Chapter 6: Phantom Tower, Part One

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Today's Meme: I thought he did receive credit for it? I mean he claimed to do it even though it was a mouse that blew up the moon. Either way still great meme. Also today is my Wattpad anniversary! It's officially been one year since I became a Wattpad author! So have a chapter that somewhat breaks away from the funny persona and instead shows off the Phantoms being bada*s.  

The moment the fully formed Phantom party walked in everyone was talking about the paladins. Aka the Big Five. And how they were heading straight for here. Koro-sensei suggested getting info on them. Shadow smirked and chuckled a little. 

~Your POV~

"Lucky for all of you I heard a few rumors while I was in the tavern picking up job requests." I said. I gestured for everyone to take their seats as I stood next to Koro-sensei by his desk. "Whenever I'm in town I always keep a sharp ear out for rumors and gossip. You never know what could come in handy later. But some of the rumors I heard caught me off guard a little." I said. "So why is an elite group of paladins hoofing it to a back water nowhere like this?" Karma asked a washing basin falling on his head. My expression turned serious. "They're coming directly for E-class." I said. "Why!?" Everyone shouted. "I was getting to that." I hissed silencing them. "Most of the rumors I've heard say that they're coming here because the supposed 'Demon King' is here and they want to slay him. But I've heard low buzz that they're actually looking for an elite warrior that makes the Demon King quake in fear, that's recently been spotted here." I said. Karma's carefree expression turned serious. "I presume that's code for they're looking for you." He said causing everyone to gasp. I nodded. "Their are very few rumors that state this so I doubt it's true. But the it does keep popping up. Things like, 'Did you hear? The paladins are looking for Shadow The Black Assassin.' and, 'The Black Assassin has been spotted near the E-class campus, and the paladins are going after her!'." I said. "But why would they be looking for you?" Koro-sensei asked. "Shadow what the hell did you do!" Nagisa shouted. I tilted my head. "The question is what didn't I do." I answered. "But my best guess...." I trailed off. "Is that they either A: Want my help to slay the Demon King. Or B: Know my true identity." I said. Karma stood up with a glare on his face. "Not happening. There's no way they're getting to you." He growled fiercely. "Whoa! Chill Karma! What's got you all riled up?" Isogi said trying to get the furious red head to calm down. "Like I said there aren't many of these rumors. It's more likely they're coming for Koro-sensei. And even so I highly doubt they know my true identity. Calm down Karma. We'll be fine." I said in a calming, yet stern voice. He took a breath and sat back down running his gloved hand through his hair. 

The class decided to heed my warning and try to disguise Koro-sensei while me and the rest of the Phantoms sat in the teacher's lounge, having a meeting. "There's no chance in hell I'm letting them get to you." Karma growled. "Karma we don't know if they're after her. Calm down." Nagisa reasoned. "I say we cut them off before they even get here." Itona said. "I agree with Itona. We should stop them before they reach E-class. If it comes down to a fight E-class will surely lose." Ritsu said. "Don't count them out just yet. They are being trained by Koro-sensei after all." Nagisa said. "Yeah but they're all way under leveled." Karma argued. "I vote we have Ritsu cast a magic barrier around the school." Karma said. I shook my head. "It'd look too suspicious. Same if we just cut them off half way here." I said. "D*mn it!" Karma growled slamming his fist down onto the table. "There's gotta be something we can do!" He hissed. "Hmm." I hummed, trying to think. Then an idea came to mind. I smirked evilly. "I have the perfect idea." I said. Everyone's attention focused on me. "Nagisa, Itona, and Ritsu. You three head to Phantom Tower and start getting the floors ready. Karma you're with me. It's show time everybody." I said. They all looked at me in shock. "Are you out of your mind!?" They all shouted at me. "Why yes I am. Now let's hurry! Don't just sit here fiddling I said let's get moving. "AYE MA'AM!" They all shouted. The three I had sent out opened the window and made they're way to a dark tower in the distance marked with a series of flags too far in the distance to make out. Just then me and Karma heard a loud crash. We darted into the classroom a few seconds later to see Gakushuu Asano sitting on horseback. And his friends? Minions? What ever they were painting a very vivid picture of the orange haired male's personality. "Wow your buddies are quick to paint quite the vivid picture, must be nice having your own hype men." Karma said with a carefree smirk as he walked out in front of E-class. A washing basin fell on his head. We decided to take this outside, as the big five glared down Koro-sensei. Then tried to use some kind of item to weaken him. He dodged it. Koro-sensei dodged all of it. The big five looked at him with completely blank faces. They then looked at eachother, then back to Koro-sensei. "What just happened?" They asked. "My mistake I shouldn't have dodged." Koro-sensei apologized. "HOW DID YOU EVEN DODGE A KEY ITEM!?" One of them shouted. They held some kind of council meeting or something. Me and Karma just stared blankly at them all. Asano then got the bright idea to test Koro-sensei's strength with what appeared to be the Magic Frostblade. "Ah, the Magic Frostblade. The one that only Asano alone can conjure." One of the big five said. And then of course Karma, being the sarcastic devil he is, made the exact same blade. And everyone was freaking out about it. "Hey I have a theory. It's not that other people can't conjure it they just think it looks dumb." Karma taunted getting up in Asano's face with a glare as a washing basin fell on his head. Asano retorted with something getting up in Karma's face. They glared eachother down, I could see sparks flying. I pushed them away from eachother. "Settle down boys I don't need a war zone on my hands. Oh and....HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO CONJURE A FREAKING ICE SWORD!?" I shouted glaring at Karma. "SERIOUSLY! THE HELL KARMA! I THOUGHT YOUR MAGIC WAS FIRE!" I shouted. He shrugged. "I just tried it right now and it worked. Probably just to create tension or something since the plot needs more of it." He said dismissively. "QUIT BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!" I shouted. "HEY THAT'S MY JOB!" Fuwa shouted. Asano stared at me and Karma for a while. "I thought I recognized you two. Team Phantom's Red Devil and Shadow correct?" Asano questioned. I looked at the orange haired male with a smirk. "And so what if we are?" I questioned. "I've heard tales of you. Shadow, The Black Assassin, most fierce and powerful warrior of the four legendary warriors. Karma, The Scarlet Dragon. Ritsu, The Evolved Mage. Itona The Silver Berserker. And you. Not much is known about you, except that anyone who has fought you has lost no matter how strong they were." He said. I shrugged. "They make me seem so terrifying don't they. I'm just a harmless little girl." I said. "Harmless?" Karma questioned. "Yeah, that's the word I'd use. Not like you made everyone p*ss themselves the other day, Demon Queen." He said. "Correction, it was technically Nagisa and Rio's fault so they're the ones you made everyone p*ss themselves." I said. "Suuuuuuure. And you didn't call me your king the other day." Karma said rolling his eyes. "You're delusional." I said. 

Asano coughed getting our attention. "Ah sorry. Note to self: Remind the Devil why I'm in charge." I said to myself. "May I ask why a warrior of your class is here associating with a Demon King?" Asano asked. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not associating with him. In fact I rarely ever speak with the tentacled b*stered. No the only reason I'm here is because I stay true to my word, and I promised so long as I could train the highest leveled warrior in E-class that I would lend the help of my team in the fight against the Demon King. So now here I am. Making 3-E quake in their boots and even the Demon King tremble." I said. "But now I'm curious." I said shooting a smirk at Asano. "Can I inquire to why the son of Pope Gakuho Asano is here questioning me rather than doing what he's suppose to be doing? You came to kill the Demon King yes? Good luck with that, but I have business to attend to elsewhere." I said. All of the big five froze up when I mentioned the Pope's name. Even Asano himself. "If you have nothing else to say to me than I must be going." I said turning around and starting to walk away. A knife was thrown at me but I caught it between my fingers without even looking. "Rule Number Three of Being a Phantom:" I said as I turned with a smirk. "Never let your guard down, always be alert to your surrounds and your opponents. If you wanted to fight me so badly you could've just asked." I said. I spun around and threw his own knife right past his head. It lodged into the ground behind him. He was frozen in place. "But if you're going to fight me, let's be a little civil about it. I propose a simple game. One that you may find interest in as a Paladin and as a leader." I said with a smirk. He recovered quickly. "I'm listening." He said. My smirk grew. "Excellent. Karma go to the tower and make preparations." I said. The red head nodded and threw a teleportation crystal on the ground. The green mist surrounded him and whisked him away to the tower. I pulled up my menu and then I spun around so Asano and the big five could see it. A picture of a dark black tower with a single flag on it. A flag with two dragons rearing up and placing their front talons on a P and a snake curled around their feet. "This tower is a dungeon that me and the Phantoms created and where we live. There are six total floors. The bottom floor is where you enter the dungeon. The top floor is where I will be waiting for you. However." I added seeing Asano's confident smirk. "Each floor is controlled by one of the members of my party. The Phantom on that floor is the floor's boss and master. If you are on their floor you must play by their rules. If you reach the top floor and defeat me in battle, you win. But there's a catch." I said. "What catch?" Asano asked. I smirked. "The Phantom on each floor will be trying to kill you." I said. "WHAT!?" Him and his party shouted. "Figuratively of course. If your heath reaches zero on one of the floors you'll be sent back to the beginning of the dungeon. Like I said this is a game. You won't actually die." I clarified. "Here's something that works in your favor. You can send your party members in first, but only one at a time. Once that party member dies they can no longer enter the tower though. This works in your favor because if your party members get far enough if they die they can tell you how to blow through each floor. And if a party member reaches the top floor and defeats me, it still counts as your victory." I explained. "But here's one thing to keep in mind as you're exploring the tower. The Phantoms are all going to be out for your blood, and since you won't actually die they can go all out. My Phantoms go into killer mode whenever they are on their floor, and each floor is different, tailored to the Phantom that resides on it. You will be fighting on their turf with their rules. You will be given a clue or a riddle of some kind that tells you how to defeat the Phantom on the floor. It'll also tell you the code name of the Phantom on the floor. You can go to the next floor without defeating the Phantom though. It's up to you. Play your way. I won't tell you which floor each Phantom is on. You must figure out which Phantom it is based on the look of the floor, the code name given, and the clue to defeat them. It's a test of intelligence as well as strength. If you are all you're cracked up to be, then you should be good with this." I explained. "It's a lot of rules and things to remember. But what's in it for me if I win?" Asano questioned. I shrugged. "What do you want? If it's not to much I can meet some demands. I really just want to test out our dungeon." I said. "I only have two requests then." Asano said. "Request one: If I win then I want your team to form an alliance with us paladins instead of E-class." He said. "Excepted. The next one?" I questioned. He smirked. "You, Shadow, must become a part of my party." He said. I smirked. "Daring demand. But I'm confident. Excepted. But now I have a demand of my own." I said. "Since you decided to make such a daring request I'll send it right back at you. If I win then you have to join the Phantoms." I said. "Deal." Asano said. He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I did so shocking him. "Jolly buzzer. The mood was a little too tense." I said pointing to the device in my hand. "Let's go then." I said pulling out a teleportation crystal. I used it and me, Asano, and the big five were taken to Phantom Tower.

We stood outside the dungeon stareing at the massive tower. "Follow me." I said leading them inside. The bottom floor was nothing flashy. Just a blank room with an elevator and a few chairs. "Who's going first?" I asked turning to them. One stepped forward. And eventually the order they were going in was decided. "Very well then." I said writing it down. "Well then. Good luck. May the stars guide your paths as you tread." I said giving them a small bow before entering the elevator. I pressed the button. "Code Name: Shadow. Top floor." I said. The elevator took me up to my floor where I sat on my throne of darkness. 

~Asano's POV~

The intercom switched on and Shadow's voice came from it. "Attention everyone. This is Shadow speaking. The five paladins on the bottom floor have accepted the challenge. Floor Masters prepare yourselves. I'm awaiting results Asano. Do not disappoint me." She said. She laughed a little. "Welcome everyone, to Phantom Tower. I expect you all to impress me both friends and foes." She continued. "Teppi Araki. You may enter the elevator." She said. Her voice cut off. I looked at my party member. "Do not disappoint. Think if it as any other dungeon." I instructed. He nodded and went into the elevator. The rest of us sat down or paced the room.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Araki appeared in a flash of blue light. He layed on the floor groaning, fear in his eyes. The intercom switched on. "Araki has been killed. Sliced by Floor Master Silver. Tomoya Seo, you may step into the elevator when ready." Shadow said. Seo looked at Araki with fear in his eyes. "What floor is that?" He asked. "Silver's only the first boss. I didn't even see him! I tried to dash to the elevator but he caught me. He's fast." Araki said. We let him rest as Seo went into the elevator. It was then and only then, that I realized just how hard this was going to be.                                   

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