Your Faithful Servant [Izuru Kamukura] {AU} PT 1

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[OOC! Izuru Kamukura X Reader]

{Part 1/?}

Yeah, bitches. It ain't Nugget. It's that guy that needs to shave his long-ass hair.

Oh well, this one shot has more of a plot, so the story might be longer. It'll have more chapters though.

BTW, Hinata and Izuru are two DIFFERENT people.

And I gave some emotion to Izuru... Actually... a lot of emotion. Thought I'd make him look slightly cuter while I'm at it...



Izuru's POV

[Age: 12]

School. The living hell hole that Satan created with his tiny-ass dick.

Ugh! I sunk deeper and deeper into my chair, ignoring the teachers. Despite my behavior, I actually was in the advanced placement program despite my less than average grades.

'Oh, the irony.'

I drummed my pencil on the desk, spacing out from the teacher's lectures.

"Stupid lesson..." I glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall.

[2:18 PM]

I internally groaned.

"And that is the square root of 361." Ms. Ikusaba concluded. Her black hair was neatly combed, and she wore a simple vest with a black pencil skirt.

"Wh-What?" I asked, my eyes widening as she erased the board. My eyes glanced over to my notebook.


I looked over to my right and saw Y/N finishing up her notes.

Slowly, my body slightly rose so that I could see her notes.

"Mister Kamukura! Please come up to the board and solve this algebraic equation." Ms. Ikusaba called.

"U-Um..." I nervously looked around. "O-Okay..."

I swear, I could've seen her smirk.

On the board was the equation.

[6x - 8 = 4 + 2x]

Nervously, I picked up the blue Exposition Marker and stared at the equation. [Copyright of brands ;)]

"So, what is the first step?" She asked, adjusting the glasses on her face.


In the corner of my eye, I saw Y/N holding up a piece of paper. This went unnoticed by everyone excluding myself since she sat in the very back. Meanwhile, the teacher was too focused on me.

I squinted at the paper she was holding.

'Combine like terms.'

I nodded at her, showing my thanks.

"First, you combine the like terms." I subtracted the numbers from each side until I reached the next step... which I also didn't know since I didn't pay attention...

On the board in my handwriting was:

[4x = 12]

"Th-Then next you..." I glanced over to the side to see Y/N staring at me.

She rolled her eyes, getting the signal. She grabbed her F/C Shortpie Marker and wrote down the next step on a blank sheet of notebook paper.

'Divide four from both sides, dumbass!'

"O-Oh yeah!" I stuttered a bit.

I divided both sides and I got the answer.

[x = 4]

I grinned widely at the teacher, waiting to see her face full of shock that I completed it.

I looked over to Y/N to see her face-palming.

Once I glanced over to the teacher, I saw a look of disappointment on her face.

"M-Miss Y/N... please come up and correct this equation..." She sighed.

'What? What did I do wrong?'


'You idiot!'

I stood up from my seat and walked up to the board, glaring at the idiot before me.

I erased his mistake and wrote down the correct answer.

[x = 3]

"Twelve divided by four is three." I stated bluntly before walking back to my desk.

'To think an idiot like him can't even solve that simple equation.'

I was already teaching myself stuff from eighth grade while this loser was still stuck in kindergarten math.

Letting out a sigh, I put on one of my rare smiles.

'But that loser is my best friend...'

[High School: Sophomore Year]

"Izuru!" I shouted.

"What?" The boy turned around, his jet black locks swaying as he did so.

"Look!" I shoved a paper in his face which was signed by the principal.

He inspected the paper more carefully, and as his eyes widened, my excitement grew.

"Wh-What...?" He trailed off.

"I'm going to be a senior next year! The principal bumped me up since I have the best grades! I'm so happy, Kamu!" I laughed.

"Whatever, leave me alone." He shoved past me and continued strolling down the hallways.


Suddenly, whispers of the girls erupted.

"Hey, have you heard, Y/N was seen with Mr. Saihara yesterday."

"Yeah, she even went into his house."

"I wonder what those two did. I bet that little slut fucked the cum out of him."

My eyes widened.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I grabbed onto a girl's pink sweater and pulled her up/down to my height.

"Ouch! Let go! Nanny gave this to me yesterday from Bustice! She said that if I rip it I'll have to get another sweater from Y'allMart!"

"What did you say about me?" I growled.

"Ugh! Can't you hear?!" The blonde sighed dramatically. "YOU FUCKED MR. SAIHARA, YOU WHORE!"

"I didn't! I came over for a study session in Biology! He agreed to tutor me since that subject is my weak point!"

"Nice lie!" Another girl scoffed. I let go of the first one.

"It's not a fucking lie! He tutored me yesterday!"

"Tutored you in what? The best sex positions? So which one was it? Doggy-style? Sixty-nine?"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed.

I turned on my heel and stormed through, pushing them against their lockers.

My body headed straight for Mr. Saihara's room.

'Ugh... I can't get this mess cleared up without a witness.'

I opened the door and called out.

"Mr. Saihara?"

A Random Girl's POV

Y/N went into Mr. Saihara's classroom.

'Pft. Typical whore.'

I stepped closer to the door.

" one will believe me."


I called my friends over.

"Sarai! Felicia! Get over here!" (If this is your name, which is highly unlikely, you may change it.)

"... that we had sex."

My eyes widened.

"I knew it!" I whispered towards them. They all nodded in unison.

"... I mean, it's not like we tried to keep it a secret. I mean we were just having s-"

"OMG, girls.... She just admitted it!"

Felicia help up her phone. "I had it on record as soon as I got here!" She giggled.

"O-Ow... don't do that! It hurts!" Y/N groaned.

"You see?" I looked towards Felicia's camera. "They're literally fucking right now."

"I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that! Here, let me help with the bleeding!" Mr. Saihara responded.

"He made her pussy bleed..." Sarai trailed off shaking her head.

"No! Please don't! I-It stings!"

"Don't worry, it'll help for now!"

I covered my mouth.

Felicia was still grinning madly, filming the entire thing.

"Okay, I'll come over at six for s-"

"Guys, she said she's coming over to his house at six for sex." Sarai deadpanned.

We all nodded, a look of sheer disgust on our faces.

"I'll see you then, Miss L/N."

"Same to you, Mr. Saihara."

I heard footsteps approaching the door, but before that, I heard a zip sound.

"Guys, I swear she just zipped up her pants..."

"Hurry! She's coming! Run!" Felicia stopped the recording button on her phone, and all of us ran to our next period.


"Oh, Miss L/N. What are you doing here? Your next period is Japanese with Miss Yukizome."

"I have something I want to talk about. It's a rumor about us based on lies."

"Oh?" He leaned on his desk, grading the papers of his students.

"When I say the actual truth, no one will believe me." I breathed.


I nervously toyed with my thumbs, staring down at a juicy red apple sitting on his desk.

"A student saw me enter your house last night for tutoring, and he or she believed that we had sex."

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, you heard me right because apparently a student entering a younger teacher's house means that they're going to bang." I sighed.

"Well, our study session was public. I even had to ask your parents and the principal for permission." Mr. Saihara contemplated.

"Yes, but... I mean, it's not like we tried to keep it a secret. I mean we were just having some studying time. You know... since Biology is my weak subject?"

"Well, you do have some strong points like you intelligence," he touched the top of my head. "Your kindness," He pointed towards his heart. "And your beauty." He grabbed grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight.

"O-Ow, don't do that! It hurts!" I quickly retracted my hand from his.

His nail must've scratched up against my hand because it started to bleed.

His eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that! Here, let me help with the bleeding!"

He rummaged through his drawer and found some rubbing alcohol. He got a handkerchief and started to soak it in the substance.

My eyes widened. "No! Please don't! I-It stings!"

"Don't worry, it'll help for now!" He soothed.

I clenched my teeth and watched him gently dab it onto my skin. Then he got a band aid and stuck it on.

I stared at it.

"Why does the band-aid have Mr. Kokichi's face on it?"

He chuckled a bit. "You know your Lit teacher. Always making himself an icon." (Yes, I did the Lit teacher thing on purpose. :P)

"Ah... right."

"Anyways, if this gets out of hand, make sure to tell me or the principal. We can't afford losing our brightest student over an absurd rumor."

"Thanks. Have a nice day, Mr. Saihara." I waved. "Okay, I'll come over at six for some more tutoring!"

"Make sure you're there on time!"

"Yes, sir!"

"I'll see you then, Miss L/N."

"Same to you, Mr. Saihara."

As I got up, I forgot something.

"Oh yeah, my mom wants to thank you for tutoring me." I unzipped my backpack and took out a hundred-dollar bill.

"Send my thanks to your mother. Have a wonderful day."

I nodded politely as I left his room.

'I'm so glad that everything is back to normal...'


Don't worry, children. Izuru will be in more of the scenes. For now, I don't know how many parts this "One-shot" will have. The title has a purpose. I promise. It'll be shown in the future though! Love you!

-TJ the gay-

[Just kidding.]


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