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"Agent Smith, it's too... dangerous. We must evacuate immediately." Lines he had recited before. He puffed, acting as if he was worn out from fending off the fictional creature. He held his blaster firmly in his hand as if that item was the key to his survival.

Marinette pressed her side, digging her index finger discreetly into her side to pop the blood pack hidden under all her layers. Her clothing slowly absorbing the color. "Are you suggesting we.... RUN?"

Her line, influenced by the cold liquid, spilling onto her bare skin. He looked down at her with worry as it was rewritten to do so. Her expression and the slight trembling was all on par with the scene. He gulped trying to fight the impulse to reward her acting skills. An excuse to feel the warmth of his lips on hers, again.

"Officer Jones, please give me the gun." She said, holding out her hand. "Only one of us can survive and... we both know I won't make it."

"M-M-Mia" He found himself stuttering as she messed up her lines but improvised so flawlessly. Almost as if those were words meant for this new and improved, Agent Smith. He cursed himself as he stumbled over his line.

"That monster devoured my family, my friends and even my dog. I can't run in my condition, so why not give it Hell?" She took the gun and with wobbly steps, stood in front of a corridor that had some sort of terrifying beast lurking in the shadows. A deep growl echoing throughout the corridor. Sounds similar to a large feral dog.

Adrien grabbed her arm and pulled her out from the corridor. Marinette expected Alan to yell cut as Adrien's actions were not part of the script. "I'm not scared of the monster, Officer Jones!"

"But, I am scared of losing you." He pulled her in for a kiss only to be blocked by her hand. She was not going to allow him to take advantage of the circumstances.

She switched her hands making sure that her hand covered in fake blood would touch his cheek. A small revenge. "Officer Jones, don't."

"I refuse to."

"Refuse to what exactly? Letting me save your life? Don't be stupid." She pulled away from him and went back to the corridor. Pew! Pew! The sound of Agent Smith defending Officer Jones. "GO!"

"CUT!" Alan yelled. Proud of the shots even though it was more improvation than anything. "Marinette, you did an outstanding job! I thought there would be some pacing issues but you did so well."

"Thanks." She smiled before glaring at daggers at her on screen partner. To invite her to his trailer then attempted a kiss in front of the film crew was bold. The stupid kind of bold. "Is this all you need me for?"

"Can I persuade you into fitting into a silicone mold? It's for a scene in which Officer Jones is cradling Agent Jones's body. Vowing to seek his revenge. Nino insisted on this scene as it starts Officer Jones's character development."

Marinette bit the inside of her lip. The urge to please her friends had always been stronger than helping herself. Self preservation, to keep herself away from the blonde man that had only proved her notions to be correct. "I'll do it. How hard can it be playing a dead body?"

Alan laughed. "Not that hard. The silicone mold hides breathing, and my Special effects team just will just edit the blinking out."

"Seems easy enough." She awkwardly smiled as she did well in the first scene according to Alan. He led her back to the makeup trailer to fit her with the prosthetic.

Thirty minutes at the max to get her looking the part of a person that was ripped apart by a monster. A situation she was all too familiar with. 'I agreed to do this.' she repeated as she changed to clothes that seemed identical to her previous however these had holes, rips, and gashes. A prosthetic abdomen with intestines and rib bones poking out every which way. All it was missing was the blood to make it look as real as possible.

Marinette returned to the set asking herself why she agreed to do this. It was just supposed to be one scene and that's it. Now she was stuck in a role of victim yet again. She carefully moved as she did not know if she was letting her anxieties get the best of her or she was trying to prevent damage to Allegra and Claude's hard work.

Alan pointed to a spot where Marinette laid. "The puppet will be placed over you for a few moments. It will have a mix of glyce-" He paused as Marinette looked off. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She smiled as she attempted to compose herself as she kept on overthinking. This was supposed to keep her mind off of The Incident.

Alan could tell something was off. Alya made the same expression when she had something on her mind. That something usually being a terrible thing. Perhaps a bad day at work or relationship issues.'She's been through alot. She shouldn't have pushed herself. I should not have pushed her.' Alan sat on the floor next to her knowing that Adrien would complain about time being wasted however, he never regretted helping a friend. "Let's just take a moment."

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