Chapter 5 Chat Noir Confesses Love for Red Bug & Adrien x Alya split up?

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           KId Zebra wonders what the two criminals and Chat Noir are up too anyway. She follows closely behind Queen Bee.   Queen Bee flies around to keep up with Chat Noir and Red Bad Bug.  

          "Well, the bug of evil are not we rather nasty today?"  Chat Noir says with sarcasm. 

 " For a cat, you sure are rather annoying,"  Red Bug says and thinks, he is kinda cute though.

     "Oh, yeah!  Well, you are so evil you can not see how bad you are girl,"  Chat Noir retorts.

    " Kitty, these insults are dry as the desert just like you,"  Red Bug blurts out.

   "Oh, well at least Paris knows I am here to protect it," Chat Noir argues.

      "Protect it, ha, I would hardly call what you protecting anyone,"  Red Bug remarks.

    "Yes, when I was little someone murdered my father, as my mother stood between me and the murderer,"   Red Bug says. Her voice gets lower as she describes this part of her past.

     "The killer did not pity the widow and killed her too,"  Red Bug says sadly. She continues to search for the villain as she thinks this stroll down old memory lane stinks.

  "No, believes a ten-year-old anyway.  I was taken to an orphanage where some man and his wife took pity on me and adopted me.  Eventually, they left town and never came back and did not care I was only sixteen,"  She says.

     "You must have someone who cares about you though:  like a close friend, or a boyfriend even," Chat Noir remarks.

      "I told you before no one cares.  No one has or ever will love me. This is why I must take care of myself."  Red Bug scoffs.

     "I am simply unloveable and have no life outside this suit,"  She says.

  "Deep down I am just a clumsy girl others forget and want to forget for that matter,"  Red Bug explains.

    "Red Bug that can not be true.  I refuse to believe you are someone everyone wants to forget,"  Chat Noir argues.

    "If you knew the real me that is exactly how you would feel," She scoffs.

     "Just explain something, if you hate everyone so much then why are you helping me to find Rena Rogue?"  Chat Noir asks.

     "Who knows?  I could be luring you into a trap, kitty in leather,"  She replies.

       The three heroes, Queen Bee, Kid Zebra, and Chat Noir, along with the villain, Red Bug find Rena Rogue at last.   

"Chat Noir, untie me,"  Rena Rogue demands and thinks, hurry before I transform back.

Chat Noir unties her,  "The only problem is this cat likes bugs."   He blushes when he realizes what he just said.

     Rena Rogue slaps Chat Noir, as she says,  "You traitor, Chat Noir!"  She turns to the others, and says, "Girls let us go!"

      "Sorry, Rena but I am staying here to help Chat Noir,"  Queen Bee says angrily.

    "Same here,"  Kid Zebra says.

   "Fine, see if I care,''  Rena Rogue mocks. Then leaves, detransforms, and goes home.

      Alya whose inside her house thinks that rotten bug will never find me here. 

Elsewhere, with the others,   "I hate bugs and zebras, but I do love cats." Stormy Weather brags.

   "We could join teams to defeat this red bug once and for all,"  Stormy Weather says.  She winks at Chat Noir.

     "What?  If you lay one hand on her, I will rip you into pieces," Chat Noir says.

    "The wrong choice, time is up for you, kitty.  Too bad such a pity,"  Stormy Weather says as she attempts to kill him with an ice pick.

       "No, one messes with the cat, but me!  If there is any killing to be done it is my job, so buzz off!"   Red Bug remarks with fury in her voice.

       "Excuse me that is my line, so you both better back away from him,"  Queen Bee says.

        '' Hey, quit arguing and rescue Chat Noir before she kills him,"  Kid Zebra says.

        "Too late, I win!"  Stormy Weather says. She hurls the ice pick at Chat Noir, but it misses him.

           The ice pick scratches Queen Bee on her forehead.  It misses Kid Zebra and hits Red Bug in her chest. She feels the pain and tears fall from her eyes.

         "Ouch, it hurts!" Red Bug calls out in pain. Then she passes out on the ground unconscious and Chat screams,  "No, No, no!"

      "I know you are evil, but please do not die.  Wake up, please." Chat says sadly.

    "I know you say, no one cares about you, but it is not true, I care," Chat says.

    "I know it is crazy when you are a villain, and I am a hero, but I still love you!" Chat says with tears in his eyes.

    "You can not die, I love you!" Chat Noir says as he picks up Red Bug's unconscious body.

       Chat Noir takes Red Bad Bug to the hospital and leaves her there.  Queen Bee can not say anything, she just leaves, detransforms, and goes home. 

     KId Zebra sees the pain in Chat's eyes and says,  "Do not worry, she will be fine."  Then, she too walks away, detransforms, and goes home.

    Chat Noir refuses the comfort from anyone, runs home and detransforms inside his room.

      "Plagg, why did the Red Bug protect me?"  Adrien says.

     Plagg, sniffs, then cries as he answers,  "I think maybe she loves you."

    A  week later, Adrien breaks up with Alya who is furious about it.   "Adrien, why are you dumping me?  I thought we were meant to be," Alya protest.

  "Look, Alya we were never meant to be. It was a mistake to have met you, let alone to have agreed to date you."  Adrien yells at her.

   Alya's  Flashback to two years ago...

  Adrien, it is not that bad to kiss me.  It just for the play, and besides everyone knows how cute we are together.

   She sees Adrien look at her in surprise. She can tell he disagrees with her statement.

   She decides to prove it to him, she grabs his collar, pulls him closer to her and presses her lips into his.  She does not care about anyone else's feelings only that she gets Adrien to be her's.

   Adrien pushes her away, but it is too late now. He saw Marinette come backstage and feels bad that she saw the kiss. He determines he must find her.

   Alya convinces him to wait till after the play.  To her surprise, he stays.   

Once the play is over, he is about to leave.  "Where are you going, Adrien?" Alya says furiously.

  "I am going to see Marinette, and tell her this was a misunderstanding; because I  love her,"  Adrien replies.

  "Adrien, if you do that then I will tell everyone you slept with Marinette and got her pregnant.  Then, you left her.  Now, you do not want anyone to think poorly if your precious Marinette now do you?"  Alya remarks.

Alya smirks as he says, "Alya you can not do this to her,  I will do anything you won't just leave her alone,"   

   Alya says," Oh, anything, is it?  Then, in that case, be my boyfriend or the rumors out, got it?"

   She does not notice when Marinette returns to the school for purse, but Adrien sees her.  The moment she shows up is when Adrien feels his heartache for the one he truly loves.  

"Yes, Alya I will go out with you," Adrien remarks.

    Marinette's tears are more than before as she gives him a look that says, how could you? She runs away with her bag and returns later a broken girl.

    Alya smiles and kisses him again to seal the deal.  Later, she brags over the school intercom, that she and  Adrien are official.  Then, she goes on to say,  "Too bad girls, he is mine!"

   Two months later, Adrien arrives at school late to try to avoid Alya, but she sees him anyway.  Alya smirks and tells him how much she just loves school play's and how one brought them together since they are love birds.

End of  Flashback

Now, with Alya and Adrien who just dumped her.

"Adrien, you can not do this to me.   Marinette is nothing, but a sad excuse for an orphan and that is all she will ever be." Alya scoffs.

   "Do not ever speak that way about her again," Adrien says angrily.  He slaps her hard across the cheek then runs off.

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