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Konstantin Ivanov

Hours after leaving the church, my bride and I finally make our way into the Red Tea Room reception, met with whistles and laughter as our guests toss bills on the mahogany floor of the restaurant..

"Uhh.. Why are they throwing money at us?" Lucky puzzles, looking around at our friends as if they were insane..

"They wish for you to 'clean it'.." I grin, nodding down towards the littering of paper on the floor..

"Oh yeah?" She frowns with an expression of bemusement.. "Because I'm a woman?"

I chuckle, kneeling down as an example to pick up on of the bills, offering it up to her with a smirk.. "Nyet.. Becauze iz fun, Malishka.."

"Oh.." Her fingers curl around the note before she bobs down to pick up another and another, giggling as the guests continue to shower her in wealtg and fortune.. "A girl could get used to this!"

Soon she has two fistfuls of cash which she waves triumphantly to the cheers of everybody around us before she turns to shrug at me with a radiant sunny smile on her face..

It is the joy of my life to see her smile.. She is magnificent, blindingly beautiful, bright and warm..

My Solnyshko..

My wife..


When we are finally seated at our table the sound of clinking glasses catches Lucky's attention and she points over my shoulder with a titter of amusement.. I turn to see Katya, glowing in her lacy pink bridesmaid dress with her cup raised in toast.. "Za-Molodykh! For the newlyweds!"

"Gor'ko!" Shouts Stori and soon others begin to clink their glasses and join on the chant..

"Gor'ko! Gor'ko!"

I lean closer to my angelic bride to whisper.. "They wish for uz to kiss.."

"Oooh! They don't have to tell me twice!" She giggles, leaning over to press her sweet lips to mine as Katya begins to count..

"Adin! Dva! Tri-"

Lucky giggles, drawing back with her fingers pressed to her lips as if to hold in her laughter... "Why is she counting?"

"Nooo! Gor'ko!" Katya jeers and the crowd agrees.. "Gor'ko!"

Lucky breathes, wide eyed and worried.. "Did I do something wrong?"

I shake my head.. "Nyet.. They count for our love.. The longer 'ze count, 'ze more powerful the love.."

"Oh.. Well in that case, we better try again.." She brings her mouth to mine again, tender and sweet and soon I am lost in her, unaware of how long the count lasts.. Every once of me aches to be closer to her, to taste her more deeply, to feel her more fervently..

My fingers slide over her knee beneath the table and her hand presses down on my knuckles.. "Mmh!"

"Adin! Dva! Tri! Chityri! Piat! Shest! Sem'! Vosem'! Deviat'! Desiat'!" As we break apart the count ends and the sound of approving cheers my ears ring and my mind is filled with lusty desire. "Eyyyy!"

"You are so fucking beautiful, Mrs Ivanov.." I growl, my tone thick with desire..

"I love it when you call me that.." She blushes, softly stroking the back of my hand to encourage my patience.. Patience that is fast wearing thin..

Before I can open my mouth to tease her some more, Kirby rises to her feet to take the floor and the room falls silent.. The little shark smiles at her sister with teary eyed pride and Lucky squeezes my hand beneath the table cloth, still anxious for her sister's approval.. "Anybody who has met my sister knows that she is the sweetest and most loving person, with a smile like somebody turned on the sun and a laugh like no other, she was always the light of our family.. But what you might not know about her, because she's too humble to tell you, is that she is fearless.. I wish I had just a fraction of her courage, her drive to do what is right, her loyalty and dedication.. Lucky lives like she loves, passionately and with her whole heart.. While the rest of us hide behind our walls, she is never afraid to put love out into the universe, tirelessly, selflessly.. Lucky is a giver.. She treats everybody she meets with generosity and kindness.. She is the girl who would give up her las dollar of it meant that somebody else would suffer less.." Kirby smiles at her sister who is now perched on the edge of her seat, hanging from Kirby's every word, the bond between them written clearly on both of their faces, the love they share can be seen in their teary eyes.. "I know this for a fact, because I have actually seen her do it.. Life hasn't always been as kind to her as she deserves and for that I wish there were a cure.."

Kirby takes a few steps towards our table and her golden eyes shift to mez piercing me with a confident regard.. "But now, for all that goodwill Lucky has dedicated to others, the universe has finally given something wonderful back to her.. My sister has always been deserving of the very best and that is exactly what Konstantin is.. I know this man to be a guardian and a giver, just like Lucky.. And I truly believe he is the answer to the questions that I could never provide.. I just know the two of you are going to share the most beautiful life together.. Because that is what you both deserve.. Lucky, I'm so proud to be your sister, I love you so much, Sweetheart.. And Konstantin- be good to her or I'll have to kill ya!" Kirby lifts her champagne in celebration.. "To Mr & Mrs Ivanov! Sláinte!"

Glasses are raised all around the room and Lucky rises to embrace her sister with a loving sniffle of joy.. "Thank you, KP, that was beautiful.. I love you.."

"Uhem-" The sound of a throat being cleared turns everybody's attention back to our table as Katya climbs unexpectedly to her feet beside me.. "Sorry- I don't have a speech prepared, but I'd just like to say a few words- um- Firstly, I want to say thank you to Lucky.. Thank you for saving my father from being taken before his time, the way you have handled these last few trialing months as a pillar of strength and a vision of grace, is awe inspiring to me.. Thank you for seeing in him what so many people have overlooked, that he is a good man, with a worthy heart.. Thank you for accepting me as family and including me in your special day.. And thank you, for all the happiness you've brought to his life.." Lucky blushes, blowing Katya a cute kiss before my daughter turns to me with tears in her ocean-blue eyes.. "Kostya- You cared for me as only a father could, at risk to yourself l, and against all better judgement, you have been there for me through darkness and difficulty.. You're the only home I've ever had.. And you're my best friend in this whole world.." I reach out a hand and she wraps her fingers around mine before I life her knuckles to my lips..

'Spasibo, moya doch.." I sigh, touched by her display of affection..

Katya smiles.. "I never thought the day would come when you would be this happy, but I always hoped I would get to see it.. There is nobody who deserves to be loved more than you do.. You are a saviour of the damned, a mysterious soul, and a true hero and I am just so grateful that you've been returned to my life.. To Lucky and Kostya!"

An ovation of approval errupts through the restaurant and I watch Lucky as she mouths the words 'thank you to Katya whonods before she returns quickly to her seat.. "Eyyyy!"


We dance and laugh with our friends late into the night, playing all kinds of silly Russian wedding games, eating delicious food and consuming copious amounts of alcohol.. Only when everybody is drunk and our guests have had their fill of us do I lean over to whisper in Lucky's ear.. "I wonder, Kiska.. What do you wear beneath thoze many layerz of lace? Something pretty for me?"

Her emerald eyes widen as she bites her bottom lip, flirtatious and sweet.. "Wouldn't you like to know!"

"Vury much I would.. We go now?" I grin back at her and she nods.l eagerly..

"Da! Right now!"

I rise from my chair offering her my arm to help her to her feet and we set off hand in hand towards the door.. We barely make it halfway before being chased by Katya..

"Wait! Wait! You two must take a bite before you go!" She holds up a beautiful golden loaf of bread and Lucky frowns at her with a little chuckle..

"Is that to soak up all that booze or something?" Lucky muses and Katya shakes her head with a giggle..

"Nyet! It is to find out who will be the boss! Biggest bite, biggest boss!"

Lucky snorts in amusement.. "O'course, cause' that makes complete sense.."

My bride leans in and takes a delicate nibble of the bread and Katya scoffs.. "You didn't even try, Lucky! Kostya, your turn!"

I lean down and take the bigger bite, an enormous mouthful.. Chewing on the soft and salty bread with a smirk of satisfaction, Lucky laughs.. "Yeah right.. You wish we're the boss, Big Bear!"

Katya's eyes sparkle with happiness as she clutches the bouquet of peonies that she had caught earlier in the toss.. "I love you, Tete.." She turns to Lucky.. "You'll take good care of him, won't you?"

Lucky nods, beaming up at me with her shiny gemstone gaze.. "Always, Kat.."

My daughter embraces my bride tightly and I am struck by the profound joy that only family can provide.. For so long, she had been the missing piece, the meaning to my existence and I hadn't even realised how lonely I was without her..

My heart is full, now that I have Lucky and my life is finally complete..

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