She's Broken

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Status : Completed

Author : Lilohorse

Summary :

"Watching your brother go down for rape sounds like a difficult task, right? Try being the girl in the witness stand, the victim. "

Most people ignore Kat Price and go straight for her perfect, confident and attractive older brother, Finn. The day that Finn goes down for rape, Kat's in the spotlight,  Kat's the one with answers. She also just wants to be left alone, remain invisible and live happily with her mum and her horse without the gossip and drama. So, what happens when a brooding boy with beautiful eyes and a love for horses is thrown into the mix? Eli is the proud new owner of Finn's old mare, Tempest. He doesn’t know about Kat's haunting past or why she's so skittish. All he knows is that he's desperate to help. 

Headstrong and broken is how Eli describes Kat when he first see's her. But is her past too shattered and her heart too destroyed for Eli to fix?

My thoughts

If ya all aren’t comfortable with the topic "rape" this book isn’t for you.

This book shows us the cruel reality of the world that we think is sooo perfect. Well, It might be perfect for us but it’s nothing less than hell for some people.

Kat is one of those people. Even though she's a fictional character she portrays all of those girls that get raped by their own blood. The girls who are tortured behind the closed doors.

I love Lilohorse for bringing up a topic like "rape". It's the type of topic people usually try to avoid. But she brought it up and presented it beautifully.

Every word of this book is so well written that it will leave a mark on your heart and soul.

And Eli's character is just amazing. He never judged Kat for her past. He saw the beautiful soul inside that broken girl.

And their relationship is so cute..... I'm not gonna lie. I felt like a proud mom every time she made some kind of progress. Like when she could let him touch her without flinching. I almost cried for her every time something like that happened.

I can keep going. But I think it’s enough to convince you lot to read it.


Go check it out and gimme your feedback. I like feedbacks more than anything. And you all can drop a vote and some comments too. But no pressure. This book is all about helping ya all. 😃😄😅

Loads of ❤💓💖💗💙💚💛💜💝 from,


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