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The jet hanger had started to look empty without it's usual black-and-orange X-Wing. No other pilots seemed to notice on the outside, but internally, they were all worried. General Organa said nothing about it, but when she looked into the huge bustling room filled with jets, her mind was whirring with possibilities.

Inside the big ship, a single bedroom was recently cleaned and tidied, yet the two girls' presence made it more regular. One was reading a book intently, also while thinking about her sister. The other was swiping across the air at digitally blue holograms of fighter planes, thinking about someone else. They both were tired from their practice sessions, resulting in a comfortable silence. It lay over the room like a thick, warm blanket on a cold day. The starlight outside sparked, and noises of training was heard outside - the loud yells of commanders and captains, the footsteps of rushed pilots, the smooth woosh of someone opening a dorm door nearby after finally finishing their daily routines.

Vicky leaned back on the wall, closing her eyes to rest from the tablet screen. She had been feeling especially down this day without Poe's cheery company. He had almost been gone for two weeks now, and she was getting more anxious for him by the minute. Paige kept reassuring her that he would be ok (after all, he was Poe "fastest flyer in the galaxy" Dameron), but even the optimistic girl had began to look doubtful. Tallie kept having to take his place during practice, but the squadron was still missing their biggest cheerleader and motivator. It frustrated Vicky when she realised how much she depended on him.

"He's coming back, I promise," murmured Paige from her side of the room. Vicky opened her eyes and looked across at her friend. Paige put down her small book and put on a comforting smile, while rubbing her tired eyes.

"Yeah, I know," replied Vicky, sighing. "But I just have a bad feeling about it all. He's never been gone this long."

"He'll be ok," Paige said, picking at a loose thread on her tank-top. "Don't worry."

"Yeah, yeah, I won't worry," Vicky repeated for the eleventh time that day.

"Ok, well I'm going to get some shut eye," yawned Paige, putting down her book on the metal desk. She shut off her lamp with a wave of her hand and pulled the blankets over her shoulders.

"Night," Vicky said, slightly distracted. She watched Paige's figure slowly rise and fall with every breath, and she turned off the tablet, saving the offensive plans for later. Vicky tugged on her boots, slipped on her leather jacket, and went to take a walk outside the room, making sure to shut the door quietly.

Once in the white hallway, the purple-haired girl put her hands in her pockets and began to walk around. She had to get the jittery feeling out of her before she went to sleep. She observed the other Resistance members retreating into their rooms one by one. Some waved at her, and she gave a half-hearted smile back.

"Vicky! Vicy!" she heard someone say. Turning around, Vicky chuckled to see Aziah running up to her.

"Hey Azi," she said. He grinned at her, his usual lopsided grin.

"Can I walk with you? My dorm's in another section." He pointed vaguely. Vicky nodded.

"Sure." They walked down the hall.

"How come you're not asleep?" Aziah asked. "I saw that your door was dark." He put his hands into his jumpsuit pockets causally. Aziah never usually changed out of his jumpsuit until before he slept. He claimed it was because the suit was "very, very, very comfortable." He also always added, "if a raid ever happened, I'd be way more ready than the rest of you, suckers."

"Paige just went to sleep, but I don't feel like sleeping," Vicky explained. He nodded.

"The old 'commander doesn't sleep' legend is true then," he laughed. She cracked a smile.

"Good try, Azi," she said.

"Are you ok? You've been really tired in training these past few days," he commented.

"I'm always tired," shrugged Vicky.

"I meant more than usual," Aziah rolled his eyes.


"Is it because he's been missing?" Aziah said softly. She sighed again. They continued their walk, seeing various workers and aliens who had joined the Resistance.

"I just wish I knew how he was," she said. "If that makes any sense. And BB8 hasn't answered anything I've sent out, which isn't a good sign."

"We haven't heard any strange First Order reports though," said Aziah, trying to cheer her up. "And that could mean nothing bad has happened."

"Yeah but they never release any bad stuff anyways," Vicky said with a frown. "Even if they made a Death Star, they'd never release that onto the news for everyone to read."

"I guess you're right," Aziah said, looking down.

"Sorry to keep your hopes low," Vicky said, guilt stirring in her stomach. He looked back up.

"No, no it's not you," he said with a small smile. They reached another hallway, and he went towards a door. "Well this is me. Thanks for walking with me, Vic." He grinned again. "You're a true lifesaver."

"Thanks, Azi. I don't know what I'd do without you," she laughed. Aziah waved and went into his dorm. Vicky waved back and started walking again, thinking about what he had said to her. Maybe Poe was really ok. The First Order would have probably held a ransom or something by now if he had been captured, right?

But something inside told her that she was just trying to avoid the most likely outcome: his capture.

By the time Vicky returned back to her own room, she still had a jittery feeling from the beginning of the day. She took off her boots, slipped into bed, and fell into a restless sleep.


Poe and Vicky were sitting by the window again, Vicky sewing up her jumpsuit and Poe fixing a part of BB8. They sat in silence, with the noises of starfighters zooming around outside. The secluded room had become one of Vicky and Poe's favourite spots, Vicky because it was quiet and Poe because he got to be with one of his favourite people (he never told her that though).

"So how's that going?" she said. He looked up.


"The radio. Is it looking good?" Vicky repeated, nodding to the part he was screwing in. He looked down.

"Oh! Yeah, looks good. Hopefully it'll work with his systems this time," Poe said. Vicky smiled and then pointed at it.

"You did it wrong."


"Look," she said, scooting over. The purple-haired alien took the small radio and pointed to a wire that was sticking out. "You didn't check if all the wire was inside."

"Oops?" Poe grinned.

"Here," Vicky said. She tugged out more of the wire and carefully thread it through the various metal loops. Poe smiled to himself as he watched her concentrate. It was kind of cute. "There, I fixed it. You're welcome." She handed it back with another smile.

"Thanks, Vic," he laughed.

"You know what to say, Dameron," she winked. He narrowed his eyes.

"And you know I will NEVER say that!" declared Poe. Vicky laughed.

"Say it! Say I'm the best!" she said. Poe grinned and shook his head.

"Never!" He stood up, and Vicky got up to chase him around the room. "Send help! A captain is running after me!" he shouted in fake fear. Vicky ran faster and tackled him to the ground. "Hey!"

"That's what you get, Dameron!" she laughed, on top of him. They were extremely close when all of a sudden, there was a throat clearing. Poe and Vicky both looked up to see Paige.

"Sorry to interrupt uh whatever is happening here, but Organa wants to see Poe," she pointed her thumb behind her. Vicky got off the pilot hastily and dusted herself off. Poe did the same, then jogged out of the room with one last glance at the two girls. As soon as he left, Paige whistled. "Dang, Vic. You're getting action, huh?" Vicky rolled her eyes and picked up her jumpsuit, as well as the radio Poe left behind.

"Shut up, Tico. We weren't doing anything, ok?"


"I swear!"

"That's what they all say."

"Who are 'they'?!"


Vicky woke up with a sense of loneliness in her gut. She lay in her bed, hearing that Paige was still asleep. The cool air in the room told her it was still early, even though space was always pretty cold.

The room was quiet, only soft breathing broke the silence. The only light came from the small window on the top, filtering in dim starlight from the outside. Normally the fact of the stars would cheer her up, but for some reason, she still felt lonely. Vicky felt the smooth blanket against her arms, and she turned over. The rustle of her moving seemed very loud. She didn't like it.

Vicky closed her eyes, but only saw Poe's smile, so she opened them again.

"Might as well get up," she murmured to herself. Vicky sat up and rubbed her eyes. She slipped on her jumpsuit and pulled on her boots.

Knowing that Paige would wake up soon, Vicky walked out of the room, sliding the door closed. She put her hands in her pockets and strolled down the mostly empty corridors. Most people were still sleeping or in training (everyone had a different schedule). Whenever she woke up early, Vicky would go train to get her mind busy, usually with Poe or Paige. The feeling of loneliness got stronger. She pushed it down and turned into an open room.

The wide window welcomed her, and Vicky sat down next to it, her back against its frame. She watched the stars twinkle while vaguely listening to various voices out in the hall. Her eyes drooped slightly, and she yawned, regretting moving out of her bed. As her head dropped with sleep again, Vicky wondered how Poe was and if he was thinking about her. Probably not.


Poe was awakened from his dream of flying by a hard slap. He opened his eyes tiredly. It was another First Order person trying to torture the location of the plan out of him.

"This routine is getting old, guys," Poe murmured, his words sliding onto each other. A Stormtrooper released his shackles, and the man fell to the ground. Poe noticed how weak he had gotten over the few days without much food, water, and friendly social interaction. He limply crawled towards the exit door, but the man just laughed and kicked him back. "Ok ow..."

"Thought you could escape, rebel?" he sneered. Poe saw a First Order Stormtrooper perk up at the word. Or maybe he was just hallucinating from dehydration.

"Sort of," Poe mumbled. He clutched his stomach, where the man had kicked.

"So...will you tell me where the plans went?" the First Order general said. Poe shook his head.

"What do you think?"

"I think yes," said the man. Poe attempted to laugh but then coughed instead. He hated not eating. The thought of food made his stomach rumble. The man laughed again. "Here." He offered Poe a plate of food: fruits and space mush. It reminded him of Vicky, and his heart ached as well as the rest of his body. Poe reached out, but then the man took it back. "I don't think so."


"You tell me where the plans are, and I feed you," the man said. "Simple."

"You ASSH-" Poe was cut off by a Stormtrooper hitting him to the ground. "Not cool..." he stammered.

"C'mon, Dameron," said the general, leaning down to where Poe was. "Just tell me the planet. One small word."

Poe was tempted. His whole body and soul screamed at him to just give up the location, steal a jet, and then fly off into space as a free man. They would probably actually give him a plane. Maybe he was just being delirious, but it was very tempting.

Then he remembered Vicky, his purple-haired alien friend who always had snarky comments about how bad his flying was (even when it wasn't). He remembered BB8, his best mate who would be in danger if Poe was to tell the First Order where the plans were. He remembered his friends like Tallie, Paige, Azi, Jess, and the rest of them; all who would be in immediate danger if the First Order found out anything.

"I have two words," Poe said. The general raised an eyebrow.

"Alright. Tell me."

"Piss off," Poe grinned. Tallie would be proud.



i just watched solo so i was in da mood for some star wars yEET



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