I'll meet You

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It's been a long to see you,
I shall see you someday,
Somewhere, somehow.

When the breeze will soothe souls,
When the dusk will embrace the moon,
When the sky will turn into a mirror
To the spark of our celestial bodies,
Where no rumor mongers exist,
Where time pauses to rest.

How it would feel so heavenly!
would you look at me, like lately?
Your eyes, with that a shade of brown,
Shines so bright, like a ray of dawn,
My heart thumps & pumps a bit faster,
Every time I recall & pray it stay laster.

Every time, I see you in my dreams,
You look more fresh and gullible,
Every time, I approach you,
You becomes more lovable,
Every juncture I spent in your dreams,
Seizes my might, my words but fights!

You are the moon,
I'm just a little cry.
You deserves the sky,
I'm just a puddle of July.
The difference is enormous,
There's no way to make You & I, Us.
Yet, listen...I will see you,
I will see you someday.

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