Chapter Five

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Six nights passed and there was no sign of Ellerie. Valentina waited for her every night, hoping that her friend would return, even if only for a few, mere moments. She went about her days-- working in the bakery, preparing meals for her grandmother, and cleaning--but at night she anticipated another, and every time, she was disenchanted. For six nights, she fell asleep cold and more alone than she had ever been, tears permanently settling in emerald eyes. Her disheartened attitude followed her everywhere. A frown constantly marred pink lips with dark circles cast underneath eyes. Mr. Rodding, the bakery owner, questioned her one afternoon, worrying of her condition, but she brushed it off as a lack of sleep. He had believed it, allowing her to continue her work in peace until her shift ended.

The crone in the cottage hadn't noticed the shift in attitude, or if she did, she said nothing of it. She did speak out about Valentina's lack of attention. The brunette had burned two evening meals, shattered a bowl, and cut her finger while chopping vegetables. After each occurrence, her grandmother shouted, demanding better and retribution for each sin. The first offense--burnt dinner--called for going without meals the following day, as well as a verbal assault. The second resulted in a log of wood being thrown at the brunette, hitting a shin and leaving a large welt. The final reprimand was a slap; Valentina's cheek was painted pink with a noticeable hand-print and tears escaped green eyes, falling to soothe the flesh.

The third happened this night. Afterwards, Valentina finished dinner and shuffled to her bedroom. She hadn't the energy to move her dresser and decided that the latch would suffice. She stripped down to her chemise and curled into bed, emotionally exhausted but lacking the physical. Her mind willed her to sleep, to rest and forget the events of the day, but stubbornness kept her awake.

Wind howled outside. Heavy droplets of rain assaulted her window. Distant thunder echoed in the sky, increasing in volume as it neared the tiny cottage. Usually, the sounds of a storm soothed the woman—lulled her to a peaceful resting place. She pleaded with whatever god, goddess, or supernatural being for their mercy, or anything similar.

Valentina laid in bed for a substantial amount of time before her body started to shut down. Before it could completely surrender, she flinched, reacting to the sharp tapping against her window panes. Her body bristled, and she assumed it was the one person she truly wanted to see, but couldn't bring herself to turn around. Her heart had been raw for six days, and her admission of affection did nothing to help her situation. The tapping continued, harder this time, and Val willed herself to ignore it, and ignore the fact that her, what she consider to be, other half, was exposed to the rain.

"Val," Ellerie called, her velvety voice muffled through the glass. "Please, let me in."

She couldn't take it any longer. The brunette threw herself out of bed and opened the windows. Her hands reached for the blonde but instead of pulling her in, she was pulled out. The rain immediately soaked her—dark hair clinging to her face and chemise to her body. The soggy ground swallowed the pads of her feet, squishing and sloshing with every subtle movement. Green eyes took in the blonde, Ellerie's hair and clothes as drenched as her own. Her cheeks were the brightest shade of red she had seen, and her golden eyes were almost dull in comparison to their usual color. The brunette's heart was stuck between breaking for the blonde and mending itself at sheer sight of her.

"Hi," the older woman whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding rain.

"You.." Val croaked, "-you left me again."

Green eyes filled with unshed tears. The blonde pulled her love into her chest, forcing the woman near her. Ellerie breathed slowly, convincing the brunette's heart and lungs to match her pace.

"I'm sorry," she tried to explain. "My family is not very happy with me at this time."

A stiff laugh passed Val's lips. "I have too much knowledge of that subject." Emerald orbs peered up to catch golden ones. "Why?"

"They believe I allot too much time for visiting you." The blonde shrugged. "I do not care what their opinion is, but I must ensure that my matters at home are tended to before I come to see you any further."

"Will you not come regularly then?"

"I assure you, I'll be here every night unless something holds me back."

Valentina buried herself into strong arms. The heavy droplets of rain crashing against their skin were dismissed. All that mattered between both women was that all was rectified and they were together again.

"How do you get home so quickly? Do you have a horse?" Valentina inquired, trying to run a brush threw unruly hair.

They had returned to the bedroom having decided they were adequately drenched and frozen. Both were forced to peel layers of clothes off, letting the sit in a pile on the floor. The brunette was partially embarrassed at her nudity, but her other half had been accommodating—turning away to allow her to dress in a dry slip. She offered Ellerie one once she was changed, cheeks blushed seeing her bare chest.

Her nipples were stiff to peeks, tinted mauve. Perky breasts were flushed red from the cool rain. They were pale. There was a large, brown freckle on the left, an inch away from a the nipple.

Green eyes directed themselves onto something else—anything else. Her cheeks were hot, and something twisted in her stomach as Ellerie dressed. If Val had been paying attention, she would have noticed the wily grin on pink lips.

"I'm clothed," the older woman announced.

"That's—that's very good."

Despite the embarrassment, the women returned to their usual ritual. They opted for curling in bed together, snuggled beneath layers of wool and linen. The brunette pressed her back against the latter's front, content with the hand that splayed over her stomach.

"I don't have a horse."

Val laughed, unsure why Ellerie had announced that. "Okay," she said simply."

There was a breath of silence.

"I'm partially a beast."

"You have the manners of one," Valentina quipped, holding back a snicker.

The blonde stiffened but released a laugh of her own. "I wish that were untrue, but I am serious."

Rolling over to face her love, the smaller woman caressed a soft cheek. She said nothing. Pink lips tangled themselves in lighter ones, assuaging the fear that was beginning to cloud golden eyes. When eyes met each other once again and lips separated, a revelation of devotion and undeniable trust hit them. They belonged together—as if the stars, planets, and all the celestial bodies had aligned long enough for them to be born and live in the same generation.

"What kind?"

There was hesitation, but it was short lived. "You call them wolves."

Ellerie's reveal allowed a new revelation to flood Valentina. She now could see the resemblance of the furred creatures and her love—specifically in the eyes. They were the same shade of gold, yet the human's eyes were dull in comparison to the wolf's, and just as intense. She wondered if the wolves she encountered in the woods or by the river was the blonde or her family.

"Have I seen you?"


"In the trees?"


"By the river?"

Another admission.

The brunette leaned in once more, searching gold eyes once more before pressing another chaste kiss on thin lips. "You saved me."

What looked like anger glistened in beautiful eyes. "My brother wouldn't have hurt you."

"I'm sure he wouldn't have," Val agreed, cautious about what her next words would be. "But I didn't know that at the time. He didn't seem very pleased with me."

"He is overprotective to a fault," the hybrid agreed, "but you haven't to worry about him now—we've come to an arrangement."

They let the conversation die off. Valentina burrowed into the blonde. Strong arms willingly accepted her.

"I love you."

Thin lips touched the brunette's forehead gently. "And I you. I will fight for you until the world burns."

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