Little Red

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A/N Hey guys! I was thinking about if I should do my version of Little Red Riding Hood or not because it is in competition with Alice In Wonderland for favorite fairy tale and I decided to do it XD! Well, on to the story!

Red's POV

"Here's your paper, Rob!" I yell as I throw his paper across his lawn to his doorstep. "Thanks, Little Red!" He yells as he waved at me. I cheerfully waved back and continued on with my work.

Oh! I should probably introduce myself first! My name is Red Rider, but people call me Little Red Riding Hood because of my precious red hood that grandmother sewed for me. I am 7 years old and I work to help make money for my family.

Because of labor laws this is the only thing I am allowed to do but I enjoy it! My absolute favorite person in the world is my grandmother! Mama allows me to visit her often 😊!

Oh! We're here! "Hello, Mama! How are you today?" I politely ask. "Little Red, your grandmother is sick and I need you to bring this basket of baked goods to her. Can you do that?" Mama got straight to the point.

"Of course! Anything for my favorite person!" I smile cheerfully and take the basket from Mama's hands. As I start to mount my bike Mama calls me. "Don't steer off the path and don't dilly-dally, Little Red!" She warns me.

"I won't!" I call. "I just hope you don't..." She murmurs so I can't hear.


I hum along as I skip to grandmother's house. Then I hear the bushes move. I look over I fear for what's there. "Hello?" I gulp. "Anyone there?" A little bunny jumps out of the bush.

"Aww! Little Bunny, you scared me!" I get closer to the bunny and scratch it's ears. Then it jumps into my lap and I pet Little Bunny a little longer until I hear a growl. "Who's there?" I bravely ask while Little Bunny tries to jump out of my lap.

"Shhshh. It's okay, I won't let anything hurt you." I coo Little Bunny. She starts to settle down and turns calm. "Who's there?" I bravely ask again a little louder.

A boy my age with wolf ears and a tail comes out rubbing his hands hungrily. "Little Red Riding Hood. Is that not your name?" He asked hungrily.

"Yes, it is. How did you know that?" I ask curiously, not even wondering about the wolf parts. He looked taken aback. "Why are you not scared, Little Red?" He asks.

I just shrug. "I've seen worse." He looked surprised. "Alright then. That's a new one. Well, what do you have in your basket, Little Red?" He looked as if he already knew but I wanted to humor him.

"Some baked goods for my grandmother. You see she is very sick and I wanted to give these to her. By the way, what is your name?" I tilt my head to the side in question.

"My name? You may call me Wolf. I do not want to give out my real name." He answered sternly. "Alright. Fine by me as long as I have something to call you." I shrugged my shoulders again.

"Now, Mr. Wolf, why are you so interested in my baked goods?" I curiously ask as I tilt my head again. "Would you by any chance like to share some with me? I forgot to eat breakfast today so I was just wondering."

It was my turn to look taken aback. "I am so very sorry but I cannot allow you to eat my grandmother's baked goods. She is so very sick and it would brighten her day if I were to bring this to her. Once again I am sorry."

I looked ashamed that I wasn't able to share my goods with Mr. Wolf. Guilt nawed at my gut as his ears flatten against his head in sadness. "Oh, alright. You may keep your goods."

Wolf's POV

An idea started to form in my head. It made me feel a little guilty but I was hingry! You can't blame me! I light up a bit at my idea and when I looked up I could see the obvious guilt in her features.

It made me feel even more guilty for my idea. "Little Red? I have an idea. Maybe you can go over there to pick some flowers for your grandmother? She would be ever so grateful for the flowers from her dearest grandmother!" I suggested.

"But my mother told me to not stray off of the path or dilly-dally! She will be very angry if I am not there!" She argued. "It will be very quick and wildflowers are the best. Look, there are some right there! You won't be going far." I pointed out.

She seemed to be having a battle with her inner angel and demon (You know the ones o your shoulders?) before she finally gave in. "I guess you are right. I shall start picking foowers, Mr. Wolf!"

While she was picking I started to her grandmother's house.

Red's POV

"Whew! I picked every last one of the flowers! I hope more can grow!" I wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. I look up to see the sun slowly dropping down in the sky.

"My goodness! I should've been there already! Grandmother must be so worried right now!" I hurry over to grandmother's house and make sure to not drop her goods or flowers.

I knock on her door and start to speak. "Grandmother! It is me! Little Red!" I call. "Little Red, come in!" Her voice sounded different but that was most likely from her sickness.

"Grandmother, I have brought these baked goods that Mama baked for you. I know it isn't much but I hope you feel better!" I cheerfully inform Grandmother as I study her features.

"Oh Grandmother, what big ears you have!" I exclaim as I look at her enormous ears. They remind me of someone... "The better to hear you with, my dear." She explains.

My mouth formed a little o in realization. My eyes travel to her eyes as I realize something. Her eyes are the same color as Mr. Wolf's. A plan forms in my mind as I start to stall a bit longer.

Oh Grandmother," I say again slower this time, "what big eyes you have!" 'Grandmother' gritted her teeth from impatience. "The better to see you with, my dear."

When I look at 'her' teeth I found my suspicions to be correct. "Oh Grandmother, what big teeth you have!" I mentally smirked. "The better to eat you with, my dear!" Mr. Wolf yelled as he lunged for my throat.

???'s POV

As I was walking home from a day's work I heard a high pitched scream. It was coming from Grandma Rider's house! It didn't sound like her, though. It sounded like a girl around my age.

I didn't think it through for I was sure someone was in danger. I bust down the door to find a little girl screaming for her life as a wolf boy's jaws were about to clamp down on her neck.

My axe swung down mercilessly toward the wolf boy. The girl was huffing in triumph as if she knew I was coming. "You had that coming, Mr. Wolf." The wolf now known as 'Mr. Wolf' looked up at the girl in surprise.

"But you...? How did you know?" He was breathing heavily from dodging my axe. I was a little confused at what had happened before I came here but didn't ask any questions.

"You see, I found out as soon as I looked at your eyes. Grandmother has forest green eyes, like me, while you have ocean blue eyes. Like a wolf. I also knew that the lumberjack came through here around now. So I stalled since it was five minutes too early to yell for help for I knew I would get none."

She explained, smirking triumphantly all the way. Whoa! She sure did know her stuff! "How did you know I came through here around now?" I ask suspiciously.

"Grandmother is my absolute favorite person and I come here all the time." She smirked at me. "Of course I would notice these things. But, I was still scared because I knew my life was hinging on this plan."

She looked at he closet. "Grandmother is in that closet over there." She pointed I the direction. "You felt guilty, didn't you Mr. Wolf?" He hung his head in shame. "Sadly, yes." Mr. Wolf whispered.

"Who are you?" I ask the girl. Now that I notice, she seemed to be about only a year or two younger than me. "People call me Little Red Riding Hood, but my real name is Red Rider. Daughter of FBI agent James Rider and granddaughter of former FBI agent Michelle Rider." She saluted for effect.

Mine and Wolf's mouth dropped open. That is some title! "You picked the wrong girl to mess with, man!" I said to Wolf. He nodded dumbly.

"That was fun, but I need you both to go now. Bye!" She smiled. We obeyed and left.

A/N Hey guys! So I got 1555 words down! How ironic! I hope you guys like this new book! Remember to vote, comment, share, and follow! Byeeee!😉

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