Chapter 3: The Ruins Of Tribulation

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Today's Meme: Yep that's one of my favorite Karma memes. I feel like this also applies to Shadow because I'm pretty sure when Reaper and Phantom tried to teach her crap she'd nearly beat the crap out of them. 

The Phantom Party and 3-E were walking through a dark hallway. "Be careful It's pitch black in here." Nagisa stated to everyone. "OW!" Meahara shouted. "And sorta crammed." Isogi added. "AH! Okay who just touched my butt!?" Hino shouted. "D*MN IT OKAJIMA!" Mae shouted. "IT WASN'T ME!" Okajima protested. Shadow and Karma just chuckled slightly at everyone's weirdness. "I HEARD THAT YOU TWO!" Kayano shouted. "Hey is that the way out?" She added seeing light up ahead. Everyone rushed out of the tunnel thankful to finally be out of the dark hallway. 1st chamber. "Here we are class! Today's dungeon, the ruins of Tribulation." Koro-sensei announced. "I don't know about everyone else but this is the furthest I've ever been." Isogi said. "Talk about awesome!" Meahara stated. "The perks of questing as a party am I right guys?" Nagisa questioned. Shadow and Karma nodded in agreement. "Settle down people!" Koro-sensei shouted. Everyone's attention flew to the Demon King who was carrying a large bag on his shoulders. "Keep your eyes on the task at hand, this is no time to get carried away!" Koro-sensei stated. "Maybe try taking some of your own advice next time!" Everyone shouted. 

"I may be a little too suspicious but if this quest was the Pope's idea he's probably got some kinda shady ulterior motive." Kirara said while others were talking to Koro-sensei in the background. "Relax think of it like a pop quiz, no big deal we got this." Sugino said with confidence. "Koro-sensei back me up!" He called but the yellow octopus was currently cleaning a mirror. Shadow and Karma sweat-dropped at the Demon King's foolishness. That's when a Kududon showed up. Shadow growled in annoyance. She hated those things. The Kududon started acting all cocky and annoying. Tick marks formed on everyone's head not just Shadow's. "I take back what I said these things are annoying." Karma whispered to Shadow. "Told you so." She growled. "What's his deal?" The entire class growled. "Behold! The chambers of Tribulation!" He announced as a giant stone tablet rose up from the floor. "Eh? What's that?" Okajima questioned. "Are you trying to tell me you can't read! The rules are literately set in stone!" The Kududon yelled poking Okajima with his kendo sword. "Wow. Thanks for that." Okajima stated sarcastically. "Get a load of this." Karma said walking up to the stone tablet his hands in his pockets like normal. Shadow walked next to him. "Apparently the first trial is called the chamber of impostors." Shadow read. "They've slipped someone pretending to be one of us into the group." Karma finished. "Where and how did they do that?" Rio questioned. "Of course in the dark hallway." Isogi answered. "So the first trial is to identify the impostor and remove them from your questing party." Nagisa confirmed. "But how do we know which one of us that is?" Meahara questioned. Shadow smirked. "It's safe to say me and the other Phantoms are off the list. This quest was originally for E-class and us Phantoms are a different party all together. In fact the only reason we're even here right now is because we're in an alliance with ya'll." She said. Karma nodded. "But just incase we might want to make sure. Shadow tell me something that only you'd know." He stated. She smirked and whispered something to him that made him blush. "Okay this is the real Shadow alright. Nagisa what was our favorite game that we loved to play when we were younger?" Karma asked turning to the blue haired male. "Adventure." Nagisa responded. Karma nodded. "Correct." He said. "Alright Karma. What's my magic type? Defensive or offensive?" Shadow questioned. "It's both. Your magic can either be defensive or offensive depending on how you use it." He responded. She nodded. "Us Phantoms are cleared." She said. Koro-sensei was panicking and trying very hard to convince everyone that he wasn't the impostor. The big bad is panicking. The dialogue box read. He then asked Nagisa to help him out. "You seem kind of eager to clear your name sir." Nagisa responded honestly causing Shadow and Karma to snicker. The big bad is panicking badly. Koro-sensei was even more frantic now. Shadow was honestly getting annoyed now. Shadow's stats have rose to mad levels. Everyone started quaking in fear at the females ticked off expression and the black aura around her. "Well Shadow's defiantly cleared now." Meahara said while sweat-dropping. "No mistaking that bug." Rio said with a shrug. Shadow whacked Koro-sensei upside the had sending him into the wall. He recovered quickly and set up a graph thing. "Would anyone like to share their thoughts?" He asked. "Being honest I'm stumped." Everyone kept murmuring stuff along those lines. "Oh, oh!" Okajima said raising his hands. "Yes, Okajima." Koro-sensei said pointing at him. "Well I've got a pretty good nose, if we line up all the girls and let me smell em'-" He was cut off by Shadow sending him into the wall. "I think that clears him. Who's next?" She questioned wiping off her hands. The others sweat-dropped at her. "Yeah so what!? That guy's a perv I say we kick him out anyway!" Meg shouted. "I agree but it's your party not mine." Shadow agreed. Shadow's stats have dropped back to normal levels. Everyone released a breath of relief. Karma smiled slightly. "I think I might have a sure fire tactic." Karma said. "Mew?" Koro-sensei and Shadow questioned. Karma ran up and tried to stab Koro-sensei but the big bad dodged quickly. "One more down, Koro-sensei's not our man. They can replicate his appearance but never his speed." He reasoned. "Good thinking Karma. Nice." Shadow and Nagisa said in unison. Karma's face went blank as his cheeks tinted pink at Shadow's praise. "I-it was nothing. Anyone with a brain could figure that out." He said dismissively with a shrug. Karma's luck decreases. A washing basin fell on his had but Shadow grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from a trap door just before it opened. "Whoa!" Karma shouted falling on his face. "Nice save there Shads but next time be gentle will ya'?" He questioned sitting up and rubbing his head. "We really need to get your luck back up whenever your in a dungeon. Geez it's like a mine field with you around." She said while sweat-dropping. 

~Intermission: Tell Us Shadow!~

Shadow now stood in front of a chalk bored with a few of the E-class students in front of her. The chalk bored had a drawing of her and Karma on it. "Today I'll be answering a question from one of you E-class students." She said pulling out a piece of paper. "So someone asked me, 'How do you know when someone is a good party member for you'?" She said reading off the question. She looked at the E-class kids in front of her. "Well typically a party can only function if you have good partners. Before Nagisa joined our party me and Karma worked in a party of our own stirring up mischief. If your party members have a similar personality and/or skills then it can be very easy to work together. Me and Karma's main magic is very different from eachother but we make it work because we simply have a good partnership. We understand and help eachother, which over time helped us build up trust and respect for one another. We cover eachother's weak points whenever we go exploring in a dungeon. If there's someone in your party that you work best with try to stick with eachother. That way you can cover eachother and work together." She explained. The E-class kids nodded, a few taking notes. "Anymore questions? If not then I bid you all adieu." She said melting into the shadows leaving the classroom. 

~Intermission over: Back to the story!~

"Gotcha you sneak." Meahara said to a tied up Terasaka that was sparkling and glowing. "I tried to tell ya he was too pretty." Rio and Shadow said in unison. "Nice job." The fake Terasaka said. And so they moved onto the 2nd chamber. "Chamber of secrets okay." Isogi said. "Huh? Tell the guardian something only you would know, about a party member." He continued. "That sounds pointless." Rio said. "It actually sounds awful." Nagisa said. "What kind of trial is this?" Meahara questioned. And then Koro-sensei had to step in. He knew almost every secret the class had. He slowly rose up from behind Karma and Shadow placing tentacles on their shoulders. "Secret crushes." He said finishing his list of secrets he knew. Karma and Shadow both started blushing madly and looked away from eachother quickly. Shadow's stats have dropped to flustered levels. They both quickly tried to stab the s*it out of the octopus. Karma being a little more precise than his female counter part because of her dropped stats. "Well four can play at that game!" The three Phantoms, Nagisa, Karma, and Shadow all shouted. They went over to the guardian and told him a bunch of Koro-sensei's weakness and secrets while the demon king pleaded for them to stop. And then the last chamber. The chamber of Self-sacrifice. Shadow and Koro-sensei were placed on one side while the other two parties were placed on another side. The ceiling slowly started to come down on both sides. "This trial is fairly simple. Press the button and the door on the other side will opened. But be warned the door on your side will can never be opened again." The guardian said. Koro-sensei and Shadow pressed the button without hesitation opening the door on the other side. "I'd never let my party get hurt. And besides I've said it multiple times if it comes between me and them, I'm the one being sent to the grave." Shadow said with a small smile. Shadow's stats have returned to normal levels. "I assure you abandonment was never and option, they're my responsibility for goodness sakes." Koro-sensei said. E-class and the Phantoms rushed out the door and began trying to get the door to open only to almost get hit by a flying door. Shadow had kicked it down with a smirk. "But then again I'm harder to kill than most people." She said. Karma tackled her and refused to stop cuddling her. "Karma get off of me you Trap Door Falling Freak!" She shrieked trying to push him off of her. "How dare you worry me like that! No I'm not letting you go ever again! GOD SHADS WHY DO YOU ALWAYS PULL STUFF LIKE THIS!?" Karma screeched back. They continued to screech at eachother while E-class, Nagisa, and Koro-sensei just laughed at the uncomfortable look and dark black blush on Shadow's face.

"Congratulations E-class. You've completed your first dungeon." Shadow said after she had kicked Karma into a trap door. "But I'm going to tell you a few things about dungeon traps and how a lot of problems that we had in there could've been avoided." She added. Shadow has gone into lecture mode. Karma came back up right after she had finished. He hugged her from behind. "Done with the dungeon lecture?" He questioned seeing the blank faces of E-class. Nagisa had already gone through this lecture so he sat down and read a book. "Yep. Now I'm tired." She said yawning. "Well I picked up a request while I was in town earlier wanna go questing?" Karma questioned. "Bet I can slay more monsters than you." She said with a smirk. "Your on." The red haired devil responded. Nagisa jumped up. "I wanna come!" He said. The two smirked. "Come on then. We need to drop into town and get you a good weapon then." Shadow said. And with that the tree Phantoms went on a quest of their own.

Go check out Dragonheart's Random Book of Fanarts and Memes. It's mostly just a book where I comment on fanart and stuff that I've got but you can also ask or dare the chibi versions of Team Phantom as well as the normal Team Phantom. Thank you for your time!

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