26. Goons Galore

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"No, not at all safe, sir. The area appears to be crawling with their goons." Lorne looked up from his phone and winced. "There were three loitering across the street when I watched the courier. They now realise the delivery had failed."

"So, their next step is to enter," the voice on the phone replied.

"I would think so. They don't know what floor we're on, though they may have seen me watch from the balcony. But with the controlled access, we have a bit of time before they find a way in."

"I'll have the VDP extract you."

"Yes, be faster if you set it up, sir. You've more pull than I have."

"What's the address? Which door is best?"

"388 West First, corner of Wylie. The least obvious would be if you arrange for two unmarked cars to be positioned in the alley near the underground parking ramp. Have them phone me when they're stationed, and it appears safe for me to drive out."

"Where will you go?"

"We're only three blocks from VPD HQ, so down into their parkade – I have gate and elevator access. Need to go there, anyway. Give them the courier notification and other material evidence."

"Excellent plan, Lorne. I'll get it moving. Be careful."

"Thank you, sir. I'll call you when we're safe."

Lorne clicked off his phone and put it into his shirt pocket. "We need to pack, Kate. Computers, changes of clothes, toiletries, perishables from the fridge."

My trembling increased. "Hug me, Lorne. Help me calm."

His strong arms and gentle caressing soon relaxed me. Then after kissing my forehead, he said, "Another thing I have to remember. That I need to learn."

"Hunh? What's that?"

"You're not just another colleague I'm working with. Need to learn how love relationships work."

I grabbed his hair and guided his head down as I rose to my toes. A long, passionate kiss later, as I nibbled on his lips, I said, "That you recognise the difference is the most important step, Lorne. The rest is easy."

A while later, as we packed, I asked, "So after the police station, where will we go?"

"We'll assess the situation with them – discuss the better ideas with Driscoll. Decide what's best from there."


"Chief Superintendent Driscoll – the man on the phone. He's coordinating the RCMP investigation."

After we had packed two roller suitcases and wheeled them to the door, Lorne placed a leather satchel and the Nuance bag beside his. Then, when I had set the cooler pack on top of mine, I pointed to the blue bag. "Shouldn't we remove the chip or crush it? Otherwise, they'll continue tracking us."

"A fine observation, Kate, but that would be destroying evidence." He pointed to the bag. "I've taped three layers of aluminium foil over it to block the signal, and I'll remove it when we're safely in the police building."

"Why remove it?"

"To let them know we're onto them, and hopefully, to cause them to do something stupid."

"Yeah, wise. Ever the foursquare lawyer." I grinned at him. "Except for the chip you left in the cab. Wouldn't that be considered willfully hiding evidence?"

He chuckled and pulled me into another hug. "At that time, I had seen no provable criminal intent in their wanting to track me. Sending it on a long cab ride was much like sticking my tongue out at them. But this one is linkable to criminal..."

Lorne paused and unwrapped our hug when his phone tone sounded. Then thumbed in and caller ID checked, he swiped, tapped and said, "Wilson."

"VPD. We're watching the lane behind 388 First."

"We'll be in the silver-grey Mercedes E350 exiting in a minute or two."

"Fine. Turn right. I'm in the black Chrysler minivan on Wylie at the mouth of the lane, and I'll tail you."

He clicked off, pocked his phone, set the alarm and opened the door. A minute or so later, down the elevator to the parkade and with the bags in the car's trunk, he opened the rear door for me. "Tinted glass, but to be safe, lie on the seat."

I had not long settled into the soft leather upholstery when the changing light showed we were moving, and my thoughts moved faster. Is anywhere safe? The boat? What if they placed a tracker aboard? Simple to tape one to the hull. From a dinghy. A kayak. A diver. Unseen. Security gates don't matter. Oh, God! Where do we...

Lorne's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Stay down, Kate. Two men appear ready to enter when the gate rolls up."

I heard the thunks of our doors locking and a whirring and clinking that I assumed to be the opening gate. Shortly after it stopped, bright light filled the front of the car, startling me until I realised we were outside in open daylight. "The men? Are we okay?"

"We're safe. They're now in the parkade, likely looking for access to the floors."

"They'll pick the locks."

"No, the entire building has Mul-T-Lock, the Mount Everest for lockpickers. I'll phone security – have the goons monitored. You can sit up now. Impossible to see into the car on such a bright day."

As I sat, Lorne turned into the lane from the access ramp, and I saw a man leaning against the wall across the way. Then a short ride later, two more stood at the street corner. "Those are Mob goons, aren't they?"

"Yup, appears so. Rare to see anyone loitering in this area."

"Are we safe?"

He glanced up into the mirror and smiled at me. "You're always safe with me, Kate."

"Yeah. Just wish my insides would stop flip-flapping."

"Another couple of minutes, then we can both breathe easier."

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