True Friends?

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I had never in my life seen Colton look so mad. If we were in a cartoon, steam would be pouring out of his ears. Grabbing my arm, he led me to the front of the class and out into the hallway. The teacher didn’t seem to notice our escape as he was engrossed in one of his usual romance books.

Once we were in the hallway, I pulled away from Colton and straightened out my shirt. Before I could process anything, he had me backed up against the closest row of lockers, both of his arms keeping me caged in. I watched him closely, choosing my next word carefully.

“Is it that hard for you to admit?”

It sounded like he swore under his breath as he pushed away from the lockers. Colton brushed a hand through his hair almost as if he were just as frustrated as I was.

Yeah right.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he finally said, pacing back in forth in front of me.

“Oh I don’t?”

“No,” Colton confirmed.

Laughing, I shook my head and took a step towards the classroom door. “A real man would admit what he truly felt.”

Colton’s hand on my arm stopped me from entering the room. I turned around, my eyes connecting with his crystal blue orbs.

“I don’t get romantic feelings for gir—“

“I never said you loved me Colton, I said you had feelings for me. That could me many things. Whether you just like me as a friend, or more, or whatever you want to call it, I know there is some sort of feelings. Otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten so mad after the party.”

My words left Colton looking even more frustrated.

“Is it really that hard admitting you like me as a friend? Everyone needs a friend, even Colton Jones.”

He stepped away from me looking more and more angry.

“Feelings don’t get you anywhere in life.”

I laughed. “So you’re saying feelings are a bad thing?”

“Of course they are Sutton. Feelings are the reason people kill themselves, or kill others. Feelings are the reason people feel empty or broken when they lose a friend, or get dumped. Feelings are what makes you so upset every day; whether it be about your sister or your parents, or even me.”

It was obvious that Colton had once loved someone. He had to of lost something dear to him to feel this way about something a human being can’t help. I understood that the love that I felt towards my sister was the reason I was hurting now, but without love and hurt, what was life? How could Colton tell himself that he could make it through even a day without feeling something towards someone?

It was sad to see him like this; so upset about something that everyone went through. Hurt was a part of life, and Colton’s way of dealing with it meant pushing everyone away so he wouldn’t get hurt. What he didn’t know was that it was the very reason he was hurting now.

“How can you think that Colton? Yeah, losing something or someone you care about sucks, but where would all of us be without the love from our parents, and our friends who make our life so much more enjoyable.”

“We’d be like me,” he stated simply.

I chuckled. “And even though Colton Jones is a great guy, no one wants millions of cocky bad boys driving around on their motorbikes.”

A flicker of a smile made its way to Colton’s face. Even though it wasn’t much, it was better the brooding, cranky side of him.

“I don’t think that would be too bad, I mean at least we’d all be devilishly handsome. It would just be so much perfection…”

“And too much sarcasm, you’re funny, handsome?”

Colton put a hand to his hip. “Girl you know I’m gorgeous, there’s no denying that God didn’t add a pinch of extra sexy when he made me.”

“More like extra—“

“Mr. Jones, Ms, Bran, what are you two doing out here?”

At the sound of our teacher’s voice, both Colton and I turned to face the door.

“Well if you really want to know, we were about to make a real kinky—“

“What Colton means to say is that we were working on a video for our project and didn’t want to disturb the rest of the class,” I cut in, shooting Colton a hard glare.

Mr. Renalds didn’t look convinced. “Then where’s your camera?”

“We were just running through, you know practicing without the camera,” I said a little bit too quickly.

The teacher eyed us suspiciously. After a few awkward seconds, he turned around. “Just make sure to get back into class before the bell rings!”

After the door shut behind him, I spun around to face Colton. “Were you trying to get us in trouble?”

“Loosen up freckles,” Colton said with a smirk, “it was just a little sarcasm.”

“Yeah well you didn’t need to say that!”

“Oh come on Sutton, I was just joking around!”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Were you just joking the other day when you totally humiliated me in front of the class? Were you joking around when you were all kinds of mean to Mark? I get sarcasm and joking around, but if that’s the way you act, I don’t want to be around you.”

Even though my outburst was sudden, I had been needing to tell him off about what happened the other day. I wouldn’t allow him to treat me like that. Colton looked a little guilty as he lowered his gaze to the floor.

“I’m sorry about all that, I really am. I told you I don’t handle feelings, I was upset after the party.”

“And I apologized.”

“And now I am,” he told me lowering his voice.

From the look on his face, I could tell that he was genuinely sorry. Everything he said had hurt, and it still it still did, but I had to forgive him.

“I know, and I appreciate it.”

“I didn’t mean anything I said, especially about you not being good en—“

“I know Colton, it’s fine, just leave it at that.”

Silence filled the hallway as Colton and I exchanged small glances. Suddenly, the thought of Vee and Mark popped into my mind. What would they think about me and Colton talking? Mark would not allow it guaranteed, and Vee would probably tell me some stupid story that’s supposed to make her look smart or something.

Maybe I just wouldn’t tell them about me and Colton making up, maybe it was better that way…



Blaine’s blasting voice ringed through Marks kitchen. He was busy cooking away on the stove as me and Mark entertained ourselves with a round of go fish.

“Can you please stop hurting my ears,” Mark complained, slapping down a pair of sevens. 

I laughed. “Just because he has a good voice and you don’t doesn’t mean you can insult his angel like singing.”

Blaine winked at me and continued on with his blasting, and although it was loud, it sounded fantastic. Mark actually wasn’t a bad singer, but Blaine always managed to get the lead role in the musical over him, so it was always funny to tease him.

Pouting, Mark lowered his head in his hand and pretended to fake cry. “Oh cheer up Marky, he’s only kinda better than you. Maybe this spring musical you’ll—“

“Don’t say it!” Mark warned with a groan.

Laughing, I jumped down from my stool and walked around the counter. Blaine’s breakfast for dinner was looking fantastic, especially the turkey bacon. My oh my how I love turkey bacon. The smell of sizzling sausages made its way to my nose and the thought of grabbing one right off the pan came to mind.

“So Blaine what’s new?” I asked grabbing water from the fridge.

Blaine shrugged. “Not much, but the school counselor switched Colton into my improve class as some sort of punishment.”

Mark grumbled from behind me. “That guy’s such a jerk.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think he was that bad, but after what he said to you guys I know better.”

Both Blaine and Mark turned to me as if waiting for some sort of complaint. I searched my head for anything to say, but couldn’t find anything convincing enough. Lying to my friends was not easy.

“Let’s just not talk about him.”

I decided on the easy way out…

“Come on Sutton, you can say something mean about him, there are tons of things I can think of.”

Shrugging my shoulders I took a long sip of my water. “Let out some anger Sutton, I know you can,” Blaine egged me on, even though I had nothing bad to say about Colton.

Well there were some things, but everyone has their flaws.

“Yeah come on Sutton,” Mark added.

“Fine. Colton’s is sort of a jerk.”

The lie tasted bitter on my tounge. Even though he could be a jerk, I knew he wasn’t at heart.

“Sort of?” Blaine and Mark said at the same time.

I sighed. “Okay all the time. And he looks stupid wearing all that damn leather.”

The added leather part was funny, but truthfully he looked really good wearing anything. I mean I wouldn’t even mind if he wore nothing.

Mark and Blaine chuckled just as I heard the front door open. Vee stepped into Mark’s kitchen holding two bags of groceries. “I brought dessert!” she shouted excitedly.

I watched as she pulled out treat after treat trying not to laugh. Vee wasn’t considered skinny, but she was nowhere near fat. I liked to call her curvy, and even after all the junk food she ate her waist was still smaller than mine. I barely even had a waist…

“Cookie dough?” Vee asked pulling out a tub of frozen deliciousness.

I nodded my head.

“So how did media studies go with dick face?”

I shrugged my shoulders at Vee. “We didn’t really talk so nothing happened.”

She nodded her head. “Well even if he apologizes and goes back to his charming ways, stay away from that douche. He’s bad news.”

My eyes lowered to the floor shamefully. How could I keep this from them?

“Sutton we’re your true friends, not Colton Jones. Just remember that.”

There was no way they would ever let me forget. 


I have to walk around school and see people I hate and it just sucks donkey boner. 

Anyway, once again sorry for the wait. Don't forget to vote! 

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