Chapter 6 - Jealousy

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"I can't believe your uncle brought you even when you're sick,"

They were on their way to Maximoffs' and Red felt her heart warming as she listened to Erwien, feeling a special sensation as she looked at him.

"Maybe it'd be very low of me to ask you this and sorry to ask you think but I'm confused—" Erwien's expression drove Red amused, but she tried to conceal, "—does your uncle care about you? I mean, take care about you well?"

She was taken aback but composed her. Her face softened; he cared about her? Still? She felt undeserved. "Before that, I want to tell you something."

His face softened as well, furrowing his eyebrows. "What is it?" he was more concerned.

"I'm sorry." She felt guilt; everyone she knew had made her feel guilt because she had caused them something.

His eyes widened, and he blinked. "For what?"

"Didn't she tell you? Charlotte, I mean. I thought you wouldn't mind me again. I'm really sorry about it. "

Erwien stared at her for a moment before he realized it. She didn't expect him to smile, but he did, his face broke into amusement, "Oh, Red," he laughed, shaking his head. Warmth consumed her at his beautiful laugh, but she was left confused. "Oh, Red, that was... brilliant."

She blinked twice, "Excuse me?"

"The salt in the coffee, isn't it?" Erwien asked, his smile so wide across his face and Red couldn't help but admire it. He was so beautiful. "Honestly, Red, don't apologize, because you were doing me a favor too. And I... trust me, I love it. Not that I tasted it, but the prank."

Red believed her ears were deceiving her. She stared at the prince, dumfounded. But she managed to find her voice, "Favor for you? What do you mean? I'm sorry, I don't get it."

"You know, I completely don't agree with what my father's doing. With every ounce of me, I'm against it. But I have no voice, I have no option to stand against what I don't want, because my father does everything in the way he wants and I'm... fed up."

Red was again taken aback, at his confession. She was touched to know he trusted her to say it all to her. But she was surprised to know he was against it, though she doubted it from the first when he didn't pay her cousin any kind of attention. But confusing her, she felt relieved to hear that... so relieved.

"So you're saying you don't want to marry Celeste?" she asked.

"Oh please don't say her name," Erwien said as if he was disgusted. "And yes, I don't want to. But my father... he's the one who's arranging everything, and all he want me is to be present at the wedding."

"So... you're going to marry someone you don't like?" Red felt another strange feeling as she thought of him marrying Celeste. She fought back the urge to cringe at that thought.

Erwien glanced at her and smiled, "I have plans, Red. Don't tell anyone I said that." He winked.

She nodded, again surprised to know he trust her to keep it his secret. "So... you're not mad at me?"

His eyes softened, and her heart melted at his warming smile. "Oh, Red, why would I ever be mad at you?"

"So you're not?"

"Of course, I'm not."

Red sighed in relief; at least one of the burdens was taken off her shoulders. Oh, Charlotte, she thought victoriously. You've failed your try.

"Thank you for saving me by the way," she smiled in gratitude.

"Always a pleasure. But your uncle... I still don't get about him."

She stifled a laugh.

"How old are you?" Erwien asked abruptly.

Surprise flashed across her features and a blush rushed along with a smile to her face. "I'm eighteen."

He stared at her intensely before a smile claimed his lips. "That's beautiful," he muttered.

Erwien asked her about her family and her sister's family, and she tried her best to conceal her misery in her voice and from reflecting on her face. But their conversation got interrupted as they reached to the Maximoffs' house. As before, he said that he would love to see her again and kissed her cheek and smiled the smile that took her breath away. Gratitude flowed from her and she thanked him twice before he headed back.

As soon as she got inside the house, back was the frustration and fear that she had forgotten when she was with Erwien. On her way straight to her room, she came face to face with her least favorite cousin.

She released a silent frustrated breath as she saw Charlotte who quickly raised her trimmed eyebrow questioningly. "Back so quickly?" a mocking smirk tugged the corner of her lips.

Red pressed her lips tightly, fighting back her urge to groan. "Well, I was feeling very bad and got ill and Prince Erwien brought me back." She smirked as Charlotte's jaw dropped in shock. "Why so shocked? He's my friend, Charlotte." She walked past a shocked Charlotte.

"W-what?" Charlotte called out but Red thought it was wise to ignore her than wasting her time talking with her.

She was still shaking with the fear that Robert caused her, and she, not caring to change her dress, threw herself to the bed and shoved the roses under the bed. Exhausted from everything that took place, she quickly drifted to a sleep.


She awoke to the sound of someone knocking at the door and calling her name. She was too sleepy to recognize the voice and grumpily sat upwards. After concentrating on her vision, she checked the time and saw it was past five o'clock.

The light knocks continued. "Red? Are you there?" the soft male voice caught in her ears.

She yawned and called out, "Who's it? Come in,"

Light creaked into her dark room as the door opened. Tendril of fear curled in her as she saw Robert entering in, and her entire state of sleepiness vanquished. She couldn't see his face until he switched on the light.

When he turned to her, he said, "Don't be frightened, Red, I'm not here to do anything to you."

Still uncomforted, she gazed at him as if he was armed.

Robert sat on one of the couches straight opposite to her. "How are you feeling? His Highness told me you were very sick and... he was very mad at me."

Red forgot to respond as she thought of Erwien and his caring. Oh, Erwien. Her heart ached longingly.

Robert took a deep breath and said quickly, "I'm sorry." His voice was solemn. Red blinked at him, taken aback but she didn't believe him. "It was so stupid of me to bring you with me to them. I was just out of my mind, because as you know, Red, they were my friends, the ones who died, they were my friends and I was completely mad and at that time, I cared nothing. You must forgive me for my actions, Red; I felt guilt when I was told that the prince took you back—so kind of him—and I realized it was stupid."

She sucked in a breath as she carefully listened. She didn't register that her fear was slowly fading.

"Thought of exposing you before them was such a stupid idea. You must forgive me; I didn't mean such a thing. And forgive me for my harshness, but Red, you must know that I was only trying to protect my family, and you as well, and I'd do anything to protect my family. But this... I admit that it was terrible." Robert glanced at his dull niece hopefully but guilt was clear on his face and in his each words. She didn't say anything as she didn't know what to say. "And Red, you are free to go anywhere you like. I don't think it's fair of me to keep you in your room. I know your life is lonely, and I don't want to make it lonelier."

She took time to consider his words, but she didn't feel thrilled at the news that she was free to go; it made no difference to her as everyone ignored her. She stared at her blanket as she thought for a moment. "I really didn't do it, you know." She peeked at him, her eyes flashing with hurt that had been hunting her down. "I'm not evil, I'm not cruel, I'm not a creature, I'm a human with—"

"I know, Red," her uncle interrupted softly. "And I'm sorry. I'm trying to believe you."

She couldn't believe him, not yet, not soon. "A-and what happened to my father... I didn't mean it, you know. It was an accident." Heaviness took over her voice, and she swallowed.

Robert nodded understandingly.

Red continued, "And I don't know who did it. And I'm sorry about your friend."

He nodded again wordlessly.

She didn't say anything further. Silence waved between them as neither of them spoke. After couple of moments, Robert sighed and stood up. "I'll leave you to rest. Get better soon." Shooting a glance at her, he headed to the door.

As much as she didn't want to, guilt ate her up and she suddenly called him, "Uncle?" he turned to her and she took a deep breath to say, "I forgive you."

He smiled and nodded before he walked out and closed the door behind him.

Red threw herself back to the bed, stretching out her arms. She blew out a breath, glad to know he finally came to senses.

Even Robert granted freedom, she stayed in her room most of the time and it was only because her cousins and aunt weren't paying her attention. They were scared, she realized, perhaps except Cassie who didn't know about her. Sometimes Cassie would sneak a glance at Red when no one would be watching and she would smile at her, and Red would return the smile.

As usual, Red spent her days reading, praying, listening to music and singing all alone. She did everything alone. Sometimes she would take a walk around their house, but still all alone. She had no one to walk with her, to hold her hand, talk with her, comfort her, smile and laugh with her. She had Flounder but for his safety, she kept distance. She was all alone, but she didn't get go of her faith. She believed God saw her pain and He would answer her in time. So she waited.

A week passed since that terrible day she was close to her death. Robert was gentle with her ever since he apologized, but he barely talked with her. Whenever the family would sit for dinner, the room would be filled with conversations and laughs, they would talk to each other but no one had anything to talk with Red, and she felt left out in the family.

It was morning and the family sat together as usual for breakfast around the dining table, but Charlotte hadn't made it yet. In silence, Red slowly sipped her coffee and peeked at Chelsea and Celeste who were muttering something to each other.

It was Erwien's birthday and the Maximoffs were invited to the party they were hosting. But Red found no way before her to wish him because Robert told her it was best if she won't come but stay behind. In the disappointment over that, Red was grumpy that morning.

Soon the sound of heels clicking against the floor came and Red turned to see Charlotte running into the room. Charlotte held the newspaper in her hand waved it in the air as she ran in, exclaiming, "Prince Erwien is smiling! He's smiling in this picture!"

Red spilled the coffee to its cup, almost ended up chocking at her exclamation. Her heart started its race at the mention of his name and whipped her head to see Charlotte.

"What?" Chelsea cried in shock, her hands clasped over her mouth and her eyes widened.

Charlotte ran to Chelsea and Celeste who sat next to Red and showed them the picture, even their parents was surprised and they stood from their seats to see the picture.

Red eagerly glanced at the newspaper in Chelsea's hand and saw his close-up smiling picture in the front page with a heading that says:


Her heart stopped.

Erwien smiled for her.

Erwien smiled because of her.

It was the smile that had took her breath away, the most beautiful smile a human could have, a smile he only smiled for her and this was for her.

Tears burned in the back of her eyes and she couldn't control it because he smiled for her and that made her feel so special.

Her uncle and family were making comments about his smiling picture which the world had never seen. "Oh my heart melts! He has the most beautiful smile ever!" Charlotte's flattery comment irritated her.

"This is indeed a surprise! It's unexpected!" Chelsea clapped her hands, bouncing on her feet. "Oh I'm going to tell him he got the most handsome smile ever!"

"Well, I was planning on that already. Don't steal my ideas," Charlotte glared at her sister before her smile was returned as she glanced at the newspaper.

Jealousy rose in Red because she was not allowed to go and thank him for smiling for her. She clenched her fist.

"Oh Celeste," Robert said, clasping his daughter's shoulders with a proud smile. "Unknowingly, my angel, you are slowly making changes in him! I'm proud of you, baby." He kissed her hair.

Red blinked and narrowed her eyes—thankfully no one saw her. Her heart pumped fast with anger toward them because he smiled for her and because of her, and Celeste had no single part in it. Hello? You're supposed to thank me. And for your information, he is smiling just for me.

She never experienced this jealousy before but Erwien was creating mysterious feelings in her and she didn't fail to notice it.

"He usually smiles tightly, or that's not even close to a smile, I mean, in person. And he never smiles in public and I've never seen him smiling like this! I never thought he could smile like this!" Charlotte kept blabbing and Red didn't like it for the slightest. Red was confused at herself; them talking about Erwien like that was annoying her like never before.

"I've seen," Red spoke abruptly, turning all of their attention to her and she tried to look cool. Placing her elbow on the table, she supported her head on her hand as she said, "I mean, he always smiles at me like that..."

Charlotte's eyes grew dark and Robert's face turned unreadable.

"Oh, and, he's smiling because... I asked him why he doesn't smile... like, he doesn't have a single picture smiling, and I asked him why and he promised to smile the next time for me. And so yeah, there he is, smiling as he promised. I better thank him." Red played cool but she was tensed because usually she doesn't speak to them like that but now her jealousy had made her say.

All of their faces were unreadable except Cassie's. Even Celeste looked shocked.

"Really?" Robert forced a laugh and Red knew he was trying to hide whatever he was feeling. "Did you ask that for Celeste? Because you knew that your sister was so bothered by him not smiling."

She felt pang of strong jealousy. First he asked the roses for Celeste, now asking if Red asked Erwien to smile for Celeste. She fought back her urge to narrow her eyes. She needed to play causal. "No, I just asked for me because I had been wondering for a long time. So Prince Erwien promised to smile for me."

Charlotte glared at Red, "Why would he smile for you anyway?"

Robert cleared his throat, "So kind of him, right?" he smiled forcefully and everyone's gaze turned to his picture but Robert shot Red a suspicious look and she innocently shrugged. "Anyway," he held to Celeste's shoulders again. "You're so lucky. It's time you realize that. Just look at him, he's the one for you."

Red felt anger that caused by her jealousy. She had no clue why it was happening to, why she was strongly feeling it. She was bothered by their comments that made her more jealous and her jealousy turned her emotions high. Not being able to control herself, she exited the dining room.

The Maximoffs were supposed to leave to the castle by the evening and Red was asked by Celeste to help her dress up. Charlotte and Chelsea entered Celeste's room as soon as they were ready and Red was braiding Celeste's hair. That was when Celeste spoke to her well after a few days of a few words.

"Would you convey my wishes to him?" Red asked Celeste in a low voice so that may Charlotte wouldn't hear her.

"Of course, I will." Her cousin promised.

But Charlotte heard her and asked, "Why, Red? Sad because you can't get roses this time?"

Red held back her frustrated breath, instead shook her head in irritation. "He's my friend, Charlotte." She said in a slight grumpy voice.

Charlotte groaned, "That's why I don't like you." She admitted. "Wish if he was my friend. But he doesn't talk much. Nor smile."

"Ignore those jealous birds," Celeste muttered in annoyance. The thing Red liked about Celeste, even still, that she was equally annoyed with Charlotte.

Red raised an eyebrow, "And you are...?"

"I told you I'm confused, but I'm trying to accept slowly."

Relief rushed through her veins.

"What was the trick you used on him? Or, oh! Did you... no, you didn't... Did you use your powers and enchant him?" Charlotte asked incredulously.

Red's eyes widened. Everyone had been misunderstanding her. She opened her mouth to protest but Celeste was quick.

"Ignore them, Red, they're just jealous."

Red couldn't find comfort in Celeste's words. "Why are they jealous?"

"Because Prince Erwien fancies you."

Red stared at her cousin through the mirror, looking thoroughly shocked and a shock of goose bumps covered her arms. Her heart rate increased, and she pulled herself out of the shock. "What?" she forced a laugh. "That... that isn't true. I-I mean... I-I—" She stammered.

"Well, Dad is the one who said that. Who would bring roses for just someone?" Celeste asked causally as if it didn't bother her much.

Red was stuck in shock and couldn't find her voice. She didn't bring herself to believe it but a part of her wondered eagerly if he really did fancy her.

For a moment she blackout as she was taken to memories of his kisses, caress on her hand, each glance, the way he look at her like at no one else, his every smile... every word.

A chill ran down her spine. A feeling overpowered her at the memory that kept coming and her heart lumped with fear.

Something was happening to her. She felt her powers surging up as her emotions were set on high because she was feeling something she was forbidden to feel.

She felt terrified; this can't be happening.

She pretended to be cool as she worked on her cousin's hair, ignoring the rest of the conversation.

A part of her was thankful to her uncle for trusting her enough to help Celeste and be near to them but she knew it was best if she would keep distance, because nothing was going to be the same.

But the other part was disappointed as he allow her to go with them and something in her told her it was because he believed Erwien was fancying her. Robert assured her that it was for the best.

But before leaving, Robert told her why he wasn't letting her come. "Prince Erwien's eyes needs to turn to Celeste, and it can't happen while you're around, and you know it's not even working without you around. He has hardened on us ever since he met you, so you have to shut him out. You have to stay away, ignore him, be rube or whatever. Do something. His eyes must be pulled out from you."

She didn't like the tone of it, but she forced a nod in response.

Red watched her uncle and family leaving in their car from her window. Robert didn't allow her on purpose and she knew the reason behind which she couldn't accept it, not yet, not easily.

She had a huge thing to deal in her hands and it was driving her mad.

She paced in her room restlessly, running her hands through her hair as she tried to calm her emotions. But she was empowered by them, she felt extremely overwhelmed and she couldn't believe what she feeling and it was all brought by Erwien.

All the strange, burning and overwhelming sensations she had around him and would get just at one thought of him, she once believed to be a part of her social anxiety.

But it wasn't. She was wrong; it was wrong.

No one in her entire life gave her feelings like he did, and if it was part of her social anxiety, she would've felt it around everyone, but no, only him, only around him and it had nothing to do with social anxiety.

Sweat dripped from her forehead and she was going out of control. She had to stop it, she got to stop her but she didn't know how. She hardly fought the urge to break something. She remembered experiencing the same situation of having her emotions on high, on her dad's funeral and wasn't able to attend it. But now it felt worse.

She couldn't stop herself from feeling that was forbidden to feel and embrace.

Red was falling for Erwien.

She was falling for her cousin sister's soon-to-be fiancé.

She was falling for the crown prince of Ordelia.

And the crown prince of Ordelia fancied her.

And she was overwhelmed, shocked, confused but it was unstoppable as it was burning powerful.

She ran out of her room with just one destination. She searched for the newspaper and when she found it, she brought it to her room and locked her door closed. She sat on her bed and glanced down at the paper, at his picture, at his smile for her.

Was he thinking about her when he smiled?

She found herself calming down slowly as she stared at his picture, and a smile crept to her face. She didn't deserve it, any of it, none of his attention, but she got it anyway. She tried pushing away her feelings that drove her mad but she wanted to accept it. But she knew one thing; he would no longer like her if she would tell him who she really was. After all, he was going to marry Celeste, and she found it wrong to fall for him.

Then she remembered that he didn't want it and he had a plan. Hope rose in her and sighed dreamily, but it just seemed impossible to have him. All because of whom she was.

But she couldn't stop it, instead dwelled in it.

But she got to do as her uncle wanted her to, because it was the right thing. She needed to stay away from him in order to stop her feelings.

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