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Luka's head throbbed. He briefly recalled heading out of Red Dragon before someone tasered him from behind. He thought maybe an angry customer or a jealous boyfriend. He tried to feel to see if he was bruised but he couldn't move his hands.

"What deep shit did I get myself into?" He muttered trying to gather his thoughts. "Fuck my head." He could see a phone on a tripod and a woman tapping it occasionally.

"Miss, can you do me a favor and tell me what the hell this is all about? You see I have this fucking headache that hurts like a witch on a stick." Luka shook his head unsettled with the reality that his sister's creative cursing was rubbing off on him.

The woman was dressed in a yellow jumpsuit with black details zipped down enough to expose her obviously surgically enhanced breast in a luxury bra. She had a belt with a buckle snap, her hands were covered in elbow length black gloves, her feet in black rubber boots, her hair in a long braid, her face concealed behind a yellow mask with black stripes. All this made Luka think that she was probably a colleague of Ryuku's and the man at La Coccinella. How many normal people would roam around in a mask unless it was Halloween or Mardi Gras?

She held up a photo. A photo of none other than Marinette. "Marinette?" he questioned as he didn't know what she wanted with either her or him. He recognized the picture as her employee of the month photo, he thought that perhaps this woman was stalking them. 'But why?'

A table sat on the side filled with many different items. He could barely tell what the items were as they laid on their sides so he made educated guesses. 'Pilers, scissors, a pile of some sort of fabric, a staff.' Him being fastened to a chair without a shirt and her dangling Marinette's photo; a silent threat. All causing him to think of one word. 'Torture.'

"What do you what?"

This question of his made her smile as she thought it was quite obvious what she wanted. What she had always wanted however, she found that everyone turned a blind eye to her. But, not ChatNoir, he urged her to self indulge to take the things in life that she believed to be rightfully hers. When a mutual opportunity arose she couldn't resist.

She tapped the phone before saying words that agitated him as he could do nothing. Nothing to stop her. "I am going to make a little video as an incentive for her to obey ChatNoir. After that we can have our fun."

She punched Luka in the abdomen causing him to gasp for air. This did not dissuade him from alerting Marinette. "MARINETTE RUN!"

Her punch cracked one of one of his ribs. The sound echoing off the cement walls. She whispered into his ear. "Sorry, I didn't mean to break you. Not yet."

"Don't do what he says! You can't! Not for me!" He yelled before he missed another chance to warn her. She smacked Luka before turning the video off.

"Leave her out of this." He said realizing that was his phone as he had Marinette's name listed as Blueberry Mari. A stupid nickname that he had called her as he swore that her hair reflected blue when the sun was out.

"Luka, is that really fair?" She asked as she traced her fingers over the tattoo on his shoulder. A tattoo that may have been done out of sibling rivalry but ate away at her being.

'η σκύλα της Χλόης' words that she brought something to remedy. She walked over to her table opening a box pulling out a tool that Luka recognized as a soldering gun as Juleka and Rose co-owned a Etsy shop selling custom jewelry.

She turned it on and gently traced over his tattoo with her fingertips. She knew it was a shame to ruin such wonderful skin. But he tainted it first with the name of that slut she was forced to call a sister.


"Why not?" She asked. "Don't you want to be punished for not protecting her? After all he's probably fucking her by now. I did set it up to his preferences."

"Leave her fucking out of this." He spat. He could handle being burned and broken but he couldn't handle hurting Marinette. He was supposed to protect and here he was helpless. Helpless to help both himself and her. "She doesn't deserve whatever twisted shit you and him are planning."

"Luka Couffiane, always trying to be the hero. But, where were you when I needed saving?" She pressed the hot metal into his skin. "Off getting tagged like a damn pig."

Luka bit down on his teeth trying to hold in the pain. The smell of his burnt flesh filled the air, a smell that could easily turn someone's stomach. She basked in his suffering as she slowly scratched out that horrid tattoo.

He was the man that she had always wanted. He was good to her unlike her family who treated her like she was nothing but a blemish. She was conceived from an affair and was unwanted. For if she was born there was no way that her mother could hide her affair but by the time she knew that she was pregnant, it was too late to get an abortion. She was told from a young age that she was "Useless. Unwanted. Unneeded."

Her so-called sister wanted her to commit suicide. But she couldn't let them win. Couldn't let her win. ChatNoir taught her that. That he would give her what she wanted in exchange for a partnership. Thus giving birth to this version of herself. The version she liked. Vesperia. A name that instilled fear, a name that people knew.

The same effect that the name Chloe Bourgeois had on Paris. Was this a fair trade for her freedom? Fear? But Luka wasn't afraid for his life despite his fingers carving indents into the chair. She thought that Chloe was the one that he wanted but the way that he looked at Marinette was different.

"You probably wished she would live a good life. A wedding, maybe kids? That whole fucking shitty sappy stuff but trust me when he's done with that little tramp, no man will want her, not even you."

"FUCK YOU." He shouted as she let up with the soldering gun.

She grabbed his face and was resisting the urge to burn a hole in his vulgar mouth. "Care to rethink? I have a way of causing pain that could last weeks on end."

"Fuck the fuck off!" He thought that maybe if he pushed her buttons that she'd make a mistake. It was all about timing. He thought that maybe she would accidentally burn the ropes and set him free as carelessly as she handled the soldering gun.

She walked over to the table. He expected her to hold up another device to torture but she held up a stack of photos and began to hang them. Photos of him with different people in different places wearing not a stitch.

'She's been stalking me. Shit.' He tried to think of anyone that fit this woman's description. Female, Caucasian, blonde, blue eyes, under six feet. 'Aurore? Chloé? Iris? Tabitha? Gloria? Mercedes?' But these were only the women that he slept with and he then deduced that she could've worn contacts or dyed her hair.

The earliest of photos were of him when he only possessed his snake tattoos that coiled around his arms. The needle became his addiction according to his sister. He had gotten them when he was eighteen years old way before he started his job at Red Dragon. "Who the fuck are you?"

He had assumed that this was because of him in the beginning but that man at the café had his eyes on Marinette. This woman had her eyes on him but why? He couldn't place her. Each person pursuing their own desires. "Is this some fucked up Bonnie and Clyde shit? Or Barbie and Ken shit?"

"You think I like ChatNoir? He is my brother, not by blood but by bond. Although you wouldn't understand as I know your dirty little secret." She took the most recent photo of him with Chloe. Her face was hidden but Luka knew it was her as Chloe had a decorative wasp tramp stamp. "All of them. All of this means fuck nothing to you."

Luka just was stunned. He had no idea what she was going on about. These were all consenting endeavors and none of his lovers seemed to be mad at him. Although Chloe had a temper, he knew that going into the relationship. Chloe was the one for dramatics but only if it involved the paparazzi. And she hated Marinette but not this much.

"But it's okay! I have a present for you. If he kept his end of the bargain." She happily tapped on the phone. Luka felt immediately sick. His ears were filled with Marinette's helpless pleas.

"Would you like the volume up?" Vesperia smirked as she grabbed a flail. A weapon that had many leather strips tied to a handle. She started to wail on him. Leaving gashes as some of the leather strips had metal spikes tied into them.

He was not as easy to manipulate as she wanted. She wanted him to be hers to see her to know who she was. But he resisted her advances. Psychological and physical but she couldn't control him. But she had made up her mind she was going to break him.

"You took care of her and became fond of her. And there she is being fucked senseless. She's probably wondering why you aren't there to save her."

"TURN IT OFF!" He pleaded, wanting nothing more to help her. Taking her away from the bad man. Save her. "PLEASE!! For me!!"

"You want her to yourself. But don't worry she's getting her fill." She whispered, dropping the fail. "You probably want to kill him. But you know that criminal that drains his victims and brands them with a butterfly? ChatNoir is his fucking son."

She slid her hands down his chest. "Don't worry you won't be able to look her in the face when I'm done with you, Luka."

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