Black And White Party

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Hey everyone, here's the new story. It's not the happiest story on earth, well at least not in the beginning but it will get better and better. Trust me, this is going to be one wild ride! I'm dedicating this chapter to my sister, she was a lot of help. I love you Ali!

Picture of Sutton to the side>>

I watched as my older sister brushed through her long golden locks with ease. It was always obvious to me that she was special, and everyone knew it. From the day she was born, she charmed my loving parents with her big blue eyes and beautiful blond hair. She was always on top of her grades, and always looked like she just stepped off the runway. I was an average nobody compared to her. It didn't bother me that much, because, after all, she is my sister. The only thing that got on my nerves was that she never had to try. All my life I tried to impress my parents but for her it was effortless.

"Sutton what are you looking at me for?" she asked after noticing my gaze.

Sighing, I looked down at the comforter on her bed. She would scold me for thinking like that, but I couldn't help myself. Don't get me wrong, I didn't idolize her and wish to be her every breathing second but it would be nice to have things easy once in a while.

"I was just thinking that maybe I should have gone blond like you," I lied, picking up a piece of my auburn hair and studying it. I actually liked the red color with my skin tone, it complimented my paleness. Of course I was the pale one with millions of tiny little freckles, and Melody's skin turned golden brown during the summer time. It made her bright blue eyes pop.

Melody stood from her vanity chair and plopped down on the bed next to me. "Hey want to come to this party with me tonight? I could introduce you to some older guys. It's one of those black and white themed parties; they're always fun," she asked wiggling her eyebrows at me.

Snorting, I sat up. "Like any of them would pay attention to me with you in the room."

My comment made my sister frown deeply. Sighing, she stood from the bed and pulled me up with her. "Why don't you listen to me when I tell you how gorgeous you are? Now come on. I'm picking out an outfit for you and you're coming with me! That way, next year when I'm off at college, you'll have some senior friends. It's always nice to have older friends."

The party was strictly juniors and seniors, unless you had someone as popular as my sister to take you. All my guy friends always wanted to hang at my house just to get a glimpse of my sister at home. It was sort of aggravating actually. Sometimes I felt like people only befriended me because they wanted to get closer to my sister, so I kept only a few close friends and only one of them was a senior.

Melody hauled me over to her closet and dug out a few options. Her closet was an endless vortex of designer clothes and killer heels. My closet was literally less than half of hers. After what seemed like a half hour of rummaging through her stuff, Melody picked out a pair of tight black skinny jeans and a sparkling white vest for me to wear.

I studied the clothes in my hands with apprehension before pulling them on. Luckily, the pants were an old pair and fit me quite well, and the vest tailored in nicely at my waist. "Leave the last three buttons undone," my sister told me slapping my hands away from the buttons.

Without the last buttons, you could see my black bra. "But I look like a hooker," I joked.

Even with my bra on display, there wasn't much to see. Now on the other hand, Melody looked stunning. Her long legs were only covered by a skimpy black shirt, and the black tube top she wore showed off her incredible stomach. She slipped on a pair of white heels and looked in the mirror.

"Don't seem so nervous Sutton, you look amazing. Now, we need to get you some heels."

Clapping her hands together she disappeared into her closet one more time before retrieving a pair of shockingly red pumps. Never in my life had I worn heels so high, and I looked at them cautiously.

"This is a black and white party," I reminded her.

She shrugged her shoulders. "They will make you stand out, and no one's going to care."


"Not buts, now get your little butt moving we're going to be late."

Sighing, I slipped on the shoes and hobbled down the hallways after her. I probably looked drunk already. Smiling at the thought, I buttoned up the last few notches on the vest and prayed for the best.

We arrived at the house party about a half an hour later, which Melody said was fashionably late. The music was already booming and there were so many people that the party had graduated to the back yard. The house seemed big enough to hold a good number, so I was surprised to see so many people. We swiveled our way through the crowd until Melody found her boyfriend Mark.

Mark was the drama club heartthrob and was probably crushed on by every girl at our school besides me. His cute smile and neat honey blonde hair matched my sister's perfectly. He and Melody had been dating a whole year now, and I swear he looked at me like a little sister.

"Hey you brought the pet this time," he mocked jokingly before patting my head.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled away and nudged him in the stomach. "Don't let her drink too much man; the last time she came home she could barely walk."

Melody gasped as I turned around. "I was not that drunk!" she said before downing a shot.

Laughing, I made my way across the kitchen to find something to drink. Someone offered me a Mike's Hard, and seeing that I would have to drink about seven of them to even get drunk, I took it happily. Making my way through the crowd, I managed to find an empty spot on the sofa and sat myself down. I felt like a total outsider as all the upperclassmen mingled with each other.

I didn't know anyone, and I felt as if my night would be spent watching as everyone else had a good time. I looked down at my drink and contemplated a good excuse to leave. Melody would want to stay all night, and that meant walking home, but even that would be better than staying.

"Do I know you?"

I looked up from my drink to find someone hovering over me. After further inspection, I realized that it was the mysterious Colton Jones, otherwise known as the bad boy with a very iffy past. Colton was the type of guy that caught everyone's attention, yet he never paid any interest. Girl after girl fell for his gorgeous blue eyes and nicely toned body, but he never wanted any of them.

He thought he was too good for everyone. Probably even my sister.

"No," I stated bluntly, before standing up and pushing past him. It was not in my interest to get involved with Colton.

He grabbed my wrist and spun me around. "Hey your Melody's little shadow, aren't you?" He asked with a smug smile, even though he already knew the answer.

Snatching back my arm, I frowned. "Her little sister, not that it concerns you."

He smiled. "But I have to know all the pretty girls."

Even though I knew he was just playing with me, I felt the small presence of blush creeping to my cheeks. "Yet you never seem interested. Weird since there are so many girls falling over for you."

A few people around us were starting to look, so before he could answer I ducked into the crowd and made my way back to the kitchen where I was sure to find Melody getting another drink. When I arrived there, surprisingly she was nowhere to be found.

I saw one of Mark's friends and approached them. "Hey do you know where Mark and Melody are?" I asked looking around to see if I could find them.

Blaine, one of the only upperclassmen that bothered to talk to me scrunched his nose. He was a really cool guy, and was probably one of the funniest people I knew. Whenever I was hanging with Mark and Melody and they decided to hop, he would be the one to take me home or just chill.

"Aw hey little Sutton," he cooed, knowing that I hated when he called me little. Even though I hated it, I still let him get away with it.

Rolling my eyes I nudged him. "Seriously where are they?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, but if they ditched I can give you a ride home later. Right now I'm a little preoccupied though."

He motioned over to the blonde on the other side of the counter and I got the hint. "No it's fine; they probably just found a room. Have fun, don't get too wild."

After about another hour of searching, I concluded that Melody had once again ditched with her man. I usually didn't mind if we were just hanging out, but this time she left me stranded at an upperclassmen party with people I didn't know. Starting to get irritated, I made my way to the front porch and perched myself on the steps leading up to the house.

If anything, she would swing by later in the early morning to come get me. It was already eleven at night, and I knew I wouldn't be seeing her until three or four. There was always the option of walking home...

"Found you."

I jumped at the sound of Colton's familiar and aggravating voice. Groaning, I turned to see him approaching me.

"What do you want?" I asked. There had to be a good reason when someone like him took interest in someone like me.

He rolled his eyes. "I like your shoes," he admitted. "Not a lot of girls look good in red. But do really I need a reason to talk to you? Isn't that what people do at parties; talk?"

"Well usually they get drunk and do very regrettable things, but what I meant is why are you talking to me? What's in it for you?"

My question looked like it took Colton off guard, because his eyebrows furrowed together in a funny way. Shaking his head, he looked out towards the car filled street. "It must suck being Melody's sister."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's really not all that bad," I told him truthfully.

Colton laughed. "Don't lie to me, your sister is the golden child, and you're the ugly little duckling." When I shot he an insulted looked he quickly added, "You know, minus the ugly part."

"Gee thanks, way to make me feel better about myself," I mumbled. It's not like I expected Colton to be a cool guy, but I didn't expect him to be like everyone said. Maybe he really did think he was better than everyone.

"Don't you ever wish that you could just have one day without her, to see what it's like to not be her little shadow for the day?" he finally asked, scooting a little closer to me.

The chilly night air nipped at my exposed skin as I thought about what Colton said. Yeah, maybe it would be nice to have a day without being Melody Bran's sister. It would just be me, Sutton Bran, and no one would expect anything. They wouldn't expect me to be as smart and as pretty as her, they wouldn't just forget about me.

Finally, I turned back to face Colton. His eyes were trained on me, and I realized he must have been watching me the whole time. "I guess it would be nice to feel more wanted for one day, but I love my sister. I don't know what I would do without her."

It was the truth, but I asked myself why I was telling Colton all of this. "I think you're much cooler than your sister, just from meeting you once. And those shoes are sexy."

I stared up at him apprehensively waiting for the catch line, waiting for him to crack up laughing, but he stayed perfectly silent. Colton really was gorgeous, with dirty blonde locks that settled neatly at the top of his head, two dazzling dimples and alarming blue eyes.

The corner of his plump lips turned up once he noticed I was taking in all his very nice features. "Have you ever kissed anyone Sutton?"

It was the first time he had used my name, and for some reason I liked the sound of it coming from his mouth. Wearily, I looked away and up at the stars.

"I bet you haven't," he whispered into my ear.

Frowning, I turned to face him, ready to tell him that it was none of his business whether I kissed anyone when I felt the warmth of his lips on mine. The kiss only lasted for a few short seconds, but in those seconds my heart rate managed to triple. The taste of his mouth was sweet, and he left my lips tingling after he pulled away.

"There, now you have a kiss. See you later Sutton, it was nice meeting you."

Without another word, he sat up and headed back into the house where the party was still raging on. It took me a few moments to react, but by the time I was heading down the driveway and towards my house my blood was boiling. How dare the boy steal my first kiss! I didn't even know him, we just met!

The whole walk home I convinced myself that as good as the kiss felt, it was terribly wrong. Why would a boy like that ever waste his time with me? Maybe he thought he was funny stealing something important to a girl, but I didn't find it funny at all. I was saving that kiss for a guy who truly cared, not someone who liked to mess around at stupid high school parties. But there was still a part of me that thought maybe that kiss would be the turning point. Maybe someone finally did like me...

It seemed like it took me forever to get my mind off Colton but by the time I got home the blue police cars parked outside my house stole my attention. My heart beat against my chest as I approached the small green house where I had grown up all my life, where all my memories were. Palms sweaty by the time my hand reached the door, I pulled on the handle and stepped into a room full of chaos.

My mother was crumpled in my father's arms, weeping her eyes out like a little baby. Two officers stood in the room talking to my father as silent tears leaked out of his eyes. Taking in a deep breath, I approached my parents and the officers. Both men turned around to face me with grim faces.

"What's going on mom?" I asked, my voice cracking.

There was a long moment of silence before my father said, "It's your sister."

Hey, so if you see any mistakes, either let me know or ignore them because there shouldn't be too many. Hope you liked the first chapter!

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