Bloopers [Happy April Fools!]

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There is no fourth wall. There's not even a third wall anymore--

Whatever happens in this chapter stays in this chapter.

3rd POV

"LICK MY FUCKING DICK!" Teruteru yelled, running across the set in nothing but his underwear.

"KAWAII DESU KYA!~" Maizono squeaked, groping herself since no one loved her.

"I'M A HOE FOR HOPE!" Nagito shrieked, slathering his armpits in bagels and nutella.

Yes, it was a disaster, and no, there was no one to control them. All the characters in Danganronpa were causing mayhem in the city of VillesTown. 

Just to name a few of our "obstacles":

Teruteru had his spatula handle shoved up his bumhole.

Kokichi was forcing people to chug Panta through their nostrils and their other... holes...

Sonia was tossing out her silky undergarments at Kazuichi to shoo him. Kazuichi, apparently, was licking it..?

Y/N was stuffing string cheese up her nose and quacking at the people who got near her.

Lastly, the author was nowhere to be seen. She was supposed to organize this mess, yet she was probably hooking up with some cheap guy at a hotel--


Everyone who had been causing mischief turned towards the booming voice. There, clad in nothing but sweatpants and a loose T-shirt was TJ, the author.

After hearing that, Kazuichi quickly bent Sonia over so that his crotch was facing her ass.

Everyone grumbled.


Frustratingly, TJ made her way to her chair, pouring the coffee down her neck instead of down her throat. It was a rough morning.

"Now, let's get onto the scene with Y/N and Kokichi."

Himiko dragged her weight in front of the author as she snapped the clapperboard. 


"Requested by BookwormCha. ACTION!"


I stared at him, licking my lips seductively. The only thing I wore were my shorts and my sports bra. It was the middle of summer, and where I lived, it was piping hot.

My legs ached, for I longed for him again. He made me feel so much better, especially since I had a long night last night. He helped me fall asleep much comfier.

"Kokichiiii~" I dragged my letters out, placing my hands on his hard yet soft surface. "You mean the world to me.

He didn't talk back. He never did. Of course, I've come to accept his silent treatment.

"Hey, Kokichi, can you give me pleasure again? You just make me feel so good..." I rubbed myself against him, dragging my finger against his legs.

Finally, I lifted myself up and placed my ass on him. This chair was heavenly. I started to touch the wood lustfully, staring at him with longing. Before long, I heard the beautiful sounds of sirens in the distance singing.

That is... until I realized it was the mental hospital coming to pick me up after my concerned parents called them again.


Satisfied, TJ clasped her hands together, taking another swig of her sugar-filled coffee.

"Eh, next scene." She tossed the script at the characters that had to do with the next part. "Kiyotaka Ishimaru, you're on!"

Still staying in character, he saluted and headed towards the set.


"Requested by: NightfulMisery. ACTION!"


He licked his finger and ran them through me. I felt so loved every time he stared at me in the mirror longingly.

"Hey, darling." He patted me softly. "It's time to go to school." 

I just swayed slightly, smiling and growing a bit sharper in certain areas. 

'Yes, Kiyotaka...'

The entire time on the bus ride, he couldn't keep his fingers off of me. He rubbed his fingers against my being, patted me, and most of all, pulled on me so hard yet so softly. It was amazing.

Well, it was amazing until a certain kid came up to him.

"Hey," a boy with crazy hair and a biker jacket pointed, barely containing his laugh. "That kid has some obsession with his eyebrows!"


The director could only stare, wondering how she landed a job such as this one. 

She flipped through the script, looking for another few short plots that could be directed.

"Hey," Y/N whispered towards her, nervously glancing around at the various attractive men in the room. "Can you pair me up in a lemon scene with one of the hotter boys here? I'd appreciate it."

TJ followed Y/N's gaze around the room to see she was staring at some of the SDR2 and NDRV3 boys. A sadistic smile crossed the author's face.

"Ah, sure, Y/N!" She smiled sweetly. "Get dressed in some lingerie. We'll start shortly."

Smiling, Y/N skipped back to her dressing room, practically bursting with glee.

'In just a few minutes, I'll be in a steamy scene with my one true bae!' She thought.

As she walked into her dressing room, TJ stared carefully at the script, adding in a few notes that packed a full punch of mischief.

Just as she finished the last pen stroke on the paper, a rather hyper Y/N waltzed out of the room, wearing the scandalous clothing that had been provided.

TJ whispered under her breath. "If your stomach is showing, Heaven is not where you're going."

"What was that?" Y/N asked, turning around. 

A simple wave of her hand dismissed the situation, and the H/C-haired girl started to get onto position on the set.

"Shuichi Saihara! You're on set!" The author yelled through the megaphone. 

Shortly after, a pale boy nervously came out of his room with nothing but a fuck boy top and some basketball shorts. He was quite timid, but that only added to his personality as a character.

"So where do I stand?" He asked the author, looking around the room before setting eyes on Y/N who laid on the bed in a suggestive manner.

TJ flipped through the script, trying to locate the notes. "So you stand on the other side of the door, and then you follow all the instructions listed below. Make sure you act surprised to see Y/N in the room though."

He nodded before moving into his position.


Everyone scrambled, and soon, the board snapped, signaling the first trial of the film was beginning.


"Requested by Y/N L/N. ACTION!"


I sat on the bed, slowly awaiting the arrival of my friend who I had grown quite close to. The sexual tension between us was undeniable, and tonight was the night I would seduce him and make both of us feel intense pleasure.

I could tell that he wanted it, too. He told me through every touch, every word, and every emotion that flashed through his eyes. All I wanted was him, and now, I could finally have him. A long day being a detective must be hard, but relieving of all of that stress was an even better feeling.

As I laid there, I heard the door click shut, signaling that he was home. Quickly, I propped myself up on the bed and waited until he opened the door.

When he finally did, his eyes practically bulged out of his sockets.

"Hey, Saihara..." I smiled lustfully, getting off of the bed and slowly yet teasingly making my way towards him. "I just really want you to know that I--"


"Say what now?"

Before I could process what was going on, Naegi and Hinata appeared behind him, dancing along.


"I just met you last year."


"Wait, Shui--"


"Here we go again..." I mumbled.

I sat on the bed, clad in nothing but my bra and underwear, staring at the three idiots dancing in front of me like maniacs. I listened through it until one certain part showed up.




"No tha--"


"I've had enough." Completely humiliated for myself and for Shuichi, I rushed off the set and back into the dressing room to change into something a bit more appropriate. As I wrapped the robe around me, I swore on my life to get back at TJ one day.

Little did she know that I had something else planned for the next April Fool's Day.




TJ sighed as she rubbed her forehead in frustration. "What am I to do with these children?"

Of course, being the author of the entire story, she knew what Y/N was planning. Too bad the book would've probably been over before Y/N's little scheme could've been carried out next April.

Jokes on her.

"OKAY, YOU LITTLE TURDS!" TJ yelled loudly, clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. Obviously, it worked. 

"What?" Maizono rolled her eyes, checking her manicure every couple of seconds. 

"Why am I still here?" Rantaro checked his watch, groaning internally while doing so.

TJ simply rolled her eyes, fed up with the actors' and actresses' comments. "All of you can go home, but Teruteru, Fuyuhiko, and Y/N will stay back. For your hard work, take a piece of candy from the Shittles bowl."

Sonia was the first to make it over to the bowl. "Uh, why are they all grape?"

The author sent a bored side glance towards the blonde. "They're brown. Get your eyes checked."

"Ew..." Asahina said. "I'll, uh, pass. I have date with Netflix and some donuts tonight."

"Mind if I join you?" Sakura asked. 

"Why not?" Aoi smiled.

Soon, everyone filed out of the door, leaving only Teruteru and Fuyuhiko standing there. Y/N was still in her dressing room, picking out a cute blouse and a skirt for reenacting the scene when the Monochrome Bear series took place. 

It was Fuyuhiko's alternative ending.

"Y/N L/N! ARE YOU READY?" The author shouted through the megaphone.

Startled, Y/N yelped and tumbled through the door, fully dressed. "Y-Yeah..."

"'Kay, guys. Get into your positions. This is the hidden ending that wasn't even supposed to exist..."

The clapperboard sounded, and the shoot started to begin.


"Requested by djnosleep. ACTION!"


My entire body froze up. Slowly, my eyes looked over to see Fuyuhiko smiling while holding his cell phone in his left hand.

He was leaning on his elbows, and the setting sun shining on his face bathed his skin in the beautiful sunset glow. His eyes sparkled, and his face was slightly dusted pink.

"F-Fuyu... hiko..?" I mumbled, my hands starting to shake. My heartbeat accelerated the longer I stared at his youthful face. 

[djnosleep wrote this part:]


My body froze as I realized this, but before I could say anything, Fuyuhiko pulled at his face, revealing the one and only:




He leaned closer to my ear and seductively whispered. "Lick my loins, and call me a lollipop~" He made a small popping noise, and I was instantly put into a trance by this man's sexy-ass voice.


3rd POV

Y/N stared at the man in front of her. "You're so fucking hot, Teru~ I'll be glad to, uh, 'lick your... loins..?'"

Of course, he smiled with pride, pulling out that special spatula he has been using for masturbation for the past six years of his life. Yes. Six.

"Suck me until I'm dry, lil pop.~"

Slightly intrigued, Y/N stared at the boy in front of her. She bit her bottom lip. "Hmm... So it was you, huh? Let's take this back to my place, but first..."

Her cold hands instantly grabbed his chubby cheeks, and she pulled his face to hers.

Slobbering noises floated in the air as the two exchanged a very hot yet sloppy kiss. All the while, Y/N was teasingly grinding near Teruteru's 'loins'.

"Oh, yeah, babe~" Teruteru said quietly has the blood from his nose splattered everywhere, painting Y/N's white blouse in red.

"I'm never letting you go, Teru~. Step on my titties, and you can have me lickin' your loins."

"With pleasure!~"

In the distance, the real Fuyuhiko stood in the park, his head tilted to the side as the flowers slowly wilted in his hands. He shrugged, guessing that Y/N had found another... "man"... before he could confess his feelings.

He was the one who sent her that secret admirer's note, but apparently it wasn't good enough. Angrily, he shoved the flowers to the ground. Once he saw Y/N lying on the grass with her breasts exposed, he did a 180 and marched off to find Peko.

'You win some; you lose some...'


 TJ noticed that even after she had yelled 'cut', Teruteru and Y/N were still kissing. Fuyuhiko at this point was still disgusted.

"Uh... Can I leave now? Please?" He asked.

TJ nodded quickly, grabbing her bag and rushing out after Fuyuhiko.

The day was almost over, and little did anyone know that Y/N would finally steal Teruteru's virginity in his dressing room. Oh, and they weren't acting.

Skip to a few weeks, and the couple had finally worked up the courage to tell everyone about the pregnancy.

Of course, the cast thought it'd be a waste of time, but Y/N urged them to stay.

"Okay, so I really don't know how to say this, but we're madly in love." Y/N started.

"No shit." TJ commented, rolling her eyes.

"When two people are in love, they f--" Teruteru announced.

"OKAY, WE KNOW THAT." Ouma interrupted quickly covering his ears. "Just get to the point."

Y/N and Teruteru held hands and looked at each other longingly.

Y/N was the first to speak.


Teruteru's pregnant."

What a great way to end this crack fic with four mini chapters. Ha. Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned until next time for a real and more serious chapter, not a crack one with 200 words or something :)

And did you check out the new cover? It's very sexy ;) 

The description and title goes well with it too--

Happy April Fools!


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