Chapter Eight

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Calloused hand met a clammy cheek. A single hand hurried to caress the wounded flesh. Red blinded opalescent eyes, and the hand that meant to soothe retched back and swung forward, colliding with the old woman's cheek.

The sound resonated in the cottage and both women stood in shock. Valentina wasn't entirely sure what to do next until her grandmother's eyes hardened. She ducked, successfully avoiding the fist being hurled at her. Strong hands pushed at elderly thighs, disrupting the woman's balance and forcing her to stumble backwards.

Val stood quickly, stepping back and trying to gauge her next move. She had never fought back, never fought in general, and was unsure if there was a certain code of conduct.

"You worthless shit," her grandmother cursed and turned, reaching for the metal fire-poker besides the fireplace.

Instinct took over, conduct be damned. Valentina ran to the kitchen, grabbing the knife she had used to dice the potatoes. Her hand shook, grasping the handle too tight. Both sets of eyes were locked, the elderly woman making her way closer ever so slowly and the brunette holding her ground.

Millions of thoughts raced through the young girl's head. She imagined the scenarios that would play out—they could call a truce and forget this ever happened, her grandmother would steal her life, or Val would steal hers'. The first was implausible. Her grandmother did not back down from a fight; she instigated, provoked, and was determined to win. This would end one way.

One of them would be buried come morning.

The brunette extended one hand, palm forward. "I don't wish to hurt you."

A harsh cackle slipped past dry lips. "Stupid girl. You should have kept your filthy mouth shut."

The long rod was forced forward, inches from the brunette's stomach. Swift feet jumped back, avoiding the strike. Val was cornered between the counters and the back wall, left with no other option than to defend herself. With a slight sidestep to avoid another strike, she became offensive.

Nimble limbs twisted, free hand grabbing the stem of the poker as it was being pulled away. Retching the instrument toward her, Val rolled her wrist, breaking her grandmother's grasp on the object. Shock adorned wrinkled skin, but fire sat beneath green eye. Valentina advanced, knife still in hand. She left the poker behind, tossing it to the ground. 

She watched as her grandmother's eyes switched their gaze between herself and various areas of the room. It was like she was trying to find another way, or another weapon, but the young woman was determined. 

"We can end this," She reasoned, matching each step backwards with the opposite. "I can put the knife down, you can be kinder to me, and we can go on as is never happened."

Pale yellow teeth snarled at her. "Insolent child, it's far too late for that." The women began circling each other until their positions were reversed, the old woman's back to the counter. "You should have left just like your mother did."

"She left because of you!"

They were almost evenly matched--Valentina with a slight edge because of her weapon. Tension filled the room, resentment wafting off of both bodies. 

"Is that what you think?" Her grandmother laughed bitterly. "She left because she knew you were ungrateful, worthless even. She realized she was better off without having to care for you. She left because of you."

Pink lips shifted further into a frown. It wasn't true--her mother loved her, it was the only major thing she could remember about the woman. Her mother reminded her of her love constantly, even on the day she left. It was because of her grandmother and her unjust treatment, that had to be the case.

"You spew lies," Valentina defended, not sure if she was arguing to defend her mother's honor or convince herself that the maternal love she received was not fictional. 

While the young woman was emotionally distracted, the old crone took an opportunity. She lunged forward, clawing, pinching, and pulling every inch of porcelain skin and chestnut hair accessible. Blood ran down her cheek at a rather rough swipe. Daggers dug into Val's wrist, and she shrieked, knife clattering to the floor. Pain swept over her as a fist collided with her side, knocking the breath from her. 

Yet the woman continued to fight back, nails scratching and tearing at wrinkled skin. More blood was split, mingling and hiding with torn skin underneath blunt nails. She fisted silver hair, yanking the woman's neck back and eliciting a harsh cry. Her grandmother's grip on her loosened just enough for the brunette to push her away. All the force she could muster forced the seemingly fragile woman away.

Everything felt as it if were slowed down.

Old bones stumbled back, balance lost completely. Green eyes stared at her incredulously. Her hands clamored wildly to no avail for anything to stop her from falling. An insult sat on cracked lips, not able to slip before her skull nicked the edge of the counter. 

Valentina stood stoic. Opalescent eyes peered down at the body, a few twitches and a final exhale before it deflated. A small puddle of blood began to collect beneath grey hair. Glassy eyes and pale lips were still open. She clenched her jaw, unsure of what to do.

Conflicted was one way to describe the young woman. She should have been joyous, exclaiming the old broad's end, yet her body refused to. It was almost somber, a sobering experience. The young woman, normally soft spoken and gentle, had murdered her grandmother, self-defense or otherwise. The same hands that caressed Ellerie's cheeks had inflicted fatal damage to another person. 

Sullen and soundless, Val entered the old woman's bedroom for the first time. It was musky, dark, and thick with the old woman's scent. It mirrored her own, the bed slightly larger than her own, two dressers rather than one, and a small fireplace adjacent to the bed.

Stealing the thick blanket from the bed, she carried it to the living room and proceeded to wrap the dead woman in it. Once her grandmother was bundled, she dragged her out the door and to the edge of the river, nudging her into the water with her foot. The body hit the surface with a rough splash and proceeded to sink as it moved downriver. It would be a few days before the body resurfaced, Val as sure of it, which meant it would be at least a town or two away.

There would be no way to link her with the crime.

The easier way would have been to dig a grave, or pay someone to, and have her buried properly, but it was impossible to do at this hour of night. This would have to do.

She basked in the moonlight and crisp air for a moment longer before bare feet led her back to the cottage. Her red cloak was draped over her shoulders. Shoes were slipped on cool, damp feet. Steady hands grabbed a metal lantern and she set out once again, walking in the same direction she had seen Ellerie go countless times.

Thick trees engulfed her before thinning out. The forest was soundless other than the sporatic shout of her lover's name. A symphony of crickets soothed her soul and mind. She refused to dwell on her actions. She was set to find Ellerie.

Mentally and emotionally exhausted, Val wasn't sure how much she had covered until she saw a two wolf dens.

"Ellerie," she cried, hoping the woman was near.

No response was granted.

Legs finally gave out and Valentina collapsed to the ground, lantern still in hand. She took a deep breath before calling out again.

Within the trees, brush rustled. Verdant eyes snapped to the direction, softening at the reveal of golden eyes and peppered fur. A black mass of fur followed behind Ellerie, to which Val recognized immediately. It was Ellerie's brother, the same wolf that had threatened her by the river. 

She started to stiffen but calmed as Ellerie approached her, pressing her muzzle against her shoulder. Nimble fingers traced the hybrid's jaw, relishing in the soft fur. She leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss on a wet nose.

"I killed her." It was emotionless and sudden. 

Gold eyes glared up before rushing for cover. Not moments latter did Ellerie return, human and clothed. Her eyes spoke volumes, confusion and sympathy hitting the brunette like waves. Strong arms quickly wrapped her in an embrace, warming the young woman from the outside in.

Two more wolves, both similar to Ellerie emerged, noting the arrival and entering the left den. Valentina was ready to ask, but assumed it was her parents.

What a way to meet them, she mused inwardly, further burrowing herself into her love.

She recalled the events of the evening, leaving out the gory details, all the while staying in the safe embrace. Weariness was slowly capturing her body and mind. The high was coming to an end. Val shut her eyes, ready to let sleep consume her until her lover nudged her awake and lead her into the den to the right.

It was roomy, to the brunette's surprise, and decently warm. Woolen blankets littered the ground, giving enough padding to make the forest floor comfortable. Her brother was fast asleep, curled into himself on the opposite side of the den. Both women crawled to the other side and laid down. The young woman nuzzled into the latter, Ellerie's chin resting on her head. Her eyes dropped, seconds from sleep.

"We will figure it out," the raven haired beast promised, petting thick, tangled hair. "We will be okay."

In that moment, Valentina truly believed she would be.


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