The Darkest Secrets [Mondo Oowada]

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Aha... Poor Ishimaru... This takes place before the events of the Mutual Killings too...

Mostly in Mondo's POV

Requested by: SuchFandoms


"Daiya-san." I called. "Your bike is ready."

The leader of the Crazy Diamonds grinned widely before patting me on the head. "Good job, Y/N! I knew I didn't make a mistake letting you join!"

A grin soon surfaced on my face, too. "Thank you so much!" I replied back, loving the praise I was receiving.

"No, problem, and oh, can you prepare Mondo's bike? He's taking a shower right now, and we're going out in an hour or two."

Bowing, I headed off and located Mondo's bike, igniting the engine and riding it into the repair garage for inspection.

3rd Person POV

Y/N L/N, a girl with an amazing talent in engineering. She has been in The Crazy Diamonds for two years.

She grew up in a small, unknown town that housed many delinquents, gangs, and sex-offenders.

At the age of six, her father left her, leaving her mother and Y/N to fend for themselves. When Y/N was fourteen, her mother was caught doing illegal drugs and was taken away. She later rotted away and died in jail.

During those times that she was alone, Y/N would take pieces of scrap and build her own creations, later giving her the talent that would become very useful in the future.

Soon, a biker gang known as The Crazy Diamonds would later raid her small town when she was sixteen, finding the female hiding in an empty box where she was sleeping.

Daiya Oowada would find her, feeling sympathy for the poor girl. He then recruited her into the gang starting as an assistant, but she would later prove that she was far more superior than he could ever think of.

Despite her superiority, she would still respect everyone in the gang. She was also fierce at times, and she could be aggressive if she found out that someone, rather yet, something, was harming the only thing that she ever loved in this God-forsakened world.

The Crazy Diamonds.

-Time Skip-

Mondo's POV

"Rub!~ Rub!~ Rub!~ Scrub~ Scrub~ Scrub~ and Dubba dub dub~!" I sang as I showered.

'This was not manly at all...'

"Eh, fuck it!" I said, not having a single care in the world.

Tonight is the night my brother and I will race to see who's going to be the new leader of the Crazy Diamonds, and I will win.

'No matter what.'


I slightly laughed to myself, hearing Mondo singing from his shower when I went to the living room to get the necessary supplies.

Grabbing my toolbox, I headed back out to the garage, but before I could, I felt a hand slap on my shoulder.

Swiftly turning around, I identified the culprit.

"Good evening, Daiya-san." I greeted.

"Oho~ Good evening, Assistant Y/N!" He said teasingly. "Spying on my brother while he showers, hmm?~"

Almost immediately, I snapped.

'Eh, I had a short temper anyways.'

"Watch your mouth, you little shit! You have no fucking idea how fast I could slit your pathetic little throat right here and now." I threatened, my eyes narrowing while grabbing onto his shirt.

"Y-Yes, Ma'am!" He stuttered.

I quickly let him go and turned back to go into the direction of the garage.

I started walking before stopping after a few steps. Slowly, I turned around, a smile evident on my face. "Have a good evening, Daiya-sama."

Mondo's POV

I quickly dried my body with a plain white towel, and a thought crossed my mind.

'I wonder if Y/N's finished with my bike?'

I scoffed, thinking of the only girl in our gang.

"Why are you so fucking stupid to let a girl into this damned gang, Daiya." I sneered at no one in particular.

The new girl seemed so nice to everyone. Probably wouldn't hurt a fly. Come to think of it, she was kind of... cold towards me. I guess I''m that exception.

I could always hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"Bitches be bitches." I mumbled while throwing on my white tank top. "Doubt she can even ride a motorcycle, furthermore a bicycle." [She can ride something, alright ;)]


I wiped the sweat from my forehead, staring at the motorcycle in front of me. To be completely honest, I think I outdid myself.

I gave the bike a new coat of shiny black paint, and I also added flames.

"Alright! Now time to prepare my bike." I said enthusiastically while wheeling Mondo's bike to its original location.

I exchanged it for my motorcycle, and I stared at it happily.

"Let's go for a test run!"

Quickly, I hopped on the seat and inserted the key. The motor roared, signaling it was very well still alive and running.

I rotated my hand on the handles, and immediately, the motorcycle sped forwards at such high speeds. The wind whipped my face as the night sky and full moon illuminated me.

"YAHOO!" [Please don't read that in a Mario voice]

Mondo's POV


Hearing the scream which was indeed belonging to a female, I ran outside in my full attire, glancing around the streets for the source of the sound.

Soon, my eyes landed on Y/N who was happily riding around the street at high speeds.

'Probably 65 MPH... Wait! She could get into a serious fucking accident!'

"OI! YOU LITTLE SHIT! STOP!" I called out, angry that she was acting so reckless.

Upon hearing my voice, her head turned and she looked at me, her eyes filled with mischief.

At this moment, I realized that I fucked up.


She made a sharp turn and started zooming towards me.

My eyes widened as I tried to run and get out of the way, but before I could however, I noticed that the speed decreased as she neared.

"Haha! You should've seen your face!" She laughed hysterically coming to a stop. "You looked like you just finished crapping your pants after three long days of constipation!"

This is when a nerve snapped.

"Oi, do you want to be cremated, you little fucker?!" I growled at her.

"Huh? As if! You'd probably never killed anyone in your life unlike yours truly." She smirked. "You never had a clue on how full of shit my life was."

"I haven't killed anybody..?" I chuckled darkly. "WELL I'LL START TODAY!" I threw a hard punch, aiming towards her face, but she ducked and swiftly kicked the back of my foot, making me fall.

As I was lying on the ground, she stared down at me with that glare of hers. "Don't you ever judge a book by its damn cover. Girls aren't as weak and useless as you think, Mondo Oowada."

I groaned in pain, slightly growling at her in the process. "Whatever. I'll get you back some fucking day, and never call me that ever again. Never say my name."

"Yes, your Majesty." She rolled her eyes as she walked away. "Your bike is ready, and I added a few tweaks here and there to it."

Still on the ground, I huffed, signaling that I was saying "OK".

-Time Skip-

Mondo's POV

It was finally time for the Crazy Diamonds to make their rounds, but this time, I would be racing my brother.

'Second best was about to become the best.'

In the corner of my eye, I saw Y/N walking and getting on her bike. She wore the same white collared-coat with a long tail as everyone in the gang.

"LET'S GO!" Daiya shouted, his bike speeding off first. Everyone soon followed along, and surprisingly, Y/N kept pace and was right behind me.

"Oi! What are you doing?! Stay in your own damned spot!" I yelled over the loud engines.

"I don't think this is a good idea! What if you get hurt?!" She responded back, a bit of worry sewn into her words.

"I won't get fucking hurt! I'm better than everyone here, including you, so shut your fucking trap, and just watch the race!" I snapped back.

She kept quiet, biting her lip from saying anything more. The fact that she was worrying about my well-being made my heart skip a beat, though.

'What I said to her was harsh...'

I shook my head from the thought, and saw my opening to beat my brother. Without hesitation, I veered into the right lane, getting ready to surpass Daiya.

My eyes soon caught sight of something in front of me.

'A truck...'

It was too late to hit the brakes or go back into another lane, and I knew this was the end.

'It was my mistake...'


I stared wide-eyed, seeing Mondo paralyzed by the sight in front of him. Abandoning my life, I steered into the right lane, hitting Mondo onto the sidewalk.

Soon, a small smile spread across my lips.

'Thank god that he didn't die...'

With that last thought, I felt the impact as it flung me off of the bike and into the air.

Mondo's POV

I crashed onto the sidewalk, a bit of blood outlining my forehead from the fall, but what I saw next horrified me.

Y/N was flung from her bike, and blood already started to seep from her wounds. The impact must've been strong...

"Y/N!!!" I yelled, struggling to get up. Stumbling a few times, I dashed across the street to catch her body.

The gang had all stopped, all shocked [s h o o k] from witnessing the accident.

Soon her body landed in my arms. Her breath was shallow, and her eyes were focused on something faraway... something humans couldn't see.

"I'm so... glad..." She muttered, her head slowly turning towards me.

"Why...?" I mumbled, feeling tears drip off of my cheeks. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID, Y/N!"

She chuckled a bit before coughing up blood. "I'm at my... last moments... and that's what you say..?"

"Dammit! It's not your last moment! I swear you're gonna live! You're gonna fucking live!" I cried, pulling her closer, staining my coat with her pink blood. "You have to..."

'I actually... care about someone...'

"I'll gladly throw away... my life... for the sake of...." Her eyes slightly closed. "The Crazy Diamonds... even if I was... just an assistant..."

I placed my hands on the sides of her face, staring down at her, my tears dropping onto her cheek. "Don't be such a fucking idiot..." My sobs starting to become uncontrollable. "You weren't just an assistant... you were a member, too!"

A small look of surprise spread across her dull face before a small smile appeared on her lips. "Thank you, I'm so very glad... that I could sacrifice this life.... f-for you..." She slightly turned her head. "C-Can I say... your name now..?"

My mind suddenly clicked to the memory earlier. "...Of c-course..!" I muttered.

Y/N stared blankly at the sky before muttering. "I'm so glad to have met you, Mondo Oowada..."

Her hand soon went limp and dropped onto the ground, my face horrified. "Oi... Y/N?" I shook her. "Th-This isn't funny!" I pressed a finger against her neck for a pulse.

'There was a faint pulse that was rapidly dying...'

"Th-This isn't fucking funny, Y/N! Stop this bullshit before I cry like a real man!"

Red and blue lights lit up the sky as the ambulance arrived, carrying the girl away in a stretcher.

That night, everyone came home glum. For the first time, I hoped... prayed... that Y/N would be okay.

At 4AM, we received the call.

Y/N was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Doctor's POV

"D-Doctor!" A nurse called out for me.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked, stopping from writing down the next appointment.

"It's patient 916! She... She's alive!" [Guess why I chose that number ^w^]

My eyes widened in shock, immediately dropping my clipboard onto the ground.

"Get all the nurses you can gather. I'll set up the oxygen mask and machine!"

"Yes, sir!" The nurse ran off.

When a nurse had tried to contact her relatives, she found out that her parents were either missing or dead. The gang that she was associated with never gave us their number, so we couldn't reach them and tell them the good news.

The fact that she was alive would be a secret to them...

-Time Skip: Killing Game-

Mondo's POV

My brother died a few weeks ago from an accident, and I was morbidly reminded of that time when someone who I deeply valued today sacrificed themselves for me.

If only I could've been nicer towards her, gotten close to her and held her hand... then maybe...

Every night I was haunted by the memories of her. I dreamed of holding her, spoiling her, and kissing her. At first, I thought I suffered from an illness. I wasn't that far from the truth.

I think it's called love... and it's pretty fucking contagious.

One night, I actually had a... dirtier dream... Let's just say my little friend was standing high and mighty when I woke up...

Everyone was gathered in the gymnasium, but we were short two people. Soon, a figure appeared wearing a hoodie and a cloth-mask, covering the bottom half of their face. Judging from the body outline and skirt, it was a female.

She gasped when she saw me, and I just rolled my eyes. She headed towards my direction and stood behind me.

'Is she asking for an ass-whooping later?'

My attention was on the boy who just entered. He had an ahoge with silvery-green eyes complementing it.

"What kid has such a weird-ass haircut?" I muttered to myself.

I heard a familiar chuckle erupt from the girl behind me. Then, an all-too familiar voice echoed in my ears. "That's rich coming from you."


Mondo's head literally snapped over to my direction once I finished my remark. I pulled down my mask, revealing that same smile that I showed him when I was about to die.

"Miss me?" I teased, still laughing.

He stared at me, his eyes still wide. I felt his hands on my arms as he held me.

"You... You're alive..." He muttered, not believing his eyes.

"Yep! Complicated story, but I'm breathing, right?" I laughed.

Without caution, he leaned down, and I felt his lips on mine, roughly moving as if saying he missed me. I guess he couldn't hold his urges...

'He had no idea how long I craved this moment...'

Slowly, I closed my eyes, and he deepened the kiss by sliding his tongue across my lips.

I soon disconnected the kiss, much to his displeasure.

"Mondo..." I sighed.

"Thank you..." He smiled at me. "Without you, I wouldn't be here today... I realized... I fucking love you..."

I closed my eyes, in a complete state of bliss upon hearing those words. "I love you, too... Mondo..!"


Author's POV

Hm... I stared at the keyboard and started typing.

'Maybe I forgot something..? Oh yeah!'

I quickly pressed against my keyboard.

[What they didn't know was that the entire class was staring, slightly shipping the two in secret.]

I smiled at the screen, satisfied at my work.

'Maybe I'll get more requests? Hopefully... Let's just hope they clarify the plot so that I don't need to sound like I'm interrogating them...'

Then, a sudden thought crossed my mind.

'I have to reread this to correct the damned mistakes.... FML.'

'Ugh, that last part escalated too quickly. Who would kiss someone that they just found out were alive? I don't know what to do..! I can't change it since I don't have any other ideas. Oh well, let's just hope the readers will be OK with it...'

Silently sulking, I scrolled up at started to reread the chapter, cringing at the cheesy parts. In my mind, I was only repeating and chanting a single phrase.

'I'm so sorry, my dear readers.'


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