keeps giving you these missions that get harder and more dangerous. And now, you're supposed to find an old guy to give you information on a probably dead guy. Without any backup planes or anything."

"Isn't that a good thing?" He flipped one more switch, and one of the back engines started heating up. "The General trusts me 'cause I've proven to be the greatest pilot in the galaxy!" Vicky gave him a look.

"I'm the greatest pilot in the galaxy. Don't get cocky on me, Dameron," she grinned. Poe shook his head.

"Whatever. I promise I'll be fine." Another engine started heating up.

"And if the First Order finds you?"

"They won't!" He looked at her. "They won't even be able to catch up to me."

"Ok, fine," Vicky shook her head. She unfolded her arms and smiled at him. "You better not die."

"Does this mean I get a goodbye kiss? In case I never see you again?" He winked at her, and she slapped his arm again. "Vicky! Stop hurting me!"

"Don't joke about those things!"

"So...that's a yes?"

"No! Remember the rule? The rule in which I will never kiss you or anyone? Don't have time for that stuff; I have two squadrons to command." Poe groaned.

"Well I don't follow the rules. And I guarantee," he added, "that you, Victoria Yue, will one day fall in love with me and won't even realize it until it's happened." She patted his shoulder.

"That's nice." There was a whistle, and Vicky looked down to see someone telling her to get off. "Alright, I gotta go now. Come back soon."

"I will!"

Vicky climbed down the ladder and waved at him as some people carried it away. He waved back, grinning as usual, and the cockpit closed in over his head. He put on the helmet, and the X-Wing prepared for takeoff.

"May the Force be with you," she whispered under her breath.

Vicky missed his grin already.



(also this book is going to show how much i want to watch the gifted sjssjjjsjsj)

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