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Lucky O'Cléirigh

With our assortment of kinky paraphernalia in hand, Konstantin and I approach the shop counter and the goth girl nods at us with a surprisingly sweet smile for a steampunk saleswoman with a safety pin pushed through her nose.. There isn't a hint of judgement or a trace of disgust in her pale blue eyes, instead she approvingly compliments our selection before she begins to neatly pack the items into a pretty black box..

"Great choice, you two! I just love the kitty-collection and it's one of our best sellers! You obviously have an excellent eye, Cutie!" The gothic girl winks at me with a playful grin and I can feel my face glowing pink, thankful that my blush can't be seen under the dim of the sultry lights..

"Oh, thanks.." I am relieved to hear that other people had selected the same playthings as us and something about that knowledge makes me feel even more at ease with the idea of using them.. Especially the anal toy.. I am so nervous about something being put in my butt, even if it is an adorable tail.. It is all so new to me, the exhilaration heats my blood, equal parts terrifying and titillating all at once..

From somewhere beneath the floorboards I can make out the thudding bass of a speedy techno tempo and once again I find myself in a curious and inquisitive position.. "Where is that music coming from?" I ask her, wondering if there is a nightclub nearby..

I could totally go for a dance floor distraction right now, anything to stop my mind from returning to the bloody scene we had left back at my apartment.. I have to keep moving, keep looking ahead.. I can't let my emotions get the better of me, instead I will bury them beneath a facade of fun, like I have always done.. I want to laugh and live.. And I want to forget the awful things that have been done..

The gorgeous goth hitches a thumb over her shoulder towards a red door behind the register.. "The dungeon is down below, non members have to pay.."

"Pay for what?" I glance up at Konstantin and he pinches the bridge of his nose, now stifling a chuckle, all the while I continue to be confused..

"For the privilege, Cutie.. It's usually exclusive entry, but I'm sure the two of you would be more than welcome down there.." The goth girl eyes us both up and down with approval and suddenly her cryptic clues begin to make sense..

The dungeon down below is a sex-thing..

I am standing above and honest to goodness sex-club!

Tugging urgently on Konstantin's sleeve, I give him my cutest pout, the one I know he can't deny... "I wanna see the dungeon.."

His dark eyes narrow in wary scepticism.. "I do not know it iz good idea, Malishka--"

"Oh, pleeeeease! Pretty please with sugar on top!" I press my palms together in prayer and bat my lashes, assaulting him with a full charm offensive and he buckles reluctantly when affronted by my cuteness..

"Vury well.." He sighs as he pulls out his wallet and pays the goth before he picks up the pink kitty mask and hands it to me.. "But you will wear thiz and you will touch nobody.. Da, agree?"

I draw a small 'x' over my heart with a long pink fingernail. "Yes, yes, yes! I won't touch a single thing-a-ling! I promise.."

I put the lacy pink mask on to cover half my face and then Konstantin steps behind me, brushing my bouncy blonde curls aside to place the dainty collar around my neck with a grumble.. "And you will wear thiz, so nobody doez touch you.. Or I will be forced to cut off many greedy little fingerz.."

"Heh.. Have fun you two.." The goth girl chokes on a giggle at his dark threat, unaware that he is not at all being humorous.. He will in fact cut off the fingers of anybody who tries to make a pass at me and that is probably why I feel like I am in the safest hands possible..

As soon as she opens the door to the club, the scent of strawberries and cigarettes affects me.. The baseline thrums a tempo matching the rapid thump of my heart as we descend into a wide open room, packed with plush sofa chairs, scantily clad women and shirtless men.. Some dance, others sit around at tables while many others make out, grope and fuck each other in the dark corners..

I've never seen anything so sexually chaotic or erotically charged as the madness that meets my eyes.. It is like stepping onto the set of the most explicit orgy pornography film, except there are no cameras.. Only my innocent, wide-eyed gaze, drinking in the insane fleshy snakepit of mingling bodies..

My hands wrap tighter around Konstantin's arm and he glances down at me in concern.. "You v'want to leave, Kiska?"

I shake my head 'no' but find myself speechless, unable to articulate anything aloud.. This den of sin has astounded me beyond words..

"You would like to drink, Da?" He motions to the busy bar and I nod, again too engrossed in the action all around us to verbalise..

Konstantin leads me across the dance floor and a hotness fills me with fire at the way the writhing women notice him, their eyes track him all the way across the room from all angles and I burn with a jealous and defensive instinct..

Now I understand how he had felt to see me talking to Stori.. The green eyed monster in me hisses with a prickly frustration..

When we reach the bar The Bear orders us two neat Vodkas and I become irritated by a petite redhead with perky breasts and a bare belly who slinks over towards us, her determined stare fixated on my man.. Ignoring me she reaches for The Russian, squeezing his bicep with a cloy smile.. "Hey handsome, do you want to dance?"

It's too much for my patience to take, the way she ignores me and zeros in on him is not only rude, but just plain desperate..

My tolerance snaps as I step forward and push her hand away.. "No he fucking doesn't!"

"Excuse you, I was talking to him!" The prideful bitch snaps at me, as if I was the one of us who was out of line.. I am certain that she is wrong.. Even if this is a sex club, that doesn't give her free reign to put her hands all over him.. She has no respect for my relationship and that is the verifying factor that makes her behaviour inappropriate..

"Well now you're talking to me--" I step possessively in front of My Big Bear and fold my arms.. I had worked so hard to finally make this man mine, there is no way I would share him with some self-absorbed tramp with boundary issues.. "And I'm telling you to fuck off.."

She glances over my shoulder as Konstantin dusts off the sleeve of his suit jacket where the woman had touched him, his expression one of disinterested disdain at the motion, as if she had left a trace of desperation behind before he shrugs at her.. "You heard my Kiska, fuck off."

The humiliated redhead storms away and I turn back to see Konstantin snicker to himself as he smirks down at me.. "That waz not vury nice, Solnyshko.."

I roll my eyes in indignation at his teasing tone.. "Oh pfft! She bloody deserved it, the way she grabbed you--"

I seethe as he leans in closer to slip a drink into my hand and whisper in my ear.. "Now who iz the jealous one, Luchenskaya?"

"If I'm not allowed to touch anything, then neither are you, Mister!" I frown at him as he tinks the rim of his glass against mine with an agreeable nod.

"Nothing in thiz place comparez to what I already posess, My Love." We toss back our drinks before The Bear offers me his hand.. "Come.. Dance with me, Malishka."

"I didn't know you could dance!" I giggle, eagerly slipping my hand into his..

"I am Russkiy, ov' courze I dance!" He chuckles as he leads me out onto the centre of the dancefloor.. Beneath the strobing coloured lights his warm hands wrap comfortably around the small of my back to pull me close, our hips bumping and grinding while our bodies sway in an entrancing rhythm..

The delicious scent of his licorice cologne teases my senses and the melody of the techno music swells deep inside me, sending singing vibrations throughout my entire system, songlines lifting me higher..

My head spins and my fingers curl around his shoulders, moving upwards to play with the soft hair at the nape of his neck as our synchronised gyration flows into a kinetic energy that feeds itself.. A hunger grows unstable and out of control at my pulsing core as I feel his hardening cock growing against my belly.. "The way you move iz so fucking sexy, Kiska, evury man here iz envious ov' me.. Do you even notice 'ze way they look at you? It makez me want to kill them all.."

"Oh god no.. I never notice anybody but you, Bear.." I purr in return, a prideful surge of satisfaction showering me in his adoration..

The temperatures rises when Konstantin leans down to kiss my neck and nip at my ear with a rough rumble.. "I could make you cum in front ov' them all.. I would show them 'zat you are only mine.."

"You wouldn't!" I giggle breathlessly, drawing back in his arms with a challenge to see the way his expression darkens in desire..

"I fucking would.." He growls as his hands slide down my back, hauling me closer to take two savage handfuls of my ass..

Gravity seems to dissipate as he lifts me from the ground and our lips collide.. I am so lost in the heady thrill of his kiss that I barely notice as he carries me through the crowd over to one of the empty tables.. He sets me down on top of it as he leans over me, brushing my curls affectionately aside to take my chin between two fingers and lift my gaze to his.. "Tell to me what it iz you want, Kiska.."

My greedy hands slide over the firm ridges of his muscular chest as his fiery touch plunders my soft curves, cupping my breasts to squeeze softly at first, tension tightening through my body as our desire mounts.. "I want you, Konstantin.. I want you to make me cum, right here, in front of all these people.." I whimper with my lips against the prickly stubble of his neck..

"Beg for me, like a good kitty.." He orders and my obedient mouth opens without objection

"Mmmhh-- Meeeeowwww!" I mewl in a plaintive plea, my head lolls and my eyes drift closed as he presses me back to lay flat against the surface of the table.. Konstantin's warm hands roam freely as he pushes the fur coat from my shoulders to reveal the tight white t-shirt beneath..

"Cyka blyat', thoze sweet soundz you purr pretty kitty-- it doez make my cock hard, Kiska.. I want to know, are you vury wet for me?"

"Yesss!" I hiss.. "So wet!" My head dangles from the edge of the table and when I open my eyes I see there are several groups of people lounging around at the surrounding seats, watching the Big Bear ravage and maul me..

There in the crowd I find a familiar pair of emerald eyes focused on me.. "Oh my God! Stori is watching us!" I pant in panic as I lift my head and Konstantin looks up in the direction that I motion with a nervous nod.. "Over there.."

I feel naughty and sexy as some kind of forbidden fire is set aflame down between my thighs, kindled by the many onlookers. As I turn my head, I spy that glimmering pair of striking emeralds leering at me with longing as the gorgeous green-eyed man sips his drink in the dark corner of the club..

"Should I stop?" Konstantin reaches out a hand to link a finger beneath my collar, reclaiming my attention and leveraging me up towards him.. "You are too shy, my sweet Kiska?"

"No.. Don't stop!" I shake my head, less concerned with the voyeur than I am with the uncontrollable lust for pleasure that overwhelms my rational thinking.. "I don't care who sees us.."

A foreboding snarl contorts the Bear's dark features before he presses me back down.. "So let him fucking watch.. Then he will see you belong to me.."

"I'm yours, Konstantin.. Own me.." I moan as the wicked Russian flicks open the button of my jeans to push his hand down into my panties and my head falls back into place..

Stori raises his glass at me in cheers, never taking his sights from me as Konstantin buries his hand down the front of my pants and finds my clit before he begins to apply the sweetest pressure..

The euphoric electricity of being the object of so much wanton desire is beyond fantasy, it is unhinging madness, melting away my inhibitions to create a careless sense of liberation..

This is what freefalling must feel like.. The room is spinning, the people around fading out of the periphery of my awareness.. It is only my Bear and me.. Nobody and nothing compares to him.. I don't care who sees us, I don't care who knows that I am helplessly his..

The Russian strokes my wet heat, dragging a finger though my slick folds to find my entry, teasing me with a husky groan.."How doez it make you feel, Kiska, to know 'zat evury man here would die just to bury his cock in your tight, virgin cunt?"

His filthy mouth only makes my pussy clench tighter and my heart beat faster.. I can't help but become ensnared by the threat of multiple cocks coming at me from all angles and It strikes me as insane that I actually enjoy it..

I don't really want to have sex with any of the men here, but hearing about them wanting to fuck me is energetic ego-fuel.. "It makes me hot! Oh God-- I'm so fucking hot!" My hips buck as I grind myself harder against his hand for relief, all while molten lava seeps from my soul and into my panties..

Konstantin tends relentlessly to the fire between my thighs with one hand while he reaches up with the other to grab a fistful of my hair, yanking my head up so that I am forced to look away from Stori and directly at him.. His blazing brown eyes are filled with a crazy kind of chemistry that is mesmerising..

Oh heaven above.. He is so beautiful that it physically causes my chest to ache..

I love him.. I love him more than I've ever loved anything.. In a way that is impossible to measure.. With such devotion that he could ask for anything and I would be powerless against giving..

"You need me, Kiska.. You need me to protect you.. Without me, theze men would devour you.. But I can keep you safe, they're all afraid of me.." He croons quietly, giving me shivers of security as my sex pulses and pounds..

The friction he provides is so good, almost unbearable.. I struggle and squirm, unable to control my twisting limbs.. "I will keep you for myself.. Forever.."

"Oh fuck, yes!" I gasp for air on a fervent moan as the fever in me hits it's boiling peak.. "I need you, Konstantin.. I need you so bad!"

He releases the stinging hold on my hair and my head falls back again as his fingers begin to push deeper inside me, stretching and filling me gently before returning to tickle my pinkest pearl.. Once again, my loopy gaze finds the voyeur, watching..

He is always watching..

Stori now holds his thick cock in one hand, staring back at me intently as he jerks himself hard in a tattooed fist.. After a few seconds he stops, reaching out to the woman draped beside him, the very same redhead who had propositioned Konstantin earlier.. He takes her by the back of the neck and guides her down to suck his dick..

Her head begins to bob up and down as he controls her with a handful of her fiery red hair.. Pleasure paints his chiseled features but he doesn't tear his stare away from mine, not for a moment..

Konstantin moves faster, becoming increasingly urgent, sensing the looming precipice I am about to tumble over the edge of.. It's all so intense, so incredible, I can barely hold myself together any longer.. "Oh Bear.. I'm gonna cum--ohhh!"

"Da, Kiska.. Make for me those soundz I love so much az you cum for me.." He growls the order and I can only obey his dirty command with a cry of ecstasy..

"Ohhh--meowwww--fuck--meee--owwww!" My pulse thuds a deafening beat in my ears and my lungs burn as every atom within my being expands to combust and explode with the intensity of a collapsing star..

"Stori will only ever dream ov' how sweet you are, Kiska, while I will taste you for eternity.." Short of breath and parched for more I sit up on the tabletop to watch as Konstantin lifts his shiny fingers, slick with my liquid lust.. He grins mockingly over my shoulder at Stori as he brings those same fingers that had been inside me seconds ago to his lips and licks my cum from his knuckles.. His smirk is one of savage satisfaction, as if it were designed to taunt the man who had been watching us..

I slide down from the table top to button my jeans and my jelly-legs wobble as I pitch forward and My Big Bear catches me in his strong arms.. "Mhh-- I wanna suck your cock.." I giggle up at him and he fights a smirk, petting gentle trails down my back..

"I think you have had enough excitement tonight, Kiska.. Let me take you home.." He sways me softly in his arms..

"I'll let you take me home, If you let me take you to bed.." I bargain with a bratty attitude, bolstered and empowered by the strong vodka and the intense orgasm..

His eyes glint with a spark of sensual interest and a velvet chuckle vibrates through his broad chest.. "What haz gotten into you tonight, Kitten? So vury frisky you are.."

"I just wanna show you how much I love you, Bear.." I smile, sweet as can be.. "Please? I'll even do that thing that you like-- the thing with the milk.."

His jaw ticks and his pupils expand in excitement.. "Da? You do know what I like.."

I scratch my nails softly down his chest.. "Meow!"

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