Round 1-Mesopotamian clash

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*last round the tournament that will decide the fate of humanity began and the stands are waiting with baited breath as to who the first fighters of each side are going to be*

Asmodeus: alright folks we've got one hell of a fight today I hope your as pumped as we are because it's time to begin!!!!
Michael: that's right so let's not waste any more time introducing our first two fighters of this tournament

*the lights dim down once again by a massive cloud cover as a single spotlight formed on one of the entry ways on the right side of the arena*
Asmodeus: fighting for the gods is a man who was once a humble farmer til war destroyed all he knew and swore vengeance and he's ready to bring it here today folks with a mighty mace and a iron will he's Mesopotamia's almighty punisher the stormy lord of combat the springtime storm of Mesopotamia NINURTA!!!!!!!!!

*asmodeus points out to the side of the arena as a man standing well over 6'6 slowly make his way into the arena he was wearing silver and grey armor covering his neck and shoulders with armor plates covering his upper arms his skin was lightly tanned and his hair a charcoal black with a confident smirk on his face as he held a mace by a leather band this man was Ninurta*

Ninurta: hahahah hello mighty gods of heaven I'm proud to be your very first fighter and shall show these lowly humans their place*he began to twirl the mace around before slamming it's spiked head into the ground chuckling but stopped once the spotlight was off him and moved to the other arena entrance*

Michael: and fighting for humanity they were a divine construct meant to punish the tyrannical king of the Mesopotamian city Uruk by killing him but instead they became his most trusted ally and even slayed the golden bull of heaven ladies and gentlemen I present you the punishment of Uruk ENDIKU!*pointed to the entrance where the spotlight was focused as the doors open*

*as the doors finished opening a small person with dull golden hair and oddly pale skin stepped out on their head were a pair of three pronged bronze colored horns on their shoulders were black shoulder cape their body lined with red tattoos their arms were covered in a bronze colored gauntlets with strange metal plates on the lower arm their feet were hoofed like that of a bull's this person was Endiku*

Endiku:*had a stoic look on their face before the doors closed and they looked around and their expression turned from one of stoicism to one of fear as their lip began to tremble*w-why did I have to be the first person to fight th-this is so scary.......

*as the clouds moved away to fully light the arena once again many gods and humans began to murmur amongst themselves about their sides respective fighters*

God1: ha we have this in the bag if ninurta is the one fighting!
God2: agreed this will be nothing more then a slaughter ahahah!

Human1: that's our fighter they look kinda scrawny?......
Human2: yeah we're supposed to trust this person they look like they're gonna collapse with one breeze....

*meanwhile the two announcers looked around and began to whisper to each other*

Asmodeus: oi Mikey ya even think this is gonna be a fight kid looks like they barely got a nerve in em
Michael: don't call me that and agreed but he's the fighter for humanity so let's get this over with
Asmodeus: fine*turns back and clears his throat and takes a deep breath and screams into the microphone* OK YOU TWO THE FIGHT BEGINS IN 3!
Michael: 2!
Asmodeus: 1!
Micheal and Asmodeus: AND FIGHT!!!!!

*without wasting a second ninurta leapt forth his mace above his head and began to smash it down onto endiku only to realize he had missed as if his opponent had vanished*
Ninurta; what the?*he looked behind him to see endiku shaking in total fear*tch can't believe I missed
Endiku: d-do we really have to fight we're both from the same place and time so we really don't have to ya know

Ninurta: and why should I listen to the shame of Mesopotamia!*swung his mace at endiku who barely managed to duck but not fast enough to dodge a kick to their side from ninurta sending them flying before they grounded themself by slamming his gauntlets into the ground and looked like they were preparing ti charge*

Micheal: I think we're about to see it folks the technique endiku learned when they defeated the golden bull of heaven!

Endiku: charge of the heavenly bull!*charged forward as fast a bullet slamming themself into ninurta who barely had time to throw up his guard and was launched back easily 30 feet before shaking his arm in pain*
Ninurta: tch miserable beast*began to twirl his mace and as it picked up speed winds began to swirl around it*

Asmodeus: oh boy stand back folks looks like ninurta is taking the kiddy gloves off he's about to unleash his mighty mace the sharur!

Ninurta:*swung his sharur upwards before throwing it forward crackling with sparks hitting endiku in the stomach causing them to almost throw up before sharur flew back to ninurta's hand*so beast how did my lightning cracker feel!
Endiku:*coughed and looked up to show they were.....crying?!*that really hurt!!!!!!

*meanwhile in the back stands with Zeus and Buddha viewing the fight below*

Buddha; is the kid crying down there told you old man they weren't up for this
Zeus: no right now their the best chance we even have at beating a Mesopotamian god because of their nature
Buddha: what do ya mean?
Zeus: you see endiku was created by the gods themselves but unlike other such creations they were built to mimic the very beasts of humanity giving them a unique sense to learn and adapt

Buddha: learn and adapt so your saying they can adapt to any situation?
Zeus: exactly the longer their exposed to something new to them the easier they can over come it the gods and humanity alike calls this their feral beast instinct

*back in the fighting arena endiku has been dodging attack after attack*
Ninurta: will you stay still!!!!!!*slammed his sharur into the ground causing it to crack making endiku misstep and be launched backwards as into a wall by ninurta*hahaha what were we even thinking making you nothing you've done so far has so much as left a scratch on me!

Endiku:*looked up and their eyes were rapidly widening and shrinking before they stopped*ok then let's try this*held their hands out like a pair of claws before charging fast enough to close the gap ninurta just put between them and launched a upward and downward slash simultaneously at ninurta leaving claw marks on him*claws of the thirteen winds!

Ninurta: gah!*jumped back and looked at himself to see the various cuts on his body*grrrrrrrr you damn beast!!!!!!*his eyes began to become cloud and started to slowly spin his sharur*

*meanwhile in the viewing box where Hera and various other gods were viewing the fight below*

Hera: hmmm seems ninurta is starting to fall into that bad habit of his*took a sip of wine from a glass handed to her by hermes*
Hermes: bad habit?
Hera: you see ninurta used to be a simple farming god he had no desire for war or carnage but one day the poor god just snapped and entering a state of pure thunderous rage and fury he could probably have even put Thor to shame with his brutality

Hermes: lord Thor himself?
Hera: the very same this little quirk of his has gained the rather infamous moniker of cloudy judgment essentially the angrier he becomes the more clouded his judgment becomes and in turn the stronger his overall strength becomes as well more then a few gods have actually lost their lives to it

Hermes: hm then is it wise to have him fight someone like endiku who becomes stronger the longer they fight?*puts a hand to his chin*
Hera: ha that failed experiment will die before it can even learn how to counter ninurta again after all a god is perfection personified losing to something as filthy as that would be a stain on our history as a whole and we have no need for that again after the previous Ragnarok so sit back Hermes this should be quite fun hmhmhm*she chuckled to herself as she took another sip of her wine*

*back in the arena both endiku and ninurta were engaged in a clash of swipes and crushing blows both almost perfectly parrying the other before the other could think to even land a strike*

Endiku:*threw their hands back into the same claw position they used earlier and launched their attack on ninurta*claws of the thirteen winds!*before the attack could land though ninurta bent backwards and kicked endiku in the side making them buckle long enough to be smashed in the shoulder by his sharur*gah!

Ninurta:*stopped for a moment to take a few deep breaths*you filthy beast you dare strike a god and bloody me I was going to actually let you leave this alive if you begged me but now IM GOING TO END YOUR VERY EXISTENCE!!!!!!

Endiku:*stood up shaking and crying looking at ninurta*why do you gods always have to be mean to us?!*hiccups*we just wanna live we don't even have to kill each other in this!
Ninurta: why are we mean?.......heh hehehahahahahahahah!*held his sides laughing before looking at endiku*because you mortal scum are all we gods aren't we are pure and whole while meanwhile you humans are just lowly beasts who rip each other to shreds without mercy

*in the stands the human side went quiet with fear and worry*

Human1; hey can we really win this round I mean our guy is just a crybaby....
Human2: yeah every time they try and do damage to the god they just get hurt instead
Human3: and this guy is what we have to trust our very destiny!*started to boo endiku and soon enough a rather large section of humans began to boo them to*
Human4: come on your supposed to be fighting for us!
Human5: yeah stop your fucking whining and man up!!!!

Ninurta:*saw the various boos and jeers being thrown at endiku who only began to shake more*ha even the people your supposed to fight for view you in discontentment how sha-

"But in the moment before ninurta could finish his sentence he saw red fill his vision and soon saw his body was littered with bleeding cuts from the early injuries on his body and saw that endiku's fingers were covered in the his very blood"

Endiku: yes I am a coward even when I was alive I was but regardless of what they think of me I shall fight for them til my last breath now come at me god*slammed their fists into the ground and looked like they were prepared to charge* and I shall show you the faults of your ego

"The first of round of Ragnarok has commenced between Endiku the punishment of Uruk and Ninurta the springtime storm of Mesopotamia how the fight shall unfold is yet to be seen for this is Ragnarok!"

:Round 2-Heavenly Punisher:


Woohoo first official chapter of Record of Ragnarok: Havoc has begun tell me what do you all think of both fighters so far I for one am excited to write this one out because Mesopotamian mythology is one of my favorites but I'll quickly answer some questions before we get to deep into the fight about the fighters abilities I'll do this for each new round

Let's start off with Endiku's Feral Beast Instinct essentially the ability itself is something that allows them to adapt to a situation quicker the longer he's exposed to it wish we all had that power don't ya

And Ninurta's Cloudy Judgment works in a similar fashion to endiku's but instead of adapting to the situation he becomes stronger the more difficult the situation becomes so basically the fight is about who can out adapt who

But beyond that I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges until next time!

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