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   "Alpha, we have captured the werefox. About five of them manged to escape. We killed the leader and captured five of them. Two were wounded and managed to kill one of our trackers. Three are teenagers, two male and one female." My Beta reported from the other side of the line.

   I sighed and leaned my head on my palm. Finally we got them. We had our eye on them for a week, ever since they moved there. My pack started feeling suspicios of them and would always be disconcentrated.

    So I sent out my best trackers to see if they found anything. Three days later, we found out that it was a cabin full of werefox. Around ten or eleven, we weren't sure.

   Of course, we planned to attack them immediately. Things got in the way though, we ourselves were getting attacked by rouges.

   But since my pack is really strong, we managed to fight them off immediately. We had a few ingured pack members, otherwise everything went well.

   Then we got the news that a neighbooring pack was having trouble with some rouges. They were asking for help and now here I was with some of my best pack fighters. We were going to train the pack and fight along with them if they ever got attacked again.

   "Take them to the cellars and try to get information from them, they must know something about the recent sightings of werefox. They must be up to something. If they don't cooperate, teach them the hard way." I finished, trying to figure out what the rest of their type were planning.

   "What about the injured werefox, Alpha?" The Beta asked, worry evident in his voice. I let out a growl thinking how he could care about those selfish animals. I heard the Beta whimper on the other side, probably noticing that I was angry, mostly disgusted, about him.

   "What about them?" I spat, waiting for my Beta's answer. There was fumbling and then the Beta whispered his response still scared of what I could do even if we were far apart.

   "One of them is badly injured and has lost of blood. The other has also lost blood and her wound is getting infected by the poison on the trackers teeth." I tensed at the thought of a female getting hurt but it was replaced with digust for myself. How could I care about them? After they killed my parents and most of my family.

   Just for all the land and money us werewolves owned. Greedy and selfish creatures they were, are.

   I let out a vicious growl that even my Beta reacted to as I heard the phone fall and then get picked up. His breath coming out uneven and shaky. I could even smell the fear rolling off him in thick waves.

   I smirked and felt my wolf puff up, proud at being intimidating. I smirked and silently agreed with him, loving the smell of fear letting me know I was always in control. No wolf ever dared to disagree with me, I always made sure I got my way. No matter the price or whatever it takes.

   "Fine, make them decide who will recieve treatment. Only one of them will be taken to the pack doctor. One. Understood?" I calmly ask, contrast on how I felt inside at the thought of actually helping one if them.

   "Yes, A-alpha." He stuttered. Saying my farewell and making sure that I was clear, I ended the call and slammed the phone down on the oak desk. I sighed and tugged at my hair with both hands, feeling numb towards the pain.

   Standing up, I grabbed the whiskey from the corner of my desk and opened it drinking right out from it. No use for a cup if I intended to finish it all. Ghug after chug it went as I tried to forget about everything around me.

   The wolf inside of me growling and snarling to be released. It felt all my anger and distress and wanted to run it off. Granting his wish, I felt myself starting to shift and being slowly pushed back into my mind, just watching.

   Sharp claws tore through my fingernails replacing them. My skin began sprouting black fur which held scard from all of our previous fights and tortures. My face enlonged into a snout that bared sharp, salivating teeth. My body curled up and my bones shifted into a wolf form inside me.

   I no longer stood on two legs, instead I stood on four. My vision more sharp and keen. Ears more sensitive and cautious to the sounds around them. My sense of smell more stronger and precise.

  My wolf shook out hid midnight black fur and let out a long howl, longing for something. Walking backwards until there was more distance between the window, he ran foward and hit it with his shoulder shattering it into pieces.

   Growling, my wolf once again shook his fur to take out the glass and jumped out the window. We landed and he immediately started running, heading at a random direction.

   My black furry paws sinking into the moist dirt and getting enough potential to speed up. All the way stopping and howling which I was responded with many other howls like if they felt my pain. That night we ran and destroyed everything in our path. If someone ever saw us they would see a savage, scarred beast and they would of been right.

   I was a savage beast.

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   Drop after drop fell on my head, I sat there curled up and let it be even if it was water from the drain. My face aching and burning.

   I had been awake for hours, only moving to check how Damien was on the cell next to me. His wound had gotten worse and his blood hadn't stop flowing. He looked on the verge of dying which scared me.

   The first few hours I was screaming and yelling for medical attention for Damien. A wolf came in and gripped my hair pulling my head backwards. I started struggling and yelling at his face, even spitting on it. I stopped when the wolf slapped my face with his heavy, meaty hand telling me to shut up which I didn't.

   He threw me to the ground and got out of the cell, I laying there waiting him to do so. Once he was out and locked the cell, I started yelling and screaming again.

   Now wanting to find out why did they want us, what were they going to do with us, even why are werewolves so big and stupid only to try to make them pay attention to me since they just ignored me pretending I wasn't there.

   The last question did get out a reaction from them though, it was a bad reaction. But I still didn't regret asking it, I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

   The same wolf from last time growled at me and opened the cell with some much force that for a moment I was really scared.

   I stood there with my arms crossed expectantly. He smirked and stepped foward, standing right in front of me, chests almost touching. I had to look up because of his height but still hold my ground. His stinky breath hit my face when he spoke. 

  "Look, we were ordered to not tell any of you what we are planning. But..." He looked at me giving me a once over. His eyes lingering on my bare legs and pushed up chest.

   Still glaring at him I said, "But what?"

   "I could make an exception for you sweetie." He smirked and ran his fingertips lightly over my cheek. I let out a digusted shiver and stepped back. Then his words made me excited.

   "Really!" I smiled, already beginning to like this wolf.

   "Yep," He popped the 'p' and continued, "I could exchange my answers if you sleep with me." He whispered in my ear.

   My smile faltered and I took more steps back when I saw the lustful look in his eyes. He started laughing which was joined with the guards and the rest. I pressed myself to the wall and shut my eyes tightly, scared at what was going to happen.

   "No." I shook my head and cracked an eye open just to see him slowly approach me.

   "Really? Weren't you excited just a moment ago? Now, don't be like that sweetie. You want answers, no? Just one time, that's all I'm asking for. One time." By then he was already in front of me and rubbing his hands up and down my arms getting his scent on me.

   I opened my eyes and began slapping his chest. "Get off me!" I shrieked which he only laughed at knowing that I would nevere beat him. He only got both of my hands and put them over my head holding them in a tight grip with one hand.

   He started roaming his hand over my body, touching most of my intimate places. I continued struggling and kicking him but he stood far away were I couldn't kick him. He dipped his head down and started planting kisses over my body, even sucking it and leaving hickeys.

   I lurched my body foward to which he took it as an invitation and brought my body closer to him loosening his hold on my wrists. I took that chance to kick him were it hurt the most. He let out an angry growl and let go of my wrists making me fall on the ground.

   "You stupid bitch!" He crouched down and looked at me. I curled into a ball and started silently crying at the thought of what was going to happen.

   "Look at me!" He snarled which I ignored. "I said look at me!" He gripped my hair and pulled me up only to slap me again. This time he didn't stop there.

   He threw me to the floor and straddled my hips. I thrashed and turned until the first punch hit me. He kept on punching me until I laid still with my eyes closed knowing that my attempts to hurt him were feeble.

   He got up and out of my cell. I crawled to the corner barely able to look through my swelled eyes. I curled into a fetus position and stayed quiet. Drowing myself in pain and sorrow.

   That's how I ended like this. On the corner with the wound on my leg looking nasty and infected. I just hoped the rest would be safe. That in mind, I cried myself to sleep not looking foward to what was coming.

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long chapter? Eh, I don't know. I feel like this chapter was bad and the last scenes were really awkward to write but I had help from a friend. You know who you are. :) Welp, aside from that I wanna say...


This chapter is dedicated to her and my friends they've been with me and supporting me. Also dedicated to you who's reading this for actually making it this far and giving my book a try! :D

On the scale of 1 to 10, how good was it? Welp I gotta go! Bye! ❤



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