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One step closer... I have died everyday waiting for you...

Red stood, faking smiles and faking laughter for almost three months to please her sister, now hardly controlled her emotions from overtaking as she was going loose her sister. Tears burned in her eyes as she watched Arianna walking down the aisle, clinging to her grandfather's arm.

A Thousand Years song went on as Arianna walked down the aisle with Grandfather. She knew how much painful it was for Arianna for their dad wasn't alive to walk her down the aisle and Red blamed herself, bitterly guiltily. It was her fault.

Red stared at her sister. Arianna looked exactly like an angel. A longing rose in her heart but she frowned; she could never be in a white gown, her grandfather could never walk her down the aisle, she could never smile like her sister smiled at her groom, she could never get married because she was forbidden.

Because Red Maximoff wasn't an ordinary girl. She was different, but her true self hidden from the world. She was a supernatural. She was born with powers, but kept it hidden from everyone except her family, and kept it very controlled. It was hard when she was little but she eventually came used with it, with herself, with her beautiful shiny hair always tied as it was said to be controlling her powers when it was tied, and it was.

She was isolated from everyone except her family. Her neighbors barely knew her and she had not a single friend. She was afraid of herself and never forgot to keep distance from even her own family.

She named herself monster as it was her powers that killed her mother when she was carrying her. In every minute she was careful with herself and even her hair was forever tied up and it controlled her dangerous power, she didn't trust herself with anything. Her mother was supernatural like her, but carrying another supernatural had failed her to survive, and Red was told by her mother's friend Maverick that her powers are dangerous than her mother's. Maverick was a wizard and he knew about her and her mother, but kept it all as a secret from the world for their safety. He also told her that she was strictly forbidden to fall in fall and to marry.

She never realized how dangerous she can be until one summer day. She was heading back home after shopping with her sister Arianna and her boyfriend Ben. It happened in a blink of an eye; another car was going to crash into theirs, and she was very immediate to use her powers to save themselves by trying to stop both cars, but it went wrong. The car in front she tried to stop splashed away and then crashed into another vehicle and such a tragic crash happened. Only when they stepped out did Red realize it was her dad's friend's car she attacked and her dad and his friend were in it, both dead, along with the drive of the other vehicle.

The moment she realized she unintentionally killed her dad and his friend was the moment she realized how monstrous she was. Though she meant to stop both cars, it went wrong and she realized she can't control herself. First her mother, then her dad. Who was next? She couldn't handle her grief; she couldn't handle to know she became a murder.

After that, she built strong walls around her and kept herself away from her sister even more as she was scared it'd be her sister she hurt next. No matter how distance kept distance from Arianna, she wanted her to be with her always, but the cold reality didn't allow.

And now it was her sister's wedding day but she wasn't happy for her because she knew she wouldn't have her by her side anymore, but she never told it to her sister of how much she didn't want her to get married, of how broken she would be without her. Red even planned on destroying the wedding, so that Arianna wouldn't get married, but she put her emotions on control. She had murdered their mother and dad and didn't want to make Arianna's life even more miserable. Arianna deserved better, while Red deserved nothing but to be cursed.

Restraining from doing something bad, Red waited, faking smiles, until the whole celebration was over. She cried hard when she bid goodbye to Arianna because she had plans for that night, to end her life so that may stop her from more accidents.

Ever since the departure of their dad, the sisters lived with their uncle, and instead of returning to her uncle's house with them, she hurried to the house she grew up.

She poured apologies to God before spraying gasoline in her room. She just wanted to end her life before she cause more troubles and before the world will know about her.

She remembered Selenta, a little girl before the time of her parents, a supernatural like her, who couldn't get a control on her powers and murdered a lot of people until Arican, father of Maverick who was a wizard the world didn't know then, defeated her and their country Ordelia was forever grateful to him even what he did was murdering. Red's mother was raised in secret after what happened to Selenta. They feared God and kept the child. She was taught how to control and she did, but one day Maverick found her, but however he decided not to tell anyone but help her instead. He was terrified to find her already married and warned her not to have any children, so they prevented. After three years of Arianna's adoption, she got pregnant. They tried to abort the child but the child remained alive, but she was dying slowly. She died at the seventh month of the pregnancy and the child was taken out, the monster who killed her like Maverick had forewarned.

She wished if her mother survived instead of her. But it was all over. They died and she lived. But not any longer.

Sparking the fire, Red threw the match to her bed. She waited for the fire to rage up and to spread. But nothing happened than the match turning into ashes and the fire went out. She sprayed more gasoline and sparked the fire. But the same happened.

She cried out in frustration. She knew Who was doing it. She recalled what happened two years similar to this when her dad died, when she ate poison and nothing worked.

"Why are you doing this?" Red cried, staring at the ceiling. She clutched to her hair furiously. "Why aren't giving up on me? Just let me go! Give up on me, after all I've done. After who I've been! I beg you to give up on me, Jesus!"

Furiously crying, she tried again, to burn down the house with her, but God didn't give up on her. She didn't know what He wanted with her, and how He can still not give up on her while all she was a monster.

Begging God to give up, she gave up instead. She believed that God had a plan for her and she decided to live and face whatever that was to come.

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