Chapter 12-Luminating Past

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"Mom?Mom where are you?"Fire danced around the scene.There was a car stuck in a tree.

The little girl had tears streaming down her face."Mom where are you?"The girl disappeared and a new scene took place.

The same girl was there,only younger.She was holding her mother's hand as they walked towards the entrance of a prison.

A man at the front was wearing orange and was standing next to a guard.He smiled coldly at them that sent a chill down the little girls spine.

The scene disappeared as I fell to the ground.Around me was pitch darkness.

I shivered from the cold.Suddenly a person appeared in front of me.It was my mother.

"Mom!"I ran towards her as I hugged her.She let me go and looked at me.

"Why did you let me die?"I looked up in shock."Wha..what?"

"You could have saved me Caitie.Why didn't you save your own mother?"I shook my head vigorously.

"No...I couldn't.It wasn't my were gone..."Her mother's eyes turned cold as her body engulfed in flames."Mother!"I screamed.


I gasped as I shot up from my bed.I slowed down my breathing.It was just a dream.....I kept repeating until I noticed my surroundings.

I was in a hospital bed yet I knew I wasn't in the hospital.The room was much smaller and was just plain white.I must be in the cave.I thought.

I heard voices outside as I crepted over towards the door.I opened it slightly as I glanced outside.

Few of the justices leaguers were talking including a few from the team.It was hard to hear but before I could try to listen anymore they glanced my way.

I shut the door quickly and sat on the bed.I hugged my knees as the door opened.

Black Canary appeared and smiled."How are you feeling?"I just nodded my head 'yes' as she walked over to me.

"You're lucky that the house didn't fall on you.You saved that little girl's life you know."She sat down next to me.

Memories from the night before flooded my vision."Why didn't you guys go?"I asked as I saw her shake her head

"It was just a minor fire.The team was trusted with the task alone."I looked at her,my eyes burning.

"I'm pretty sure it wasn't a 'minor fire' to the people who lived there."I said as I hugged my knees tighter.Canary sighed and patted my foot.

"No,I'm sure it wasn't."She paused and looked at me."Look,I know it must be tough.With your new powers you can't control,being with strangers,just after your mom...."She hesitated as I looked up at her."Just know we're here for you.The team can start helping you with your powers tomorrow.For now though,you deserve the rest."

She smiled and walked out.I sighed and lays down.Why did it have to be me?

I whispered in my mind.I then thought of the girl I had saved.Maybe these new powers weren't bad after all.

And with that I soon fell asleep finally on a happy thought.

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