Chapter 1: Red Devil and Shadow

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So I'd like to point out that this is just Red and Black Blood, my first Karma x Reader, only Koro-Q version. It is still the same characters and I will change the story to better fit with the Red and Black Blood Timeline but everything is still relatively the same. So don't worry. Also each Koro-Q episode will be at the bottom of the chapter if you want to watch it. But it's mostly there for those who haven't see Koro-Q. Also the start of each chapter will have a meme in it and I will comment on it. Today's meme: Yep that's basically what Karma and Shadow thought when the joined the class.   

"Okay class. I'm here to train an elite war party to due me in. So we're gonna need some heroes." The newly dubbed Koro-sensei told us. Royal Knight Commander Karasuma walked in. "When there is chatter about legendary warriors four names never cease to pop up." "How long have you been standing there?" "First is Ritsu the Evolved Mage said to dwell in a northern cave her magic is said to evolve on a daily basis. Next is Itona the Silver Berserker the story goes that deep in a northern cave-." He was cut off by Terasaka. "JUST HOW MANY NORTHERN CAVES ARE THERE!?" He shouted. Everyone shushed him. "The next two live in a northern cave close to here. They're partners in crime so to speak. They are called the Phantoms. The first one is Karma, also know as the Red Devil. His skills are said to be way above average. Not that much is known about him. But we know a lot more about him than his partner. Shadow. Real name unknown. Skill set unknown. Magic specialty unknown. We only know that she's female, she goes by Shadow, and that the only person that knows anything about her at all is her partner." Karasuma stated causing everyone to shiver. "Actually I know a little bit about her." Koro-sensei said. "WHAT!" Everyone shouted. "I'll explain later. Let's go." He said leading everyone to the cave. 

~Time Skip~       

Koro-sensei passed out strategy guides to everyone. He told everyone that there was information about the two bosses of the dungeon in the back. Karma and Shadow. "Hey what do you mean differences in his luck stat?" Meahara questioned. "I was about to ask that myself." Kayano said. "Ah yes. You see when Karma thinks that he's better than his opponent and belittles them his luck plunges into the negative side of the stat board. Karma is the first boss we'll face so be prepared." Koro-sensei informed. "Whoa what's up with Shadow's stats? They're all question marks." Nagisa piped up. "Ah you see that isn't because we know so little about her, it's her bug. Depending on her emotions her stats can either be really high, or down to zero. If she's calm and collected her stats are pretty high same thing if she's confident, make her mad however and her stats shoot up past even mine. If she's sad or flustered however her stats plummet to zero or below. Unlucky us she's almost always calm and extremely easy to tick off." Koro-sensei explained. Everyone shivered. "Scary." They all said. After that they entered the dungeon.  

~After trying to get Karma to join the party: Karma's POV~     

"Whoa! Look at the dialogue box!" Nagisa shouted. Karma is already in a party. It read. I smirked. "I already told you I won't join your party. Because I'm already in one. And unless you can convince my party member to join you have no hope of getting me on your team." I growled. The others started yelling and screeching protests. That's when I looked at the new dialogue box. Shadow has been awakened. It read. Not a few second later. "KARMA!!!!!!!!" A female voice roared from deep within the cave. I started sweating nervously and quickly ducked behind a rock. "You guys deal with her thanks." I said. They all looked at me in shock. A (H/C) female walked out her (E/C) eyes burning with tiredness and rage. "Karma! Where are you!" She shouted. I quickly ran out not wanting to anger her any further. "Right here Shads please don't be mad at me." I said. "There you are you red headed b*stered." She growled. "Now question. Why the hell did you wake me up?" She growled. I sighed and looked away. "To answer your question...It was them." I said pointing at the E-class. She turned her glare to them. "Karma why are they here?" She asked. "They want us to join their party." I responded. "Aw I'll take care of it. If I beat them they'll have to restart the dungeon." She stated. My mouth opened in shock. "But if they beat you then you'll have to join their party! That's the rule you set up! And if you lose I'll have to join them too!" I protested. "Them? Beat me? Karma you must have forgotten who I am." She stated patting my head. She turned to them all a glare on her face. "Alright listen up rejects." She stated sternly. "Not only did you make my Strawberry Kitten upset." "DON'T CALL ME THAT! AND I'M NOT UPSET!" "But you also woke me from my nap. I'm p*ssed off right now so get ready for a world of hurt." She growled. "Ha! You're just a girl! What can you do!?" One of the E-class kids shouted. She smiled evilly. "Please don't p*ss her off anymore!" I shouted not wanting any of them to die today. "Karma who is this girl? Why are you so scared of her?" Nagisa asked. I looked at him with a small nervous smile. "Because this isn't just 'some girl' no. This is my partner and brains behind us two Phantoms. E-class meet Shadow. Also I wouldn't say I'm scared of her. More like respect and appreciate her." I stated. The rest of E-class backed away in fear. "That's a nice way of putting you're scared of me but alright." (Y/N) said while shrugging. I just sighed. There is no reasoning with her. Only one member of E-class stood in a fighting stance when she was about to draw her weapons. That was Nagisa. He stood in front of the rest of the class in a defensive manor. I looked at him worriedly. He's gonna get killed. But no. (Y/N) moved her hands away from her weapons handles. "Who are you and why are you here? I like to know the reasons their here before I kill someone and send them back to the dungeons beginning." She stated. That's not true. She just kills them and sends them back. What's going through her head? I thought. "I'm Nagisa Shiota. I now stand before you to protect my class. We came here to ask for your help in defeating the Big Bad." He stated. She shot forward. The others screamed out Nagisa's name but I didn't say anything. She stood in front of Nagisa looking into his eyes. The others were relieved but curious about what she was doing. Nagisa was frozen on the spot in fear. Shadow's stats dropped back to normal levels. The dialogue box read. Koro-sensei released a breath. "Nagisa Shiota...Karma is this the friend you told me about?" She questioned. "Yes he is." I stated. "Hey Nagisa. How many times did Karma get hit with a washing basin before I got here?" She questioned. I sweat-dropped. Oh please like he was actually counting. "Seven to eight times." Nagisa said. "HOLY S*IT YOU WERE COUNTING!" I shouted. Shads nodded a few times. "You were keeping track. Good eye I thought only I did that." She said. She stood up at her full height which was the same as my height. 

"Here's the thing I'll make you a deal." She said. Everyone looked at me in confusion. I just shrugged. I don't know what the hell she's doing either. "You said you wanted our help to defeat the Big Bad right?" She questioned. Nagisa nodded. "Alright we'll help you." "WHAT THE HELL SHADS!" "On a few conditions." She added. This made me be quiet. "Condition one: We won't join your party. Me and Karma are already in our own party and we're comfortable where we we are right now." She stated. I nodded in agreement. "Condition two: If we do come with you I want to make it clear that I am not to be questioned. My personal life is my own and if I give out an order it will be followed." She said. The others were a little suspicious of that one. "She's a great leader don't worry about it." I stated. They nodded agreeing to that term. "Last one: If me and Karma help you out I want a member of your class to join me and Karma's party." She stated. "WHAT!?" Me and the entire E-class party yelled. "Shads what is going on in your head!? Why do we need a new party member!?" I shouted. She shot me a glare. "You didn't let me finish." She growled. We all shut up. "But I'm not asking for some random member. I want the one with the highest level." She stated. Everyone started mumbling among themselves. I was checking every E-class members stats. The highest level was Nagisa. "That would be me." Nagisa stated firmly. She pet his head. "I had a feeling it was you. You seem like the highest level out of everyone here." She said. "Besides me and Karma that is." She added shooting me a look. 'Go get the spare uniform.' She mouthed. I nodded and retreated back into the cave. 

(Here's the episode. Shadow is wearing something similar to Karma's Red Devil outfit only the underside of the cape is (F/C).)

Shadow's Stats (Average level emotionless): Attack: 45 Defense: 30 Stamina: 67 Stealth: 96 HP: 2,045 Luck: 66 Magic: 60 Speed: 70

Shadow's Stats (Normal level Confident/Calm): Attack 79 Defense: 50 Stamina: 75 Stealth: 96 HP: 3,300 Luck: 70 Magic: 79 Speed: 87

Shadow's Stats (Mad/Afraid level): Attack: 99 Defense: 99 Stamina: 99 Stealth: 99 HP: 10,000 Luck 99 Magic: 99 Speed: 99

Shadow's Stats (Flustered/Shocked level): Attack: 20 Defense: 15 Stamina: 40 Stealth: 68 HP: 1,000 Luck: 10 Magic: 41 Speed: 30

Shadow's Stats (Sad/Depressed level): Attack: 5 Defense: 2 Stamina: 15 Stealth: 50 HP: 1,000 Luck: 0 Magic: 20 Speed: 0

Karma's Stats (current): Attack 65 Defense: 50 Stamina: 50 Stealth: 68 HP: 3,000 Luck: -258 Magic: 40 Speed: 25   

Shadow: Level 48. A master of magic and combat, never take her for granted. All though her stats may change regularly depending on her mood she's rarely anything other than emotionless, mad, or calm. She's incredibly smart and a foe you should not challenge. If you scare her it won't help. Not that she's easily scared it puts her on high alert therefor maxing all of her stats out and making her invincible. Keep in mind her mood decides her stats, not her personality. She's a very mischievous girl and loves to pull pranks when she's bored. But she's also very lazy if she sees that she's not needed. She'd rather sit on the sidelines and stay out of drama if she can. But if a fight starts she's either a part of the fight or eating popcorn on the sidelines. (Side notes: Has a secret crush on Karma. She will never admit to it though. Prefers only going into dungeons instead of doing missions because she hates most human contact with the exception of a few people. Because of her dislike of human contact she prefers stealing stuff to actually purchasing it. It's why her stealth stat is so high no matter what her emotions are. She's a very talented thief. Feels no emotion if she kills someone. Shadow has killed many monsters but just as many people. Values her speed and magic stats. Specializes in shadow magic. Has a serious hatred of Kunudons. She hates them and attacks them on sight. Even the ones in her own dungeon. She's also immune to magic enchantments and status aliments.) 

Karma: Level 39. Very mischievous and loves to pull pranks. His luck stat varys but his current luck is in the negatives making his name literal. His attack and defense stats are shockingly high just like his level. This comes from Shadow training him. She takes him out dungeon raiding and hero work often so he can build up his strength. Of course his luck stat makes it hard for them to complete missions so they mostly just go adventuring. As long as Karma doesn't run into anyone else besides Shadow his luck will rise back to normal levels. That's when they do missions. Shadow is the one person he doesn't question or look down on. He respects Shadow greatly as both his teacher and best friend. (Side notes: Has a secret crush on Shadow. He will never admit to it though. Hates it when people look down on him. Prefers spending time pranking with Shadow rather than training. Still considers Nagisa as one of his best friends. Feels no remorse if he seriously hurts someone. Despite how it may seem he is not scared of Shadow. He respects and cares about her. Even if she kills someone right in front of him his feelings do not change. Karma has only ever killed one person and it was in self defense. He mostly kills only monsters. Focuses on his attack stat mostly. Uses fire magic.)

Nagisa has left the E-class party.

Nagisa has joined the Phantom Party. 

The Phantom Party and E-class Party have formed an alliance.         

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