House of Cards [Celestia Ludenberg] {Li}

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Requested by: LostAerial


So... I've never had any experience with a [Fem] X [Fem] Reader, so.... I'm sorry if it sucks. It's my first one.... ever.

BTW, since this is a lime, lemme make a pun.

Celestia LEWDenberg


I stared at the cards I held in my hands.

'Two aces.'

On the other side of the table, Celestia Ludenberg, a world-class gambler, smirked at me, holding three cards close to her chest.

Yes, it seemed very peculiar that in the middle of all the chaos of being forced to kill another that the both of us chose to play Black Jack, but it was quite boring at the moment.

"Do you want to draw?" Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow in questioning.

I stared at my cards and bit my lip.

'If I get a nine, I can win...'

"Hit me."

She drew a card from the deck using her index finger where a silver accessory sat snugly.

I picked up the card, feeling nervous. I flipped it over, and a sense of relief overwhelmed me.

'Eight of clubs...'

"Oh my, did you go over?" She asked, covering her smirk with her cards.

"No... just a bit under..." I mumbled back, not accepting defeat.

'I have twenty in total... should I stay?'

The girl on the other side of the table started to put her finger on the deck of cards, getting ready to slide one over to me.

"I'll stay."

Her smirk grew wider as she set down her cards facing up. I did the same.

"Black Jack." She giggled deviously. "I win."

Shock immediately coursed through me. "If you got Black Jack earlier in the game, why didn't you say so?"

"Hm? I guess it's because I wanted to see that hope on your face. The hope that you thought you could win against me, the Ultimate Gambler."

"Pft. Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes and quickly gathered the deck of 52 cards together. "Let's go and see what the others are up to."

"That seems like a pleasant idea. After all, we lost four students already. Such a shame..." She said calmly.

My mind soon thought back to Sayaka, Leon, Chihiro, and Mondo. A shiver ran down my spine.

"Yeah... Let's go." We started walking out of the kitchen and bumped into our hope-filled friend with an ahoge as a side order.

"Oh, hello, Naegi-kun." Celestia greeted.

"Sup, Ahoge." I greeted also, snickering at my nickname.

Makoto rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling a bit. "Yeah... I guess that's my nickname now, Y/N-san?"

"Drop the formalities, Makoto." I smiled warmly. "We're all friends here, aren't we?"

His face was tinted a slight pink color before smiling once again. "Y-Yeah... I guess so..."

"Well, Naegi-kun, Y/N and I shall get moving before the next murder happens. Alter Ego is doing his job, yes?" Celestia intruded.

Makoto turned to her, and he nodded. "Yeah, he's downloading all the files."

"Very well." Celestia then grabbed my hand and dragged me down the halls.

"S-See you later, Makoto!" I stuttered, turning around as I was being dragged by the raven.

"Yeah..! See you!"

Just as we were out of hearing range with Naegi, Celestia stopped abruptly.

"Celes, what are you doing?" I asked curiously.

Her grip on my hand suddenly tightened, and I winced in pain.

"I set up Hifumi to kill Ishimaru." [So straightforward LOL]


I quickly shook her hold off and stared at her back in disbelief.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I shouted, hoping that my ears weren't functioning properly.

A small sadistic giggle sounded through the cutting silence, and she turned around, her hand covering her mouth. Behind that hand was a smile, a smile of mischief and trouble.

"Why would you...?" I asked, my head starting to become light and dizzy.

"For... my dream... I... I have to eliminate as many as possible first!"

My eyes widened slightly, a confusing look crossing my face. "Y-Your dream..?"

She chuckled once again creepily, the wide smile on her pale face never disappearing. "I want to own a mansion on the Western side of Europe and have men serve me. Well, women would work too.~"

"H-Huh?!" My face flushed crimson like her eyes, and in the reflection, I saw myself.

"Y/N-san... Can't you forgive me..?" Celestia asked, tilting her head a bit to the right. "I'm... not in my right state of mind."

"Celes..." My eyes filled with confusion, anger, and guilt.

'Why would she set up Hifumi to kill Ishimaru? I mean, her dream may be bizarre, but... I'm intrigued by her...'

Slowly, I got down on one knee, bowing down. A small little smile graced my lips. "As the Ultimate Servant, your wish is my command." I reached for her hand and grazed my lips across her knuckles.

Once I looked up, her ghostly-pale face was tinted red. "Yes, I thank you for understanding, Y/N..."

I nodded and quickly followed behind her, helping her tamper with the crime scene without dirtying her hands.

-Time Skip-

{Class Trial}


"Hifumi Yamada. You're the culprit." I said nonchalantly, my eyes glancing over to the cat-mouthed man.

"E-EH?!" He shrieked, his temper easily getting lost. "W-W-Where's your proof, L/N?! You don't have any proof!"

"I saw you."

His eyes started to narrow into a glare before opening his mouth. "How is that proof?! You could be just saying that!"

"I am a witness."

All eyes turned to the raven girl with piercing red eyes. She looked up at Hifumi with such hatred that it made me cringe slightly inside.

"B-But..! L-Ludenberg-san set me up!" Yamada wailed. He stomped over the floor, his hands sporadically waving in the air.

"Oh my, and you fell right into that trap. Did you not?" She covered her bottom lip with the tips of her fingers as if hiding a smile.


"It's voting time!~" Monokuma interrupted, throwing a pot of honey to the side. A sadistic grin was still ever-present on his face.

"N-NO! I DIDN'T EVEN GET A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN!" Yamada blubbered through tears. "WAIT!"

-Time Skip-

{5 Years Later}



Upon hearing Celestia's voice, I hurried through the mansion halls, still carrying snacks on a single silver platter.

I knocked on the black door, and a faint voice came through the other side.

"You may enter."

Slowly, I pushed the door open with my foot which was adorned with red shiny flats, just like Celestia wanted.

Upon entering the room, I saw the girl lying on her bed, her dress slowly starting to reveal more skin as her legs were bent upwards.

"I-I'm sorry..! I'll come at another time..!" I stuttered, my cheeks flushed as it was before a few years prior.

She looked up from her novel, a mischievous look in her crimson eyes. "Oh, how about you stay?"

Slowly, her legs swung over the bed, and she advanced towards me, licking her red lips.

"Ce-Celes... What are you...?" I dropped the platter on the ground as she grabbed my hands and dragged me to the bed. She pushed me down, and started touching my breasts.

"Hmm... I've always held an interest in you, Y/N... Maybe... maybe today's the day I can show it..."

I felt her start to tug at my clothes, starting with the black apron. "H-Huh..?"

Her other hand with the silver finger accessory started to trace around my panties, making me feel slightly moister down there.

Just as she started working on my dress, a servant barged into the room, his eyes matching the same hue as Celestia's.

"Madam, there's a fire spreading throughout the mansion. You must evacuate immediately."

Her eyes widened, realizing that her dream was burning down. "WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE?!" She shrieked, standing upright and forgetting me for a second.

"It was our other servant, Ouma." :)

"AGH!" Celestia stomped her foot on the ground and sat right on her bed. "I'm not leaving! You cannot force me!"

"Celes, you must!" I urged, seeing the other servant starting to run out of the room. I grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her up. "Come on! Celestia! Please!"

Just then, a beam fell from the ceiling, and in a rush, Celestia got up and started to run, but it fell straight on her left thigh.

"AH!" She screamed, her face contorting pain. "It hurts... Help!"

Quickly, I dug my fingers under the wooden beam, but to no avail did it move. "Celes, it won't move!"

Tears started to stream down her face as the fire started to move in closer. "No... I''m not going to relive this... not like in my execution..!"

My memory traveled back to when Celestia had a bad nightmare about her execution if she had committed the murder.

'The Versailles Witch Burning.'

Soon, after several aches pulsing through both of my arms, I lifted the beam a slight bit, enough for the raven to crawl out herself.

"Th-Thank you..." She whispered, still sitting on the ground as the flames grew.

I scooped her up and started to run out of the mansion that was burning. In all the hallways, paintings and murals burned, making Celestia feel slightly more emotional.

"Why... did this have to happen..?" She asked, crying.

"It's okay... We'll build it up again..." I encouraged, bursting through the front door to the outside.

"H-How..?" Celestia sniffled, looking at her masterpiece being turned to ashes.

"It's your House of Cards. You should be able to build it up again even if it's knocked down. Obviously, you're the Ultimate Gambler..." I smiled, setting her down on the pavement.

For once, she looked up with a genuine smile before those words slipped out of her mouth.

"You always know what to say, My Love...."

Umm.... Hope that was good...? A little announcement for me... It's my birthday today! Yay! And I have 99 followers right now, so it'd be great it one more person could follow me for my B-Day! :) Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!

Next Up:

Heart of Glass [Izuru Kamukura] (AU)

Flower Petals [Gonta Gokuhara]


Your Faithful Servant [Izuru Kamukura] {AU} PT 4

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