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“Can you please put on something nice? Mark and his parents will be here soon.”

I stared across the table at my mother. She was too busy setting down our fancy china to see me glare back at her. Standing from the table, I grabbed my school bag and headed up to my room. Once I got inside, I locked the door and dialed Colton’s number on my phone.

I didn’t know what to expect as the phone rang.


The sound of his voice was instantly soothing, and I found myself sighing in relief. “Hey.”

“Sutton? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, I was just wondering what you were doing. I mean I know you said you’d be busy for a few days but I was thinking about checking off a few things…and—“

“Say no more, I’m at your service,” he said before I could start rambling.

I felt my lips form a smile as a giddy feeling took over me. “But there’s a catch,” he added.


“I’m babysitting my sisters.”

I laughed. “Aren’t they a little young for the rebellious life?”

He chuckled. “I’ll take care of it; just meet me at the mall okay?”

I thought about asking for a ride, but I didn’t feel like bothering. The mall would only be a ten minute walk anyway. “See you soon.”

I hung up the phone and headed for my closet. The baggy sweatpants and sweatshirt I was in was comfortable, but I wanted to look good for Colton. He always looked good, no matter what he wore, or should I say what he didn’t wear. Shaking the shirtless thought of Colton out of my head, I pulled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and an oversized sweater. I didn’t want Colton to think I was trying too hard…

Just as I grabbed my bag and pulled my hair into a messy bun the doorbell rang. The sound of laughter echoed through the house, and just as I was opening the balcony door I heard my mother tell Mark to come get me. In a rush, I dropped my bag over the side of the balcony and swung myself over. After hanging for a few seconds, I let myself drop to the ground rather ungracefully. Grabbing my bag, I darted off into the street and out of sight.

My heart was pounding by the time I made it to the edge of my neighborhood. No doubt my parents would be furious. Not only had I snuck out, but I’d snuck out to see Colton and I probably embarrassed them in front of Mark’s parents. I shook my head and refused to let myself think of how much trouble I would be in once I got home. The only thing that mattered was that I would be spending my night with Colton, even if that meant being rounded for forever. The cool night air felt good against my face as I made my way in the direction of the mall. Walking in the dark reminded me of the night Melody died. It felt so long ago, yet everything was so clear in my mind. I had been so furious at her for leaving me that I didn’t even think about something happening to her.

I pictured the party—my first ever party may I remind you—and smiled when I remembered Colton’s lips on mine. He had stolen my first kiss, and although I had been mad about it, I didn’t care anymore. Colton had also stolen my second kiss, if that was even a thing. He had only done it to help me cross off a number on the list, but to me it meant more. I had let myself come to care a lot for Colton in the past month or so, even when I told myself from the beginning not to care. It was hard not to care when you spent a lot of your time with a person you truly loved to me around. Not liked, but loved.



The word was foreign to me when it came to guys. Sure I “loved” watching The Vampire Diaries because I “loved” seeing Joseph Morgan shirtless, but it was different with Colton. I mean I loved seeing him shirtless, but I loved hearing his voice and loved talking to him. But I wasn’t in love with Colton, I couldn’t be. After what happened to Melody I never wanted to love someone so much. Because if you love something you lose it, and then you’re left with nothing.

I shivered and wrapped my arms across my chest just as I made my way towards the front entrance of Mayfair Mall. The parking lot was packed full and people were making their way in and out of the shopping center in a rush. By the time I made it inside, I had bumped into at least three angry shoppers and pissed off a young couple because I accidently walked through their connected hands.

I assumed it would be hard finding Colton, but as soon as I stepped inside it was pretty easy to spot him. He was standing in the center of the mall, his two sisters standing a few feet away with devilish smiles on their faces. A man wearing a Hollister employees shirt was talking to Colton like he had just found his next shiny model, and a group of younger girls stood a good couple of yards away giggling in awe at him. From one look at Colton’s face I could tell that he was not enjoying his time in the spotlight. I watched him with a smile on my face. I should have gone and rescued him but it was too funny seeing him struggle.

And then, just as I was about to go save Colton, his eyes found me across the mall. A grin spread across his face and he waved me over to join him. The Hollister guy walked away and towards his store as I made my way across the busy mall.

“Colton’s girlfriend is here,” Charlotte said once I was in hearing range.

Bella looked up from her feet and her eyes widened. “Sutton!” she screeched before running in my direction and launching herself at me.

I reacted just in time to catch her. “Hi Bella,” I said with a chuckle.

I set her down on the ground and straightened out my shirt. “I don’t look like a cross dresser today!” she told me with a smile on her face.

Colton glared down at Charlotte and I tried not to laugh. “See what you teach her,” he mumbled.

“Why is your girlfriend here Colton?”

“Oh I’m not—“

“Because she can’t resist staying away from me,” he said with a grin before pulling me into his chest.

He squeezed me tight before brushing a kiss onto my forehead. His lips left a trail of tingles across my skin and even though I knew he was being sarcastic I still felt my face grow warm.

“Cooties!” Bella shouted before covering her eyes with her chubby little hands.

I pushed away from Colton and rolled my eyes. “He wishes!”

“Aw come on freckles no lying,” he said with a chuckle.

Charlotte looked at me with a smirk on her face. “Come on Colton I don’t want to be late for the movie.”

“Alright follow me everyone!” Colton called back before making a bee line for the movie theater entrance.

Before I could move away Bella tugged on my sleeve. “Can I have a piggy back ride?”

I looked down at her big eyes and caved in immediately. “Of course,” I said bending down so she could jump on.

Once she was secured to my back scrambled after Colton. By the time I caught up with him and Charlotte the tickets were already bought.

“Okay remember you don’t let her out of your sight okay. You promise me?”

Colton’s little sister looked up at him with a bored expression on her face. “Dude I’m twelve it’s not rocket science.”

A laugh escaped my lips and Colton turned to glare at me. “The woman has more attitude than my mother,” he mumbled.

I set Bella on the ground and she raced over to Charlotte’s side. “Have fun you two, I’ll be waiting out here before the movies over.”

They nodded at Colton before turning towards the movie door entrance. Once they were inside Colton turned to face me with an evil grin on his face. “Come on girlfriend, I have something special planned for you,” he told me.

I rolled my eyes as he grabbed my hand and led me back out into the main part of the mall. “Okay boyfriend!” I said emphasizing the word boyfriend.

Once we were out in the crowd of bustling people Colton let go of my hand. Lamely I looked down at my feet and followed close behind him. “So what did you have in mind Hollister model?”

Colton groaned. “I swear if you tell anyone—“

“What are you gonna do?” I taunted.

He swung around and pointed at my threateningly. “Do you really want to find out?”

“You don’t scare me pretty boy.”

In seconds Colton had me backed up against one of the store walls, his hands on either side of my head. To anyone passing by we looked like a couple in love, by my heart was racing out of control. What was he playing at?

“I still don’t scare you,” he teased leaning close enough that his breath fanned my face.

I took in a gulp of air and tried to control my crazy heart. “No but your breath does,” I managed to get out.

He leaned in closer; his lips practically brushing my cheeks. “I think you’re nervous,” he said as his hand moved down to tug at a loose strand of my hair.

I refused to look away from his piercing blue eyes as I shook my head. Colton’s eyes burned into mine for a few seconds longer before he pulled away and grabbed my hand.

“Come on shortcake I have a surprise for you,” he said leading me across the busy mall.

I stumbled along with him, my legs shaky and my face flushed. How the hell did one guy have so much control over me and how I felt? Never once in my life had I felt so vulnerable around another person. I hadn’t noticed that Colton stopped until I ran straight into his back. After catching my balance, I looked up at the store in front of us.

The sign for Victoria’s Secret stood out in bright pink lettering. “Uh Colton what in God’s name are we doing here?” I asked curiously.

He smirked down at me. “Oh come on you know why. I’m just here to help.”

My eyes widened as he dragged me into the store after him. “No way in hell Colton! I am not trying on lingerie!” I practically screeched.

He chuckled. “Remember, I’m just a friend helping out another friend.”

“Colton guy friends don’t “help” other girl friends pick out sexy panties!” I sighed in exasperation.

“Oh you’d be surprised Sutton,” he told me with a suggestive eye brow wiggle.

Rolling my eyes I crossed my arms over my chest and self-consciously looked around the store. I did love Victoria’s Secret, but I have never in my life bought sexy lingerie. Especially with a guy! A store clerk spotted us and swopped in just as I tried to escape.

  “What can I do for you two?” she asked, her eyes lingering on Colton for just a little too long.

Wow I was getting jealous and he wasn’t even mine to be jealous of.

“She needs something lacy…and red. Yes definitely make it red,” Colton told the woman.

She eyed my up before grabbing a measurement band from her pocket. “Lift your arms,” she said.

I glared at Colton but kept my arms at my side. “Seriously?” I hissed.

He sighed. “Fine I’ll turn around.”

Colton quickly moved to face the other way. The woman looked down at me impatiently as I slowly lifted my arms. She did her job thoroughly and fast. “Okay looks like you’re just big enough to fit a thirty four C, I’ll go grab something.”

She hurried off into the store as I crossed my arms back over my chest. “So you’re a C cup, I mean I’m usually good at guessing but for some reason I wasn’t sure about you,” Colton said turning around to face me.

I swatted his arm. “Hey I thought I told you to—“

“I turned around, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t hear her,” he said with a smile.

Groaning I turned away.

Colton laughed. “Aw is Sutton embarrassed of her boobies?”

I spun around and smacked Colton on his chest. “Shut up pretty boy. Or should I call you the Hollister model from now on?”

“I was just messing with you, no need to get your panties in a bunch. Anyway, there’s no need to be embarrassed. C is just the right size, not too big, not too small—“

I was winding up to punch Colton when the store clerk appeared. She held one very lacy red bra with a matching lace thong. She also had a few other options in her other hand. “Should I get you a dressing room?”

I groaned. Great, now there was no way of getting out of this.

Hey everyone! I’m happy to tell you that after this next week, I won’t be as busy anymore. I’ll me going back to working one day during the school week and one day during the weekend. I’ve been busy because it’s close to the end of the year and I have to make up hours or else I won’t get paid! So this week I’ll be working Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and all day Monday over break. Yikes right!?

But I’m finally done with worrying about the ACT, well at least until I take it a second time in April. Anyway, Christmas it on its way and I’m just so excited!!! :D

Thank you to _Baadison for the banners that will be on this upload and the next! 

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