[1]-"Name Your Poison"

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Found "Lord, have Mercy Daredevil"
An awesome writer and awesome story!
(Probably one of the best I've ever read <3)
Takes place in Daredevil's Episode 1

It was dark...

All I heard was men shouting...

Everything hit me all at once...

I barely whispered to myself. I was trembling horribly, my heart pounding so loud I hoped that they wouldn't hear it. "I-It's going to be all r-r-right... Just don't c-cry...it's all a d-dream..." I was in a closet in my bedroom.

Then everything turned dead silent...

I was covering my ears, the only sound that haunted me-- ruined me forever. "M-make i-it stop..." I repeated those same words over and over, but the sound only got worse. Louder.

The sound... of my baby sister... crying... over and over...



I felt a stinging pain in the left side of my head, I couldn't move. I struggled and struggled until I realized that it was just a dream and I'm in a chair. "You finally woke up huh?" A stern, rough voice called out. Frustration and impatience clearly was in his annoyed tone.

I just scoffed and spat blood to the ground. "What a nice wake up call..."


"Listen here wise-ass," He leaned closer to my mask and grinned. "You should be thankful that we didn't kill you from that ambush haha." I smirked mischievously. I spat him in the face and headbutted him. He just wiped his face furiously then gave me another nice beating from a wooden bat, "You annoying bitch!" Even though I didn't show any signs of pain, in truth, it fucking hurts. I felt like shit...as usual. After a couple more nice beatings (leaving many bruises and a splitting headache), he finally stopped. "Man, I need to take a break... You're one tough bitch...I'll give you that."

After that, he left for a break. I scanned around the spacious room I was in: concrete, one flickering light bulb, and me. Tied up with ropes and into a rusted, steel chair. Let's see, they took my gun away, my ribs hurt (probably broken), and my head is pounding with extreme pain. This place smells like piss, aside from the metallic smell, and alcohol that was practically reeking off of my beater. There was old wood that had paint being chipped off from aging.


I woke up at 5:35 am.

I groaned. Mondays.

I stood up from my messy bed, the blinds on my windows had an annoying sunlight seeping through. Which went directly to my eyes...fantastic. My alarm was set to ring on 6:00, but it proved useless since my wake up calls are normally my nightmares, I winced at the cuts and wounds I had last night. I took a orange pill container from one of the cabinets in the bathroom, it was painkillers. I had a towel wrapped around my head when I was done using a strawberry shampoo in showers while brushing. I did a bunch of multitasking everyday, when I was done brushing/flossing and drying my black, straight hair that reaches to my shoulders. I grabbed my clothes which was a white shirt, a black peacoat, and a pair of jeans. I continued to fix my bed. I made myself breakfast, watching the bacon sizzle... I grabbed my decently cooked food and sat onto my red, worn out couch then grabbed the remote to watch the news. It was about "the incident" that nearly destroyed the city, then something piqued my interest: "the skull vigilante". It showed elderly woman that I saved a month ago. She was getting mugged. It then showed other people that I saved before, I found myself smirking...'some thought I was a man.' I took my pills after I was done eating.


("Bright Lights"-By Gary Clark Jr. | You can look at the live one, By- CrossroadsGuitar.)

I had a day off from the police business, so, I decided I should enjoy my break. But, not when the dawn falls and dusk rises. Not at that particular time of the day or rather, night, the wicked never rests. Anyways, no matter where I go though, I always ended up at the bar. The same reason in drinking, to forget. Funny, how I'm a vigilante breaking laws... and I'm a cop myself... What am I going to do? Arrest myself? I'm just hanging out at Josie's as usual. It reeked of smoking and alcohol, a place where people would drown in their own drinks.

"The usual drink?" Josie called.

"Yeah, Jack Daniels. Honey." I simply stated.

I paid no attention to anyone, all I want is just my drink. "H-hey," I looked. I saw a blonde-hair man sitting with another person that has brown hair. "A-are you single? C-can I get your number?" He slurred over his words.

"Pfft." I gave a gesture to Josie, basically saying 'no shots needed'.

"*sigh* Let's go Foggy." The guy with brown hair and red tinted glasses help his friend up, paying for their drinks and heading home.

After that, I took a cab home almost drunk, night quickly came when I arrived at my flat. Closing the door, I walked to my closet. Where a familiar costume lays hidden.

I was roaming around the concrete jungle with my leather jacket, guns, and my scratched up skull mask. I spotted 5 thugs beating up a civilian in a warehouse. 'It's been days since I got into action...This shouldn't be too hard.' I as went onto the roof, the moon, was gleaming through the night sky. I held on a ledge, jumping off. I flipped and kicked into an dusty window, making a sudden entrance. The thugs glanced at the source of the sound, glass and dust flying everywhere like there was a storm.

I dashed to the nearest one and held my gun up, ready to blow the poor bastard's heads off. "Move, and this guy dies." I menacingly warned. They didn't seem fazed, instead, I shot his back. There was another guy near me and I also shot him in the center, they were shouting and hissing in pain. They all tensed, before they took a step. I threatened them again. "Don't move." My voice, still and cold. 'They finally got the message..'

I heard a footstep dangerously close.

I vaulted to the right before he could do anything. I shot one of their friends that was standing near the victim straight in the chest. "Don't even try." The men was sweating bullets, I snapped at them. "Let the man go." They all slowly took a step back, the bruised man stood up. I smiled underneath my mask, I put away my guns in my side holsters. They looked at me cautiously, I put on brass knuckles...


Before they knew it, I ran to another thug and I broke the poor man's jaw with one punch. The sound of my weapons making a steel '*clink!*' to them as it was collided with the flesh. He fell on the ground, groaning at the pain. They all equipped a gun, some had knifes. One ran at me while the others took aim, the 2 lying on the ground didn't budge. Dead. He tried to stab me, I grappled his right arm with my both hands and lifted him up into the air, I slammed him onto the ground that was behind me. He got back up, we countered and blocked our moves, but, when I blocked him he dropped his blade to his other hand and slashed my stomach just a bit. I did a roundhouse kick, that caused him to effectively be knocked out. The other with a pocket knife sprinted to me, he raised his blade into the air, trying to slash me. 'Too slow.' My left arm countered the attack, it moved to his wrists, safely just a bit away from the blade that pointed downwards. Then, I swung my arm to whack the knife away. I threw punches at an amazing speed. To finish the swaying man off, I did a powerful hay maker. Making him unconscious. As much as I like to...more than just 'hurt' people, at least I'm trying to knock them out cold.

More grunts appeared, "Cowards." I spat. I rolled towards a cement pillar. Pulling out my guns, endless shots were fired. The flinched a bit whenever it hits the pillar, dust particles covered me. I pulled the trigger hitting their limbs, trying to be nonlethal. Few bullets actually grazed me, one on my right arm, my left shoulder, then my left thigh.

"Give up!" A criminal shouted.

"Your outnumbered!" Another man yelled, confidence laced in his voice.

'Outnumbered...' I thought. 'Just the way I like it...'

As I shot more rounds, there was only 2 men left. The one frightened was firing constantly. "Save your ammo dumb ass!" One of them bickered. I took this distraction as a chance to shoot them, it took me 2 rounds since the one bickering had body armor.

After that, I pointed one pistol towards the scared one. "I suggest you run..." My patience running out. This fight got boring, I was starting to get annoyed.

"P-please d-don't k-k-k-kill me!" He ran off, stumbling and tripping a few times.

I turned to the last two remaining figures, "H-help me!" I aimed at the enemy that had a gun pointed to the victim's head, who was shaking uncontrollably out of fear. Then pulled the trigger one last time...


My eyes widened 'Damn' . For the first time, I have never felt so slow in reaction. A needle bit me in the neck. My vision wavered, "There's no need for playing bait now." I fell to my knees, scolding myself. I started to sway, my hands now in front of me on the ground to prevent me from falling. The last man standing snickered. "Good night... Hahaha." Then I blacked out... The last words I thought was 'I should've known.'



(Max Payne 2- "Vlad")

'I need to get back my gun...' I thought. I pulled out a pocket knife from my ankle to cut the ropes binding me.


My head hurts as if I got hit by a massive hangover. I slowly limping my way to the door, it was locked. I removed my mask and pulled out a hairpin in case it happens to be situations that involves locked doors. I bent it and moved it around in the keyhole, waiting for a click or any of the sort. Putting my mask on, I proceeded on lock picking...

'Remember... three clicks...'


'Damn it. Where is it?'


'One more...'

............ I almost broke my pick.

I suddenly hear footsteps behind the door. 'Need to hurry.'


I waited for the person to come closer, the footsteps came to a sudden halt and turned the knob. I took it as a queue to slam it in his face, *THUD!* I heard a groan. I opened the door and quickly closed his windpipe, 1 to shut him up. And 2 to knock him out. He finally stopped struggling under my grip as I let him go, I put him in the room to hide his body. There was endless mazes of concrete walls, some broken windows. 'This must be an abandoned warehouse or something...'

I kept walking, looking at my surroundings every so often. I turned to a room, pleased at the sight. 'There they are...' I took a step forward until someone called out from behind me.

"You-" I whipped around just in time and choked him. I got my stuff back.

I looked at my wounds, 'I wasn't knocked out that long...still fresh.' I noted.

I felt the weight of my gun and remembered. Empty. At the corner of my eye, one of the filthy windows had moonlight flowing through. Landing onto something shiny in the man's blue jacket, the gun felt heavy and it was loaded. Using the same ammunition for one of my guns. I holstered my weapon, heading through the musty window. I didn't bother for an explanation of the trap, they were the same men from the docks loading and unloading mysterious cargo. I didn't want to report, knowing that I'm not the only vigilante. I don't trust anyone anyways.

I jumped roof to roof, towards my flat. I have work tomorrow and paperwork to fill, not counting the fact that I need to grab my pills and first aid kit. 'Not bad for first timer...' To be honest, I was sloppy and slow.

_______________The Next Day_______________

"State the situation, Officer Payne."

"Officer Payne reporting: one woman armed with a murder weapon and one male victim dead. I repeat, one woman armed with a murder weapon and one male victim dead." I nodded to the other officers. "Break the door down."

"Open up! Your under arrest!" The officers yelled while kicking the door down.


"Drop the weapon!" I raised my voice.

We ran into the room and found a long-haired, blonde woman knelt on the floor, with a bloody knife. There was one dead man with multiple stab wounds. "Oh god no! I didn't do this! I didn't do this!" She was panicking, she dropped the bloody weapon and laid onto the carpeted floor next to the dead man that left a pool of that sanguine liquid, hands raised. "I didn't do this!"

"We'll have the area examined, take her to custody. Good work men." I stated.

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