Chapter 3: First step

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I started to wake up and saw some others waking up.

Y/N: Must of slept in a bit.

???: Wake up lazy butt!

I looked and saw a girl circling a boy with black and pink hair.

Y/N: Seems like most are energetic than most.

I got up and went to the locker rooms and got changed into my gear with my mom medallion and placed it on my cape.

Y/N: Wish me luck mom.

???: Oh looks like the little man has a imaginary friend.

I turned to see a guy just looks of trouble.

Y/N: Hey what does it matter to you pal.

???: Oh nothing just shows how sad you are.

Y/N: Really, atleast I have half of the brain not to know not to mess with others people business, do you know what happens to people who are noisy.

???: Oh no! What you going to do, snitch?

Y/N: No.

I than grabbed a hold of him and tossed on the ground and pointed the sharp part Cresent Rose at his face as he shacked in fear.

Y/N: They're dead.

I than removed the sharp point away from him.

Y/N: Now get up and put on some new pants cause forgot to put on some brown pants.

I then left as he ran to change cloths.


I joined Yang on the launch pads for initiation.

Yang: Hey bro where you.

Y/N: Oh just took care of a personal business that's all.

Yang: Ooooook

Pyhrra POV

As stand tall I heard two people talking and I saw a girl and a boy who looks younger than the rest here

Pyhrra: Wow, he looks so young, yet he looks so adorable. I hope me and him become great friends, and I hope he doesn't just see me just as a champion


After Ozpina speech most of us got into postions expect June who was raising there hand

Y/N: Something wrong June?

June: Oh, it's just I don't know what a landing strategy.

Y/N: Oh that's simple, just try everything you know to land ok, besides that you should be good, K.

June: Ok I hope your riGHT!!!

she was lauched into the air and I follow suit.


While most where trying to land safely on the ground with their landing strategies I was just free falling and enjoying the cool breeze of the air following through my hair.

Y/N: ( Breathes in relaxly ) This feels so nice. Ok, now time to land without being turned into a puddle.

I pulled out Cresent Rose and started firing a few shots to slow down my decent and then turned it into Sytche mode swung a cross a branch and.

Y/N: Y/N Rose sticks the landing ( Crowd noices ) and the crowd goes wild. Well time to find Yang, or June, maybe Blake even.

I started to sprint without stopping as bushes and such looked like a green blob.

Y/N: To be honest I'm fine with anyone, just not that peice of dry wall from the locker room.

I than saw something different and I than saw my partner for the next couple of years.

Y/N: Oh, um. Hi

I waved shyly looking at her, at soon which she left me behind

Y/N: Hey come back. I thought we where meant to be partners.

Weiss POV

There's no way I'm going to work with that Y/N guy he does nothing but cause trouble. But then I looked and saw this girl I saw from the girls locker room

Oh wait I remember her.


I was in the girls locker room with most girls leaving I was talking to Pyhrra Nikos herself.

Weiss: So Pyhrra I bet a strong girl such as yourself

Pyhrra: Hmm, I'm not sure, I was thinking I would let the chips fall as they may.

Weiss: Well I was hoping we could be a team together.

Pyhrra: That sounds grand

Weiss: Great.

I looked away and played with my fingers and plotted what to do next. Until

June: Hi there

Weiss: Oh great

Pyhrra: Hey there.

Weiss: What you want?

June: Oh nothing I just saw you and Y/N together and I was thinking you, me and Y/N could make a great team and we could share a boy like him what you say.

Weiss: ( Blushing ) Wh-Wh-What!!!

Pyhrra: Actually whose Y/N?

June: Oh trust me he's so adorable, black and red hair and silver eyes can't miss it.

Pyhrra: Silver eyes? I'll make sure to keep and eye out for him

June: Awesome.

Weiss POV

So that's how I know her. Well what's worse this girl or Y/N.

I than breath in and walked back to Y/N as he stood there listening to headphones.

Weiss: How you? Ok doesn't matter, this doesn't make us friends or a couple.

Y/N:... What, oh hi June. Bye June

June POV

June: Wait! Come back I need help

Pyhrra: June? Need a hand

June: Yes please

She than tossed her shield and knocked spear away as I fell on the ground back first.

June:... Oh.

She than walked infront of me

Pyhrra: Want some help?

Pyhrra than lifted me up and pat my back.

Pyhrra: So did I miss anything?

June: Weiss took Y/N

Pyhrra: Oh, well if we finish the test we can be with the same team as them.

I grabbed Pyhrra arm and ran fast.

June: WE. SHALL. PAST!!!


Y/N: Wow, got to love nature just so many beautiful sights

Weiss: Oh come on you!

Weiss than started to drag me.

Y/N: Hey stop pulling, can't a hunter stop and enjoy the view.

Weiss: I won't let my mission be ruin because you are too slow. I swear if I get a bad grade because you're too-

I than blitz passed her and appeared right infront of her.

Weiss: What the how you?

Y/N: I'm many things Weiss, but slow isn't one of them.

I than placed my arm on her shoulder.

Y/N: Trust me Weiss once you see me in action you be like. Woah that guy is going places. And want to be your friend.

I than dashed off again leaving her behind


As Y/N was gone Weiss was trying to find him.

Weiss: You maybe be fast but you still excel at wasting time.


Weiss: Y/N?

She tried looking around and saw he was gone. But she heard a growl and turned to see some Grimm.

Weiss: Y/N!!!

And that's that I hope you enjoyed until then bye my bros

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