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"Vicky, Vicky, Vicky, wake up!" Paige shook her shoulders. Vicky groaned and rolled over.

"Five more minutes, Paige," she mumbled into her pillow. Paige rolled her eyes and pulled the blanket off of her friend. "Hey! Give it back!"

Even though the girls had only met two weeks ago, they became fast friends. Soon, they became roommates as new dorms opened up for the Starfighter Corps in the Resistance led by General Leia Organa. The two were on different squadrons, but it all worked out in the end. Rose Tico was in a nearby room and sometimes, Paige stayed there instead. Vicky learned to not be hurt by it - she knew how close the sisters were.

"C'mon, Vicky! I need my food!" Paige said with a humph. Vicky opened her eyes reluctantly.

"Ok ok fine." She sat up and yawned.

"I'm just going to start going to meals without you," said the other girl. Paige was standing near the door, feet itching to leave the room and find her sister at the mess hall.

"Yeah, yeah," Vicky said. She rubbed her eyes.

"Hurry," Paige said impatiently.

"Just go, I'll be right behind you," Vicky waved. Paige grinned and ran out of the room. "And with that, I wonder why we're friends," Vicky murmured to herself.

She went into the restroom that was connected to their room and brushed out her purple hair. To wake herself up more, she splashed cold water onto her face. Vicky looked in the mirror and frowned a little. The little purple streak down her face was growing longer every day. It seemed to grow along with her powers, both of which were a major pain. Vicky didn't really like having more bright purple on her. It made people stare.

After examining her green pupils just to see if they had changed colours at all (which they hadn't), she quickly changed into a loose fitting jumpsuit that was issued to all the pilots. Her's was a faded blue, and she liked it because it matched her squadron colours. She pulled back her hair into a low ponytail.

Opening the door, Vicky saw various Resistance workers walking in the direction of the mess hall. She put her hands in her pockets and started following them, wishing she had gone with Paige instead of by herself. It got lonely without the other girl.

After walking for about a minute, Vicky was deep in her thoughts on how she could train better when someone bumped into her. She yelped and went towards the ground, trying to get her hands out of her pockets. Then she felt the person catch her waist.

Vicky looked up to see none other than Poe Dameron.

He grinned at her and helped her back up. She gently pushed herself out of his arms and brushed her hands off. Some other pilots whistled then walked off when she glared at them.

"Hey, sorry, I was kinda in a rush," he apologized. She nodded.

"It's fine," she said. "Thanks." She started to walk away but heard him run up to her, keeping her pace.

"How come you've started avoiding me?" he asked. Vicky groaned internally. "Am I really that bad of a guy?" He laughed. "I haven't done anything, I think. Unless you're still mad about yesterday's practice." Yesterday's practice had resulted in Vicky and Poe going against one another in a competition of speed. Poe had won. Vicky was still a little frustrated, but that wasn't the main reason.

"It's just, you know," she tried to say as friendly as possible, "competition. You know?"

"That was a lot of 'you know's," he said, raising an eyebrow. "C'mon, what's wrong Vicky?"

"It's Victoria," she muttered.

"Ok fine, Victoria," Poe enunciated each syllable with another grin. She wished he would stop grinning otherwise she would start smiling too. He seemed to read her mind and continued to grin.

Poe Dameron, the newest pilot in the Blue Squadron. The brown haired, bright eyed, cocky (but actually smart) X-Wing pilot. And Victoria Yue's biggest flying competitor.

After their first conversation. he had stuck true to his words and quite quickly rose up to the top of the squadron. This sparked a competition between Vicky and Dameron, one that the whole squadron teased them for. Vicky even heard that people from other squadrons had been alerted of the newbie pilots who, according to rumors, were somehow better than their captains. Even though she liked the attention for her flying skills, she was trying to avoid Poe Dameron at all costs. Another additional note avoiding him: Paige had started saying that they would be a cute couple, something Vicky was VERY against. She didn't have time for a relationship - she had to train harder to become a commander as soon as possible. Then maybe she could consider it. Maybe.

But probably not.

"Poe, just..."

"I know," he patted her arm, "you're speechless at my amazing-ness."

"Ok, not exactly, but whatever you want, Dameron," she said with a sigh. Poe looked at her. They reached the mess hall and got in line.

"Am I annoying you?" he asked, with a little frown. "I can stop if I'm annoying. I mean, maybe it's just becaus-"

"You're fine, don't stress. Just don't talk so fast." She gave a small smile. He grinned back at her, probably thinking he was finally triumphant in making her smile. If Paige saw them together, she'd probably wink uncontrollably. Vicky hid her laugh at the thought.

"I get that a lot," he nodded. "The talking fast thing."

"I can't imagine," Vicky said, amused.

"Ok...well I'll see you around," Poe started to walk off awkwardly when she sighed and grabbed his jumpsuit, pulling him back.

"You need food, Dameron."

"Oh right. I was just going to like walk off and then get it after." She handed him a tray.

"You're welcome." Vicky started putting food onto her own plate. Poe grinned more.

"So...how do you like the squadron? I think we're both better than the captains, even though they're pretty good. Maybe we can be promoted to commander at the same time! That'd be pretty neat, right?" Vicky smiled. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

"Alright, left side, take my lead," Vicky commanded. She flew her X-Wing over to the left side. EV twittered, communicating with all the other droids."Right side, follow Blue Leader. Let's do this again."

"This is never going to work!" Jess complained.

"Don't whine, Blue Three," Tallie said into her radio.

"Fine fine," Jess muttered.

"Ok guys, just try to remember it again," Vicky sighed. All the planes got into their formations. "We got this."

A few minutes later, they landed back in the hangers, very tired. The formation hadn't worked as Jess predicted, and Vicky was feeling dejected that her new plan was unsuccessful. She missed Poe. Whenever the fleet had a failed practice, he was always there to cheer everyone up, no matter how down they were feeling.

He had been gone for a little while now, and she was starting to get a bit worried. His missions shouldn't, and usually didn't, last more than a couple of days. She wondered if General Organa was worried too. Vicky's mind started going towards the possibility of the First Order capturing him, but she shook her head. That wasn't possible. He was too fast. She frowned a bit.

Her ship landed and she once again saw Paige with her usual smile and wave. Vicky made a small smile as the cockpit opened. Someone took her helmet, and she climbed down the ladder.

"Not a good day?" Paige asked. Vicky shook her head.

"Nope. The new formation didn't work at all. And Poe isn't here to fix it or cheer us up or anything." Vicky sighed. "I miss having a co-commander to fix my not-usual mistakes. I mean, Tallie is great and all, but she's not an X-Wing fighter. And plus, Dameron's more of a daredevil."

"He should be back, huh?" Paige said. They started walking back to the dorms for Vicky to change.

"Yeah," Vicky nodded. "Should be."

"You think he's ok?" Paige said. Vicky frowned again.

"I hope so. I can't afford to lose him," she said. Paige smirked.

"Don't deny it," she teased her best friend, "you know you love him."

"I don't..." Vicky muttered. The two reached their room, and she opened the door.

"Uh huh. I'll see you in the mess hall." Paige flashed a smile and then walked off. Vicky rolled her eyes and went inside. She shut the door behind her and quickly changed into her jumpsuit. She washed some grease off of her face and made a face at the mirror when she saw the purple streak was still on her face. She took a deep breath and let it out.

Afterwards, she walked to the mess hall and met up with Paige, Aziah, Jess, and Rose. They were all dressed in their pilot jumpsuits except Rose, who was in her olive Resistance maintenance outfit that had the Cobalt Squadron badge ironed on.

"Hey guys," she waved and set down her tray, sitting down.

"Hey!" Jess said with a wave. "We were just talking about your alien power thingy."

"Is that so?" Vicky said, amused. Azi nodded.

"It's SO cool!" said Rose with a big smile. "Can you show us again?" Vicky raised an eyebrow but couldn't resist the sweet girl.

"Maybe." She picked up a fruit and created a small purple portal in her hand, throwing it through. The fruit reappeared from another small portal above Rose's plate, and the fruit fell onto her tray. The girl squealed with excitement.

"You're always full of surprises, commander," Aziah grinned. Vicky grinned back and started to eat. It reminded her of the first time Poe saw her powers.

"Wait, you have what?!" Poe said with shock. He was sitting in her room on a chair by one of the small desks. Vicky nodded.

"Yep!" Paige called from the bathroom.

"Yeah, I have uh teleportation powers," Vicky said, pulling a loose strand of the blanket. "They're a usual thing back in my old planet. Almost everyone had them. I guess it's a perk of being an weird alien." Poe widened his eyes. The three were about to go out and train, but Paige wasn't ready yet.

"Wanna show me?" he asked. Vicky shrugged with a small smile. She picked up her pillow and created a purple, glowing portal. Poe widened his eyes more. "Catch." A portal appeared above his head, and the pillow fell on top of him.

"Pillow attack!" he shouted, making Vicky laugh. He threw the pillow at her, and she caught it with a grin. She put it back and leaned on the wall. "Could you do that for our fleet? Or a plane? Or even a person?! Teleportation could be really useful against the First Order." Vicky smiled. Poe always had outrageous ideas. It was an admirable trait, most of the time.

"Probably not. I've never tried it with anything bigger than a blanket or something like that."

"It'd be cool," Poe shrugged. Paige came out in her red jumpsuit.

"Alright you two lovebirds, let's go train!" she declared. Vicky facepalmed, and Poe blushed a little bit.

"Whatever," Vicky murmured. She got up and the three walking out the door.

"You know we aren't a thing," Vicky whispered to Paige while Poe walked in front of them. He seemed to be thinking about more flying techniques. She could tell by the way his hands were moving in front of him slightly as if he was piloting his X-Wing.

"Sure," Paige laughed. Vicky rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure he likes you though. Why do you think he hangs around us all the time?"

"You better not encourage him or anything," Vicky warned. Paige raised her hands in defense.

"Who said I'm encouraging him?"


"Oh. Riiiight," Paige held out the vowel.

"You better not, Tico."

"Wake up, Vic," Paige said, nudging her elbow. Vicky blinked, shaken out of her thoughts.


"You need more sleep, commander," Tallie said. Vicky noticed the Blue Leader had come while Vicky was in her thoughts.

"Yeah, I know," Vicky said. Jess patted her arm.

"I know we stress you out, Violet Leader," she said with a grin.

"Apologize to the Blue Leader, not me," Vicky pointed to Tallie, who shrugged. She was in her jumpsuit but also had a silk scarf around her neck that was given from her father.

"Sorry, captain," Jess said. Tallie smiled and nodded.

"You guys are fine. I think our squadron is the best one."

"Uh no," Paige objected. "Cobalt Squadron for the win!" Rose nodded, mouth full of food. 

"You're outnumbered here, Tico's. Sorry," Aziah said with a grin. Paige gave him a glare then went back to her food. They all laughed.

"Cobalt's X-Wings are getting pretty good though," Jess commented. "Not as good as us, but still."

"Yeah! I think they've been training more," Paige brightened up.

"I helped fix one!" said Rose, proudly.

"Good job!" Tallie nodded encouragingly. Rose grinned.

Vicky looked at her friends and smiled to herself. They were all a little strange, a little quirky, and from very different places but somehow, they had made a little family.

She wished Poe was there.




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