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Lucky O'Cléirigh

...a few months later...

"For Christ's sake, Lucky, sit still or you'll get stabbed!" Kirby scolds me with a playful poke as she attempts to twist the sapphire hair pin into the waterfall of golden curls that spill from beneath the delicate diamond tiara that rests atop my head.. "You're wound tighter than a top!"

"I can't, I'm so freaking excited!" I take a nervous sip of cocktail of champagne and orange juice from the flute in my shaky hands as my sister continues to primp and preen my hair..

She scowls at me in the reflection of the ornate mirror.. "You know, it's not too late to change your mind--"

"No way!" I grin up at her and shake my head so hard that one of my curls falls lose, causing Kriby to grumble in frustration as she tries to fix it back into place. "I'm getting married today, Kirby.. It would be great if my maid of honour could get on board!"

I can hardly recognise the beautiful reflection that stares back at me in the mirror.. Everything about myself is bright, the jewels around my neck glimmer with prisms of glinting light that compliment the sparkle of my striking white wedding dress..

The snowy lace laid over creamy silk is adorned in the most delicate of gemstones and it falls in soft folds around my feet to puddle on the floor behind me.. The bedazzled platform heels shoes make me six inches taller than I actually am and the soft pink lipstick on my lips causes my complexion to glow a dewy peach.. I have never felt like a princess before, but today, on my wedding day, I finally feel beautiful..

"Oh stop it, you know I'm on board.. I'm here aren't I?" Kibry rolls her eyes, so tense I can practically hear her teeth grind.. She has been working like a mad woman to help me plan the day and I know the perfectionist in her is just terrified of something going wrong..

But honestly, nothing could ruin this day.. Well.. Almost nothing..

I smile at my sister, so grateful to have her support.. "D-did Axe come today?"

Her smile slips away and she shakes her head softly.. "I'm so sorry, Sweetheart.. I really tried.. He just needs a little more time, it's not you, Lucky.. He loves you, really.."

"Oh.." Trying to hide the crestfallen crush that squeezes in my chest I turn back to the mirror.. "I wish they wouldn't fight anymore.. I feel like I've destroyed a friendship.."

Kirby takes me by the shoulders to spin me around to face her.. "Listen to me- what happened between Hunter and Konstantin has nothing to do with you, and I'm so mad at Axe that he would make you feel this way on your wedding day.. You didn't do anything wrong, Sweetie, this is their problem to sort out but I promise you, we both love you no matter what.."

"Thanks, Kirby.." I blink back on the tears that try to break through, determined not to smudge my mascara.. "I know I haven't made your life any easier and I'm sorry that I couldn't make you proud-"

"What?! What are you talking about?! Lucky, I'm so fucking proud of you!" She wraps her arms around me so tight I can barely breathe.. "You once said to me that I was the shitty sister and you were right.. You're the good one.. You're the one with forgiveness and compassion.. You're the one with the courage to be your truest self, no matter what people think.. My Sweetheart, if I didn't have you I'd still be back in Ireland, I'd probably be married to a guy like Darby doing God only knows what.. You saved my life, Lucky.."

My voice cracks with emotion.. "Kirby, don't say that!"

"It's true.." She whispers, fighting off years of her own.. "You saved me, Lucky.. You gave me a reason to survive and fight.. I wanted a better life for myself, because I wanted to give you everything.."

"And you did, Kirby.. You gave me everything.. I love you.." I fix the strap of her blush pink bridesmaid dress with an affectionate brush and she grins back at me..

"I love you too, Sweetheart.. So fucking much.. Mom would have been so proud of you.."

We share a long embrace before Kirby wipes her eyes and stiffens her upper lip.. "I better go check that everything is running on schedule.. You're special day is going to be perfect, even if it KILLS me!"

After she leaves I sink down onto the silky dresser chair and close my eyes to take a few deep calming breaths..

I still can't believe I'm getting married today..


"Yes?" My eyes snap open to see the door swing wide where my brother in law stands sheepishly on the other side, the pressed silk blend of his navy blue suit in perfect order and his blondish hair brushed back neatly..

"Hey Ducky.." Hunter holds my bouquet of pink and white peonies out in offering.. "Luka told me to give you these.."

"I didn't think you were coming today?" I rise to my feet, eyeing the beautiful bunch of flowers as he takes a few steps into the room..

"Listen- I know things haven't been great between us and that it's my fault-"

Before he can finish, I race across the room to throw myself into his arms.. "I'm so happy you're here, Hunter!"

"You are?" He chuckles nervously.. "Really?"

I nod, leaning back to play with the dainty petals of my peonies.. "I hated it when you were angry at me.."

Hunter shakes his head.. "I was never angry at you, Lucky.. I was being an asshole because- Well- I made some mistakes when I was your age and I didn't wanna see you get hurt.."

I nod, appreciating his concern for me.. "I know that.. But Konstantin would never hurt me.."

"Yeah.." My brother shifts uncomfortably on his feet.. "The truth is, you're so much smarter than I ever was.. I treated you like a kid and that wasn't fair.. Look at you.. You're a beautiful young woman.. And Konstantin- well- maybe he'll never deserve you- but I know that isn't my call.. Anyway, he's damn lucky to have you.."

"He loves me, Hunter.. Nobody has ever been as good to me as Konstantin is.. I've never been this happy.." I set my flowers aside with a serious air.. Wanting whatever this bitterness between the two of them is to end..

Hunter holds up his hands in surrender.. "Then that's all that matters, baby-girl.. You and me, we're family.. I'll never let anything come between us.." I bite my lip anxiously at his mention of family and Hunter narrows his eyes.. "What? What is it?"

"We're leaving Darkport after the wedding.." I confess.. "We've been looking at houses in Roan Range.. Konstantin likes the snow and I need a fresh start.."

"Does Kirby know?" His blond brows furrow in concern..

I shake my head.. "No.. I was kind of hoping you could help me tell her.. You know she takes bad news better when it's coming from you.."

He grimaces with a smirk of sarcasm.. "That's not even a little bit true.. You're just afraid she'll talk you out of it.. You know how good she is, the woman is a fucking Jedi"

"She is.. But I won't be changing my mind this time, the decision has already been made.. I never wanted a big life, Hunter.. The career and the ambition, that was always Kirby's thing, none of it means anything to me.." I smile in appreciation.. He knows my sister so well, what they have is perfect and I can finally understand it for myself, because that is how I feel about My Bear.. "All I ever wanted was a home.. A place to call my own.. I wanted the small town and the picket fence.. A big back yard and a bunch of babies.. I wanted something simple.."

"So what are you going to do all the way up there in the mountains?" He grins..

I shrug.. "Maybe I'll take some pretty pictures for a change.. I could work at a gallery or go back to art school.. Maybe I could even open up a studio of my own.. Honestly, I dunno.. But whatever I do, it will be for me.."

Hunter sighs in wistful acceptance.. "We're gonna miss ya, Ducky.."

"It's only a few hours away.." I smile up at him.. "I'll still see you guys all the time.. It's not like we're moving to Siberia!"

Hunter chuckles. "If the old fella had his way that's exactly where he'd take ya-"

I laugh.. "It wasn't his idea, Hunter.. This was all me.. This is what I want.. It's what we both need.."

"Then you gotta go for it.." He wraps me up to squeeze me tight.. "Me and KP are damn proud of you, baby-girl.."

"Just do me one favour, Hunter?" I hug him back..

"Anything.." He mumbles before kissing the top of my head..

"Make it right with Konstantin.. For me?"

Hunter grumbles.. "Seriously?"

"Just say your sorry, Axe.." I smile up at him.. "Life is too short to waste it fighting with the people you care about.. I know he's too proud to admit that you hurt him and he'll never ask you for an apology, but he can't actually forgive you until you do.. Because he loves you like a son.. You know it's true.."

A half grin tugs at his lips.. "He told you that?"

"He didn't have to tell me.. I just know.." I poke his chest.. "Besides, it's my special day, so you have to do what I say.."

"Well shit.." He rubs the back of his neck.. "I guess- if it'll make you happy.."

"It really would.. It'll make you feel better too.." I turn back to the mirror to fix my hair.. "Oh.. I wanted to ask you one more favor.." I smile sweetly as I straighten my tiara..

"What's that, baby-girl?" Hunter smiles, folding his arms across his chest..

"Would you stand beside me out there and gift me my crystal glass?" Batting my lashes with a pleading pout I press my hand together.. "The bride's parents are supposed to do it but- Well, I only have you and Kirby.."

"Yeah.." A slow smile spreads over his face and for a second I swear he looks as though he might shed a tear.. "Yeah, I'd love to.."

Just then the door swings open and Stori steps into the room in his neat black suit with an impish smirk, looking handsome as a devil in his black suit..

"I have come to steal the bride!" He announces with a dark glint of mischief to his timbre..

"Excuse me?" My mouth falls open and Stori holds up a silky length of red rope in one hand.. Wary, I take a swift step back in fear, only when Hunter begins to laugh do I look between them in confusion.. "What the hell is going on?"

Hunter chrotles in amusement.. "It's a Russian tradition for the groomsmen to kidnap the bride.. Konstantin'll have to pay a ransom to get you back.. Looks like you're getting kidnapped again.."

"What kind of ransom?" I prop my hands on my hips, entertained by the insane tradition..

"Hmm.." Stori stokes his chin in contemplation.. "I am tempted to give him a vodka challenge, perhapz seven shots, for good luck!"

I shake my head.. "Oh no you don't! No way! I don't want my fiance rolling drunk on my wedding day- not before the ceremony at least!"

Stori laughs and holds up his hands in surrender.. "Da, da! What you do propose az alternative, Sestra?"

"Well.." I tiptoe across the room with a conspiratorial whisper.. "How about this-"

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