Round 1 chapter 3

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(no script, mostly fight, watch episode 3)

Randgriz: We, the 13 Valkyries, have gathered here at the order of our masters. My masters! What is it you're planning, my masters?

Justin: Onii chan?

Me: Come hither, Randgriz.

Randgruz: Yes, Edward.

Lucas: Randgriz!

Me: Randgriz, you know of Thor's sacred items, do you not?

Randgriz: Yes, indeed I do. The iron gloves which can fend off any attack, Járngreipr. And most importantly, there is Mjölnir, which gained fame for obliterating the Jötunn army.

Lucas: That's right. Those two weapons which Thor possesses are the dirtiest cheats of all the sacred items in the heavens.

Justin: "Dirtiest..."

Me: In order to defeat Thor, those must be overcome. Randgriz, will you dedicate your body for this purpose?

Randgruz: Yes, I gladly will, Edward. What? "Dedicate your body"?

Heimdall: What's going on? Golu's pole has begun to glow!

Zeus: Yes, just as I figured.

Hermes: That weapon...

Aphrodite: Could it be...

Shiva: Interesting.

Crows: Isn't that... You can't be serious!

Me: That itself is the hidden power of us Valkyrie. To defeat the dirty cheats the gods use for weapons, we have our own cheat! Transcendence!

Narrator: When a Valkyrie's body transforms into a weapon for humans, mankind obtains a weapon of the gods, in other words, a sacred item. That ability is called...

Randgriz: Divine Treasure Forge! Völundr!

Narrator: The special abilities of the 13 Valkyrie dwell in the weapons made through Völundr. The fourth sister is Randgriz. The meaning of her name is... "Shield Breaker"! Mjölnir is a powerful weapon of the gods that can crush continents. However, anyone who wields its immense power and intense lava-like heat will be annihilated. Therefore, according to Edda, the story of Norse mythology, Thor wears Járngreipr to protect his hands. In other words, the greatest armor in the heavens, Járngreipr, is used to handle the greatest weapon in the heavens, Mjölnir. This spectacle was something that never should have happened.

Suddently Thors guantlets shattered as Goku hit them with his power pole

Justin: woohoo Randgriz!

Heimdal: The sacred item was shattered? Goki's pole shattered Járngreipr into tiny bits as if it were a potato chip!

[In the crowd]

Piccolo: haha! I knew he could do it

Vegeta: mmm...he is a Saiyan! Of course he can do amazing things such as this!

Roshi: woah. Has Goku really gotten that powerful over the years?

Chi Chi; looks like it

Roshi: nice memories training him and you Krillin

Krillin: hehe. Yeah. But he's basically surpassed us all in one way or another

Beerus: he better win or I'm destroying everything around me

Whis: come now Lord Beerus. You know I wouldn't allow that to happen

Buu: Buu want fight with Goku next

Whis: oh don't worry. You can fight him when this match is over

Buu: okay. Buu wait a little longer

[Back in the fight]

Narrator: All of mankind trembled with anticipation. Since history began... Nay! Since the birth of primitive mankind, they have anticipated the first time they surpass the gods! They anticipated a miracle!

Hermes: I see. So that's what it is.

Zeus: Oh, you've caught on, haven't you?

Hermes: The Valkyries' job is... to guide souls to heaven. They descend to Earth and guide the souls of the greatest humans to heaven to be the soldiers of the gods and protect the heavens from any crisis. However, since ancient times, there has been this rumor. What the Valkyries are preparing for is not a crisis in the heavens. Though this is only a rumor, it is said that the Valkyries transform themselves into weapons appropriate for the soldiers that they guided to heaven. They offer up their bodies and powers which are equal to those of the gods. The name of that power is... Völundr! The souls of the warriors the Valkyries have gathered... will battle the gods using the powers they received from the Valkyries.

Zeus: And that's what this Ragnarok is all about, isn't it? Yes! That's exactly right! It's those cunning vixens' rebellion against us gods! Who... who would have thought those halfbreeds would seriously cross swords with us? This is... the biggest thrill I've had... since the Big Bang! I'm so turned on! Yes! Lucas... Justin...Edward!

Lucas: Don't look this way, you dirty old geezer. You old fucking pervert next to your shitty whore of a thot you call "goddess of beauty". More like god of dirty perverts and goddess of thots

Justin: What the heck is that? What happened? Onii chan, what is that? Is Mjölnir crumbling apart?

Thor dropped him hammer after Goku struck it. It began to crumble and lava formed around it

Heimdall: Oh, dear... The orichalcum is melting and turning into lava! This is incredible! It's just as searingly hot as in the legends! But why did this suddenly happen? However, now that Thor has lost one of the Járngreipr gloves like in the legends, will he be able to wield Mjölnir with both hands? You mean he can't use the Thor Hammer?

And then a thumping sound was heard by the audience

Heimdall: You're kidding! What's that sound? Is it a drum? No! Unbelievable! It's the throbbing of Mjölnir!

Thor: At last, you've awoken.

Justin: It's pulsating! What is that? Some kind of living thing? It's so weird! Yikes!

Zeus: Looks like that old hunk of junk finally decided to wake up

Hermes: Woken up? That's odd.

Zeus: There is one misunderstanding about the legend of Mjölnir and Járngreipr.

Hermes: A misunderstanding? Those gloves are not to protect Thor from the power of Mjölnir. Then what are they for?

Zeus: They exist to restrain Thor's power to prevent him from crushing Mjölnir before it awakens.

Thor then takes off his other gauntlet and shook the ground with the weight of it

Thor: Rise and shine sleepyhead.

Heimdall: He lifted it. Amazing! Wow! Incredible!

Thor: Human... No. Goku, was it? I have a favor to ask you. Don't die.

Thor then gripped Mjölnir with both hands and aimed for an attack while charging it up with electricity

Heimdall: The human, Goku, has finally inspired Thor to get totally serious! How will this turn out? This bout has now entered the red zone where even the gods don't know what the result will be!

Then my phone beeped

Justin: Hey, Onii chan! That's against the rules! You're supposed to turn off your phone!

I check my text messages and then

Justin: Onii chan

Me: I know it now. The list of all the competitors in the final battle between god and man, Ragnarok. This... is it? These 13 bouts will decide everything. This is the countdown to the extermination of mankind. For mankind, these people are the final 13!

Justin: The final?

Lucas: You're wrong, little brother. One day, we warriors are sure to be called... the 13 god slayers! The Einherjar! The representatives of mankind... Einherjar!

Hermes: Zeus, we now know who the humanity combatants will be.

Zeus: Really? Let me see that. Well, well. This is far more exciting than I expected it would be.

Heimdall: Here it comes, folks! In the first bout of the final battle between god and man, Ragnarok, on which the destruction of mankind rests, the battle between the god of thunder, Thor, and the warrior, Goku, has entered its final stage now that Thor has shifted into high gear!

Shiva: Thor's getting serious, isn't he? I've never seen this before.

Aphrodite: I haven't either.

Narrator: The awakened Mjölnir, swung with all of Thor's might. It would be the first time even the omniscient gods would see it.

Thor: remember...don't die now.

Goku: hehe. Oh I won't

Narrator: According to Snorri's Edda written by the Icelandic poet, Snorri Sturluson, Thor threw Mjölnir and crushed the skulls of the frost giants, the Jötunn. Due to Mjölnir's mystical power, it has never missed once in 100 throws.

Goku: heh


Goku dodged the oncoming hammer just in time

Heimdall: I can't keep up with the action! Goku dodged the hammer that never misses and is charging the defenseless Thor!

Goku: be prepared!

Goku rushed to Thor and jumped at him

Heimdall: Wait! Mjölnir has returned! It's attacking Goku from behind! The spinning attack of Mjölnir was sidestepped with a spin! Mjölnir is returning to Thor!


Goku quickly extend his power pole and pole vaulted over him and instant transmissioned to a few feet Infront of him

Narrator: There is more to the Edda than was recorded. The true purpose that Thor threw Mjölnir was not to attack with. He would use the immense velocity and centrifugal force from throwing Mjölnir with all his might to deliver the ultimate blow!

Chi Chi: Goku! No!

Me: Is he...

Lucas: Several thousand years ago when he battled his archenemy Jörmungandr... it's the same attack he used just once in that fight! Geirröd Thor's Hammer!

Narrator: When Thor displayed the finest smile he'd shown in this bout, Goku met it with his biggest smile

Thor swung the mighty Mjölnir on the ground, summoning a huge lighting strike


Goku dodged again and hit Thor's backside with the power pole

Thor had winced in pain

Thor: nice attack. I'll give you one better

Thor grabbed the once again returning Mjölnir and slammed the ground causing Goku to shake and stunned

Thor also punched him and sent him flying across the arena although he didn't use much force since he didn't want the fight to be over already

Thor: show me your worth human. Show me why you're called the strongest amongst these humans

He said so with a huge smile of excitement

Goku: well you see I'm not actually a human. I'm something a bit different.

Thor: what do you mean

Goku then began squatting and shouting


Thor: what a weird ritual-

Suddenly lighting strikes happened around him


Goku: this is a Super Saiyan. Only happens to those who are Saiyan and can acheive this legendary form

Thor: mmm. Human, Saiyan,'s all the same mortal thing to me

Thor kept his smile and kept his guard up

Goku: yeah but that shouldn't change anything

Goku then stood still for some reason

Thor: mmm? That's weird. Why is he standing sti-

Suddenly Thor saw another Goku, and another...and another!

Goku: this is a move I learned from the great Jackie Chun. Although I've perfected it and mastered it to my level

Thor: what is this sorcery

Goku: I call this the infinite after image!

Goku chuckles and proceeds to hit and kick Thor with powerful tricks across his body while Thor remained confused trying to figure out and hit the real Goku before he could be hit again

Thor: enough of this!

Thor summoned a bolt of lighting onto the ground that hit the entire arena and Goku was shocked by this

Goku: ow! I thought I was immune to lighting after my fighting with rage shenron

Piccolo: who the fuck is Jackie Chun

Roshi: Hey don't you disrespect the great Jackie Chun!

Krillin: I'm pretty sure we all know by now that it's you Master Roshi.

Master: N-no well I um...ah forget it. Doesn't matter anyways. Yep you got me

Krillin: Goku ain't a naive and stupid kid anymore guys. He learns from his experiences

Thor continues to fight Goku and had gotten used to Super Saiyan

Goku: alright then if you have handle a super Saiyan then how about


Goku: a super Saiyan beyond a super Saiyan! Or we can just call this super Saiyan 2

Thor: hmm...I see

Goku punched him again and staggered him


Goku unleashed his kamehameha at Thor. But Thor tanked the beam pretty easily

Thor: mmm...

Heimdall: incredible! Thor has tanked a beam of pure energy from the mortal Goku! What will happen next!?

Goku: mmm...

Goku: this is to go even further beyond! Super Saiyan 3

Goku began to act more serious

Thor: finally a real power increase!

Goku: come at me

Thor: hehe. take this

Thor used lighting to shock Goku which stunned him enough to allow for an opening, upon which Thor took advantage of and hit Goku with immense power, knocking him out of SSJ3 to base

Goku: ow! I think he cracked my bones



Goku: now that I'm healed and gained my energy back

Heimdall: what!? He just got up! Wait who said he could have healing magics! That's against the rules!

Everyone ignored him

Goku: well that was quick. Alright now I'm being serious when I say this, I'm gonna get serious


Goku: let's go mother fucker

Thor was getting pissed yet excited due to how many restraints and transformations Goku had

Zeus: oh? I sense he is actually getting powerful

Crows: oh no! This might be bad for Thor!

Lucas: finally we reach Goku at peak


Thor: oh shit!

Heimdall: no way! For the first time Thor has actually dodged an attack from Goku! Is Goku finally becoming a challenge for the mighty Thor!

Goku began to shoot out many ki blast at Thor but he is manages to dodge

Goku: how about I become a god like you!

Goku then headbutts Thor and briefly knocks him out while charging up for another kamehameha wave


he shot out the wave

But Thor woke up again and knocked it out of the way to the crowds

Thor: useless!

Goku then transformed for a 5th time


Justin: yay! Super Saiyan god!

Lucas: fuck that. Super Saiyan god is shit

Justin: big bro don't hate Super!

Lucas: I can't. It's shit and GT is better

Me: both of you stop fighting or else

Lucas: fine

Justin: ok

Heimdall: N-no way! He has become one of the gods!

Thor: not for long!

Mjölnir then was swung at Goku but Goku grabbed the power pole and deflected it

But this was just a trap

As Goku deflected the hammer, Thor jumped up and punched Goku square in the face knocking him to the ground

Heimdall: Ooh and that's a clean punch from Thor! Will Goku be able to recover from tha-



Goku extended the pole to hit Thor in the stomach and then smacked him in the neck



Goku kicked and punch a barrage a blows everywhere on Thor's body and cracking some bones

Thor had his hand out and Goku realizes what was coming

So then he reached his max level

And just as swiftly as he transformed, he dodged the hammer yet again and then flew into the air

Thor grabbed Mjölnir but the amount of force and his weakned body nearly popped out his arm as he catches it

Goku: it's time for my final technique. I haven't tried this before but may as well try now

Me: well... You guys ready? Cuz I sure am. End it Goku

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