Pirates from the stars

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*Gohan felt defeated at his father's sacrifice, but at least with Cell gone, peace can finally be achieved, or so they thought*

*A dust clouds forms with a ki blast makes it way through trunks, killing him, with a voice breaking the silence*
Cell: "Ah shit, that was meant for Tien, its kinda hard to specify whose power level is whose since its only gohan being powered up, haha, oh well"

*Gohan shouts getting back into the ss2 state with a pop of his neck, he walks over to Cell menacingly, while Vegeta looks over to Trunks in horror, his fist gripped and he cried out in anguish*

*With this in check, (Y/n) noticed this, he tries to stop Vegeta, but is blasted back by his dash towards Cell with the super vegeta transformation, only to be smacked away by Cell, the bug monster stared at him*
Cell: "what a shame, to see royalty reduced to this, its painful, well guess i should put you out of your misery then"

*Gohan flew over and guarded Vegeta from the shot Cell took at him, damaging his arms, with a smirk, Cell charges a kamehameha wave, with Gohan giving an inspiring speech before clashing with Cell's kamehameha, Gohan starts to give out causing the clash to be more in Cell's favor, which causes gohan to say things to doubt himself, then (Y/n) flies in already transformed next to Gohan*
(Y/n): "Gohan, you don't believe that, you're much stronger than you think you are, if this were anyone else, they wouldn't give up, So you shouldn't either"

*Goku then uses King Kai as service to speak in both (Y/n)'s mind and Gohan's, saying "he's right, you're better than yourself, you're better than me, you're better than (Y/n), and you're definitely better than him, so plant your feet."*

(Y/n): "grit your teeth"

Goku and (Y/n): "and EAT THAT HORSE"

*with that shout out of their systems, Gohan pushes forward with his beam and (Y/n) adds his kamehameha to Gohan's, gaining advantage over the struggle, which does cause Cell to put everything he's got into his kamehameha to get advantage back, Vegeta sneaks over to Cell's backside and shoots a powered shot of energy in his super vegeta state, which does make Cell lose focus and power*

*Gohan and (Y/n) take this chance to give their blasts an extra burst to overwhelm Cell, but not before he could his last thoughts out in the form of song*


*with Cell completely destroyed, Gohan and (Y/n) fell flat on the ground in base form, Yamcha put Gohan on his shoulder, Tien took Trunks, Krillin took A18, and Piccolo picked up (Y/n) before having a short talk with Vegeta*

Piccolo: "you know, I'm surprised you're not taking all the credit for the win Vegeta."

Vegeta: "I'm surprised you're not already giving me some thanks for the assist."

Piccolo: "well don't worry, we'll go revive your 'baby boy'."
*Piccolo then flies off after the others to regroup and heal, with Vegeta murmuring "####ing better", and then flew off after them to meet up at the lookout*

----------------------time skip----------------------

*with everything back in order, the only exception being goku couldn't be revived with the dragon balls. The z-fighters look into participating for a tournament hosted by Hercule, after signing up, they get cast into different brackets with everyone except trunks and Tien being in the same division*

*having being in seperate arenas, the could let loose, knocking off other humans with relative ease, Hercule being in his bunker, tapping his foot worryingly that he's gonna be outdone by the Cell killing squad*

*with (Y/n), Gohan, Trunks and Krillin taking a pod to get into the final arena, each of them had different biomes to wade through, (Y/n) ended up in a lava struck environment with a blue skinned female in the distance walking towards him*

(Y/n): "Are you the extra fighter?"

*she chuckled with her covering the distance between them, using her arms and legs to take him on, the fight is mostly equal with her getting a little more of a hand on combat, they send compliments to each as well as some other info*

*Gohan was in a sandy area fighting with a blue skinned big body builder, Trunks ended up taking a blue skinned sword wielder in a rainforest arena, and Krillin took on a blue skinned short guy in a tundra esque arena*

*With time passing Krillin gets knocked away into the main arena of a fake destroyed city, the short guy then goes in to take out Krillin, Piccolo arrives shortly after to take on the invader, he realized that these blue guys in the arena are not part of the event with how they handle the other z-fighters*

*Trunks ends up offing his opponent, through driving his fist through his stomach, before going off to help Gohan, once he gets there, Gohan's opponent didn't even hesitate to blast him away.*

*Vegeta steps in to the arena only to be stopped by a tall but less horizontal blue guy engaging in combat nearby gohan.*

*Vegeta faces off against him in the background with Gohan losing ground against their leader, he seems unable to get into his ss2 transformation.*

*The blue skinned fighters that remained centered their battles to their leader, making a transformation to greatly put the fight in their favor.*

*It wasn't long after that Vegeta had been losing ground, he was promptly knocked off his feet and palmed into a piece of debris, forcing him out of the transformation, leaving the others to be battered by their opponents. Y/n however was dragged to Gohan, forced to watch the entire group beat down on him.*

*The sight was horrid with Y/n barely holding on to his consciousness. Then with a sickening snap by their, Gohan fell limp and fell out of his transformation and onto the floor.*

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