Heartbreaking Trial [Kiibo] (Part 1)

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[Heartbreaking Trial (Kiibo X Suicidal! Reader)]

Part One

[Trigger Warning: Angst and Suicide.]

Jokes will NOT be tolerated. You know who you are ;))


'This is it...'

I stared at the large knife in my room. It was easily 11 inches long, and it gleamed in the headlights above. My eyes traced the blade and the handle.

'It'll be over soon...'

My face paled the longer I stared at it. The shiny steel was tempting. Before I ended my life, however, I thought of Kiibo and Tenko, my only true friends.

Sure, Kiibo was shy around me, but we still talked nonetheless. Every time we talked, he would always learn more and more and frequently asked questions. There wasn't one moment that I wasn't glad around him.

His innocent personality always made me crack a smile.

Until Ouma ruined it...

Toujou, Rantarou, Kaede, and Ryoma... they were all dead. They all died somewhere in this facility.

Tears streamed down my face as I thought about Tenko. She always hated boys. It was kind of funny, actually. After Kaede had died, she had comforted me.

Kaede and I weren't very close, but she put in so much effort in order to become friends with me. I appreciated that.

But everyone was disappearing, and I didn't want my life to be ended by the hands of another.

I stared at the clock on my wall. It was about dinner time.

Shaking my head, I positioned the knife at my throat until I heard someone at the door.

Swiftly, I hid my knife under the sheets and ran towards the door. I smoothed my skirt on the way there, eliminating any wrinkles, and I wiped my eyes from the tears that had once fallen.

"Good evening, Mysty-san." That familiar voice greeted me.

"Oh, hi, Kiibo." I smiled and slightly waved. "What's up?"

He smiled back and reminded me. "Make sure to come to the dining hall. Dinner will be ready in ten minutes."

"Ok, and who's making dinner?" I asked.

"I think it's Maki and Kaito."

I nodded. As Kiibo started to walk back to the dining hall, a question crossed my mind.

"Kiibo?" I called out from behind him.

"Yes?" He turned around.

"What were you and Miu doing?"

"A-Ah... it was nothing!" He said with his face slightly red.

"But Kiib-"

"Make sure to come down, Mysty-san! You don't want your dinner to get cold!" He nervously said while fast-walking away.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. That moment that I had caught Miu and Kiibo on the floor had burned into my mind. I still had the picture vividly branded on my brain.

That was the final push onto my decision. I know no one will be happy that I'll be gone, but I doubt that I'll be missed. I'm just one person who can't do anything productive in their life.

Everyone doesn't trust me. It's in my title: The Ultimate Mystery.

No one knows about my past. Not even me. I don't know who my parents are, who my siblings are, and where my family is even if I have one. I was shown to be quite skeptical, always lurking in the shadows.

I broke many promises in the past, yet no one knows who I am. They don't even know my real name: Y/N L/N. I never told anyone. Everyone addresses me as Mystery or Mysty for short.

Kiibo was the one that came up with that nickname, and only he and Tenko uses it. Everyone else just addresses me as Mystery-san or Mystery-chan.

Sighing, I took a pen and wrote down a quick note.


'I'm sorry everyone that I'm doing this, but I just want you to know that I'll keep you in my heart forever. Kiibo and Tenko, I'm sorry for letting you down.

All I just want to say to Kiibo is... even though you are an Artificial Intelligence, I hope you understand what love is, because that is what I felt for you.'


Y/N L/N, or as you may know me as Mystery or Mysty


I stuffed the note in my shirt pocket and lifted up my bed sheets to reveal the knife. Smiling to myself sadly, I swiped the knife across my neck, bleeding to my death.

Before I could go, however, I mumbled my last words.

"I'm sorry.... everyone..."

Monokuma's POV

"Upupupupu~" I laughed as I stared at the monitor. Y/N was lying in a puddle of blood, her own despair. I hopped off of my Monochair and made my Monoway down stairs. (I'm so Monosorry)

I immediately hopped into Y/N's room, taking the note out of her pocket. Smiling, I hid it in my paw.

Laughing to myself with my notorious laugh, I headed back to my office to see the show unfold.

Kiibo's POV

"Hey, Kiibo, can you pass me the fourth knife on the wall?" Maki asked while dicing up onions without crying. Does she not have feelings..? Well, I shouldn't be the one to talk...

"Sure." I scanned the hinges on the wall and saw that the fourth knife was gone. "Huh?"

"Hey, where's Mystery-san?" Angie asked while making a smiley face out of ketchup.

"Come to think of it, didn't you tell her to come down already?" Shuichi asked me.

"C'mon, Kii-boy probably made her shy away back into her room." Ouma retorted.

"Hey!" I bursted out, my face red slightly.

"Actually, now that Gonta thinks about it," Gonta started, "Gonta hasn't seen Miu, Tsumugi, or Korekiyo come down yet."

"Angie thinks that they're with Mystery-san." Angie said while looking up from her plate smeared with ketchup.

"But she doesn't hang out with anyone but me and Kiibo. She's really antisocial at first..." Tenko pondered.

"Hey, Kiibo, why don't you go and check up on her?" Himiko suggested while setting up the silverware.

"O-Ok..." I muttered before walking to Mysty's room again.

As I neared her room, I smelled a metallic odor.

'No... it can't be!'

I turned the doorknob and found that it was locked. More emotions started to become analyzed into my systems.

'Fear. Dread. Panic.'

Giving up on the doorknob, I blasted a hole through the door.

As soon as my eyes laid on the sight before me, I screamed. Footsteps ran towards my direction, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of Mysty.

Slowly, I inched towards her. The fourth knife that was missing was tightly clutched in her hand, and pink blood oozed out of her neck.

I kneeled down and placed her head in my lap. Then, this unfamiliar liquid spilled out of my eyes. It mixed with her blood, washing it away from her face.

'Was this what they call... tears?'

I gently wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me.

"Why...?" I muttered.

"Kiibo, what's going o-" Saihara stopped mid-sentence and stared at the corpse in front of me. "Oh... no..."

"Mysty!" Tenko cried and ran over towards me, cupping her hands around Mysty's face. "No... she's not breathing..." She muttered as she took her pulse. "No pulse either..."

If I had a heart, it would've dropped. I slid my arms under Mysty's slit neck and knees.

Slowly, I stood up and placed her on the bed, pulling the blanket over her head.

"Kiibo..." Angie mumbled, seeing my face.

"Guys, what happened?" Korekiyo and Tsumugi ran in together.

I guided them over to the bed and pulled down the sheets. Korekiyo stood there, frozen. Tsumugi cupped a hand over her mouth, not believing what she saw.

"Where's Miu?" Himiko asked to the pair.

"S-She's sick in bed. We'll tell her the news." Tsumugi said sadly.

"Kiibo, are you okay..?" Shuichi asked.

"Y-Yeah..." I lied straight through my teeth.

"Are you sure, man?" Ouma asked, patting my back.

Once again, I nodded my head in reply.

Then, a staticky sound came onto the speakers.

"Bing Bom Pom Pom! A corpse has been discovered! After a certain amount of time has passed by, a class trial shall begin!"

And at those words, I broke down into tears.

Part 2 might come sooner or later. Depends on how lazy I am. :P

Edit: I changed 'Tsumigi' to Tsumugi since I just realized it was wrong. Oops...?


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