Chapter 10: Valentine's Day Shenanigans

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Today's Meme: Me though. And Shadow as well. People just purposely try to annoy us and then end up regretting it. 

Deep in the forest Professor B*tch and a few of the the girls from E-class were standing by a cauldron. Professor B*tch herself cooking up some mischief. While everyone was chatting, talking about the mixture, (Y/N) and Karma were watching from a tree close by. "This is gonna cause some problems tomorrow." (Y/N) mumbled. Karma nodded. "I know. But at least it won't be boring." He pointed out. "True. Just make sure your careful when accepting chocolates tomorrow." (Y/N) cautioned. "Shouldn't I be telling you that, chocolate thief." Karma grumbled. (Y/N) sniffed the air as smoke rose from the cauldron. "That don't smell right." She mumbled.

~The Next Day, Your POV~

When I walked into class this morning everyone was already handing out chocolates. I just sighed slightly, seeing as how Karma was nowhere to be seen. "Is he skipping again? Geez I thought he'd at least stick around to watch all this s*it go down." I said. Two arms draped over my shoulders and I caught whiff of the familiar scent of strawberries, cherry blossoms, and blood. "I was wondering where you were. So we watching this from a distance or just sit all the way in the back?" I questioned. "I dunno. What do you think?" Karma questioned. He dropped a purple bag into my hands. "I managed to sneak some from Professor B*tch." He said. "Karma you sneaky sneak you." I said while smirking. "Sneaky sneak?" Karma questioned with a snicker. I opened the bag and nomed on one of the chocolates. I hummed slightly. "It contains a highly addictive substance. I'd say there's gonna be a zombie fest later." I said. "Let me guess, it doesn't effect you." Karma said. I laughed. "Karma I'm already addicted to chocolate. This b*tch ain't gonna change anything." I said. He laughed as well. We walked to the back of the room and sat down watching everyone. Rio and Kayano were both giving Nagisa chocolates. I snickered slightly. "Ah, by the way. Before I forget." I said rummaging around in my inventory. Karma hummed a little, watching me with curious eyes. I pulled out a red box with a black ribbon tied around it. I handed it to Karma. "Chocolate covered strawberries. I saw you eye-balling them in the market the other day." I said with a smirk. Karma smirked back. "Aw~ You do care about me." He said in a teasing tone. My face flushed black. "I'm allowed to care about people. D*mn sadistic devil." I grumbled under my breath, avoiding eye contact. More chaos soon followed as the chocolate literally caused the f*cking apocalypse. Me and Karma just sat in the back, sweat-dropping slightly. Karma would light one of the zombies on fire if they came to close since he was eating the chocolate covered strawberries. Then Sugino went beast mode. "This is less exciting than I thought it'd be." I said. "HOW IS THIS NOT EXCITING!?" Nagisa shouted at me. "Yo boys!" I shouted grabbing the zombies attention. "Catch Sugino and you can have all the chocolate you want!" I said. They went off almost instantly. "There, problem solved." I said with a shrug. "That only buys us time." The class dead-panned. Karma finished the strawberries, unknown to him at the time that cat ears and a tail poofed out of nowhere. I placed my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh. "Hm, Shads you alright?" Karma asked. "Yep, yep, fine." I said snickering slightly. Nagisa, Itona, and Ritsu all started laughing. "Eh!? What's so funny!?" Karma questioned, his cat ears twitching slightly. "Is there a joke I'm missing?" He questioned. I fell out of my chair bursting out laughing. "Shads?" Karma questioned. This caused me to laugh harder. "AND FOR ONCE IT'S NOT ME!" I shouted while laughing. "WHO EVER SNUCK THE NEKO POTION IN THERE YOU ARE A MASTERMIND!" I shouted still laughing. "Wait....NEKO POTION!?" Karma shouted getting up quickly. I just laughed harder until eventually I passed out from laughing so hard. 

~Time Skip~

Karma wasn't taking the Neko thing so well and now a member of E-Class wants to join the paladins. Which was....totally uncalled for. Asano sweatdropped. "Dude, it's not worth it." He said. After some talking Shadow just drop kicked the paladin, kicked him out, and then everyone else tied up Takebayashi. He struggled and they tried a few things to get him to stay. He said something about loosing one whole dimension and Shadow just facepalmed. "I would like for everyone to leave the room and let me deal with this. I know how to knock some sense into people." She said, cracking her knuckles. Everyone sweat dropped. Karma grabbed Shadow by her hood and dragged her away from Takebayashi. "You need to learn to let other people have the spot light. Also we don't need to break him." Karma grumbled. Things eventually sorted themselves out, Shadow and Karma vanished causing everyone to become worried because when those two disappear it means trouble, and the rest of the Phantom's have returned to Phantom Tower. 

~Meanwhile With Shadow and Karma~ 

The two were spending some time together in town, avoiding human contact if they could and shopping a little. "Y'know Shads, I think you'd look really pretty if you'd wear a dress." Karma commented off handedly. "Ha ha. Fat chance Devil. I won't wear a dress until absolutely necessary." Shadow said. Karma hummed a little. "What if you were getting married?" He asked, blushing ever so slightly. "I would rather wear the f*cking suit." Shadow said, her face flushing a little as well. Karma chuckled a little, trying to hold her hand without her noticing. She noticed, but let him anyways. "C'mon, let's go raid a dungeon." Shadow said, tugging Karma with her as she ran out of town. He chuckled, blushing while he followed. She's so cute when she smiles... He thought.   

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