Chapter 5

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When everyone reached the location of the next stage of the exam, everyone got off. Nobody had been left behind.

The test was to get to the base of the tower. One person decided that the best idea was to climb down the side of the building.

Pika had a bad feeling about this plan, but she knew that he wouldn't pay any attention to her.

Sure enough, there was a grim-like animal that was supposed to stop people from doing that. Pressing the button on her glasses, Pika sent a small amount of dust at the animal.

That made the animal turn around for a moment. In that moment Pika spun her glasses around her finger so it changed into a scythe. Then she hooked her scythe under his arms and pulled him up.

"Th-thank you." The man stuttered.

"No problem. It was a bad idea though, don't do something like that again." Pika repremanded him.

Everyone started looking for other ways down. However, due to her semblance, Pika had already seen the trap doors that you had to go through.

She was the first to go through one.

She ended up in a small room that had bracelets which had two buttons on; an X and an O. She put one of these on.

There was a sign above these that said that she had chosen the path of Majority Rules. It looked to her like she would have to wait around until some more people found the trap doors.

It took a really long time and Pika had started to get bored so she was watching videos on her scroll. She was watching a video of teams RWBY and JNPR in their first team fights.

((A/N: This is the official RWBY video, please support the official release.))

When, finally, some more people entered, there were only 4 of them. Including Pika that was 5 people Unfortunately they still had to wait as they needed 7 people.

While they were waiting for the last 2 people, Pika decided to video call Yang.

"Hey Yang. How are you?" Pika said to her scroll.

"You know, same as before." Yang said, shrugging. "Is Ruby with you?"

"Ruby? No. I thought she was at home with you. Especially after what happened." Pika said, shocked.

"I know, right? Anyway, where exactly are you right now?" Yang asked.

"Exactly? I don't know. But I am taking the hunter exam. It's surprisingly easy, considering how few people pass every year." Pika said.

"Hunter exam? But, wasn't Beacon enough for you? Do you really need another hunter school?" Yeng asked.

"It's not a school. Once you pass the exam you get a hunter license. It's way easier than Beacon. This is just how I can have hunter status after what happened." Pika explained.

Suddenly two more people fell into the room, all of them were there.

"Sorry Yang, I have to go now, it's time for the next stage." Pika said before hanging up.

((A/N: More RWBY in this one. The video really is cannon RWBY. In this chapter Yang finally got time.

I hope you like this.

Shout out to Wolfwings321/Pika_Brawen_ as she LOVES RWBY.


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