Introductory Matter

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A certified organic story from locally-sourced ingredients with no artificial additives, common tropes or clichés.

A note to the reader:
My writing is deeply-researched, reality-based and character-driven. I limit exposition and vivid description, preferring to use dialogue and the subtleties of subtext, innuendo and emotion to convey the story.

The setting is Vancouver, Canada, one of the most culturally-diverse and LGBT-friendly cities on the planet. 


Copyright © 2023 by Michael Walsh

All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to: photocopying, scanning, recording or information storage and retrieval, without permission in writing from the author.


Trigger Warnings:
Mentions of violence.
Explicit sex scenes.
Descriptions of enjoying superb wine and food.


The header picture is by Ian Spence on Wikimedia Commons, and it is used without changes under the following license:

Other images are creations of the author, are licensed or are in the public domain.

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