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"Well?" His pause made me tighten my fist, "well what? Spit it out already!" I raise my voice again, this time with annoyance.

"We found your DNA on the woman's body and clothes-"

"And you suspect me of murdering this woman. The one I have never met in my seventeen years of living? Really?" I let out a laugh, I am so done with this right now. Like I mean, my DNA is on her, but I didn't kill her. Why would they even think that? I shake my head slowly, upset and disappointed at them.

"You could be lying." He did have a point.

"You guys know me. You know I would never lie to you." I sit up straight and lower my left arm next to my right arm.

"We do know you, Ryan, and we also know that you have lied to us on a multiple of occasions." I tightly press my lower jaw into my upper jaw.

"Well, I'm not lying this time!" My voice squeaks and I can feel my face cringe at the sound. "And I'll prove it by solving this case and thus finding the real killer in the process." I raise my right hand in the air with my hand still balled up in a fist, and then I slam it down hard upon the table. I feel a jolt of pain shoot through my hand and my face winces slightly at the feeling.

"I don't think that's a good idea-"

"And why not? You think I would tamper with evidence to make sure I wasn't shown as the suspect?" I lean back in my chair and pull my arms towards me. I fold my right arm over my left arm and then gently place my right hand into the armpit of my left arm. My face clearly shows I'm mad and I really don't care at this point.

"Well," he hesitates. "We're already looking into it, so you don't really need to."

"Nuh Uh!" I stand up and I can see the investigator also tense up. "I am taking this case whether you like it or not!" I point my finger at him, wagging it just inches away from his face.

"Don't touch me." He mumbles and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not touching you." I ease up and shake my head.

"Then can you please move your hand from my face." He replies softly, and I sigh before removing my hand from being just inches from his face.

"You can't stop me." I cross my arms. "My mind is already made up and once I've done that, there's no changing it." I move my head from side to side with determination.

"And we know that," a new voice makes me turn my head to the door, where the police chief supposedly just entered in. "I personally know that."

"If you know that then why won't you let me help?" I lean upon my back leg, my arms still crossed.

"You didn't let me finish." He sighs with a smile on his face. "I know that once you make up you're mind, there's no changing it." He pauses. "And that's why, I'm letting you take on the case."

"I know, that's what I-" I pause and blink my eyes as what he said begins to process in my mind. "Really?" My eyes widen as my frown curls inwards and grows large to form a smile.  "You're really letting me take on an official case?" I gasp softly, if I was an anime character, my eyes would be sparkling with bright, golden stars.

"Yes." He lowers his head slowly before lifting it back up to look at me. "Don't let me down."

"I won't! I will do the bestest best that I can ever do!" I speak loudly and quickly, not really formulating what I'm saying before hand. "Wait." I stop and the police chief furrows his brows to give me a questioning look.

"What is it?" His head tilts about thirty degrees to the right as he also leans back abit and places his hands firmly upon his rugged hips.

"Are you pulling my leg?" My smile fades a little, and I can feel a knot in my stomach.

"No," his eyes become puzzled and he shifts his weight from one side to the other side. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know." I raise my shoulders to my ears, "something," I then slowly lower them back down. "Something just doesn't feel right about this, I feel like you all are going to be playing some cruel trick on me or something." I explain, tucking my hands in the pit of the opposite arm that it is.

"What made you think this?" He questions and my response again is a shrug of my shoulders.

"I don't know." I reply softly, and then I remove my hands from my armpits. My arms hang from my sides before I turn away from the men. "I don't know. Maybe," I bring my arms up above my head as my voice turns to more of a whine. "Maybe because you always shut down my requests to take on actual cases or to a least shadow someone." I spin around to face the police chief again, my eyes locking with his.

"Ryan," he moves his hands to being out in front of him and then takes a step closer to me. "I know we've had our differences in the past," he walks closer to me and I shift my weight by placing my left foot behind me. "But, this time I have a feeling that this case was meant to be yours." He stops walking to stand in front of me before placing his hands firmly upon my shoulders.

"So you aren't trying to pull something on me by getting my hopes up and then probably going to then tear me apart?" I look up into his eyes, I didn't really like him holding onto my shoulders, but I suppose it's fine since it's him and he's my like my idol, my hero, hopefully my mentor soon.

"No," he shakes his head, a smile warm upon his face. "Come," the police chief releases his grip from my shoulders and turns his back to me. "I'll walk you out so you can go home, your parents must be extremely worried about you." He begins walking to the door and I instinctively follow him.

"I suppose they could be worried." I look down at my feet as I walk behind him. "But they're probably super mad too." I move my head look back up at him to see that he stopped by the door, and was staring at me with a welcoming smile.

"I'm sure hearing and seeing that you're safe will wipe away any anger that they might have had or may still have." He swiftly waves his clunky hands in front of him, moving them as though he is trying to communicate with sign language but doesn't know anything about it. "And if you are truly afraid to go home alone," he pauses as he reaches for the door's handle. "I will go get my personal car and drive you home. I will also wait outside in case they decide to kick you out." He chuckles at his joke, I cross my arms and my face shows how unimpressed I am at that joke.

"That was not funny." I shake my head with disappointment at him. "Not funny at all."

"Oh come on," he giggles a bit before pulling the door open for me. "Okay. I'm sorry. Why don't you go wait outside and I will go get my car. Sound good?"

"Okay. It sounds okay." I move my head up and down as I nod with agreement. I then step outside and then take a few more steps to move away from the door.

"Great, I'll go get my car now." His smile widens as he looks to me, he then looks at the ground and he walks out of the building. He closes the door to the precinct behind him before he looks up and walks in the direction of the parking lot.

I stand completely still and watch as he disappears behind a corner. Once he's gone, I reach my hand into one of my pockets and gently folds it over the thin paper that sat in that pocket. I casually pull it out and hold it in front of me. I inhale deeply and hold my breath as I unfold it to reveal its secrets. My eyes look to the paper slip that I pulled from my pocket. There was another marking on one of the other mug shots, the person inside was a boy with black hair.

"Next person I need to find is-" I look up and a fairly large man with a tiny tuff of black hair on his shiny bald head, is stomping straight for me.



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