Chapter 5: Team Up

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I landed on the ground with Weiss still screaming in my arms.

Y/N: Um Weiss we're on the ground.

Weiss: Oh, I knew that.

I than dropped her and she kept screaming.

Y/N: Weiss, it was only a five foot drop,  your fine.

Weiss than got up and dust herself off.

Weiss: I could've died!

Y/N: How where you going to die a five foot drop. I'm five feet tall.

Weiss just stood there trying to think of something but got nothing.

Y/N: Maybe instead if standing trying to think of a excuse of me dropping you maybe you should I don't know. Get a move on Ice Queen.

I than left walking to the temple.

Weiss: Fine but I will think of something.

TIMESKIP ( Ten mins later )

Weiss: You are the most irresponsible person I've ever met!

Y/N:... It took you ten mins to think of a insulate that lame.

Yang: That's just sad girl.

Blake: So sad I actually feel like crying.

Y/N: Me too( Sniffs )... Oh hey Blake, hey Yang.

Yang/Blake: Hey Y/N/Bro.

Y/N: Anything happened with you guys.

Yang: Me and Blake are partners.

Y/N: Anything else.

We than saw June fly in hitting a tree.

Blake: That girl hit a tree.

Y/N: That's June.

I ran under the tree and saw she was hanging from a branch.

Y/N: Hey June let go, I swear I'll catch you.

June: You promise!

Y/N: I promise, just trust me I'll catch you.

She slowly let go.

Y/N: Thats it.

She let go screaming a but while I did catch her it was more like her landing on me with our faces meeting.

Y/N: Hey June, had a nice fall.

June: Yeah, ( blushes ) Thanks.

Yang than marched over madly and picked June up with one hand.

Yang: What's the big idea!

June: Wait um!

I got up and dusted myself

Y/N: Yang it was clearly an accident, don't blame her.

Yang: Fine.

Y/N: Now put June down

Yang put her down with June a little scared

June: Y/N, your sister scares me.

Y/N: Don't worry she just really cares about me cause you know only sibling, but she's really nice once you get to know her.

June: Well, if you say so. I'll take your word for it.

Yang POV

I'm over protective cause I want a healthy living boyfriend not a dead boyfriend and last time I checked you need a living lover to have children.


We than saw a girl come on in riding a Ursa. And it was the ginger girl from before

???: Yeeeehhhhaaaaa!!!

Y/N: You know what, screw it. Ridin Cow Girl!!!

???: Now you talker cape boy!

The Ursa than landed on the ground dead.

???: Oh it's broken.

She got off it and checked it and the guy from before showed up checking the sence while looking he was about to pass out

???: Nora, never do that again.

The girl named Nora was gone and was already at the temple eyeing the relics.

Y/N: Looks like someone loves sugar.

June: Agreed.

Yang: I second that.

Blake: I bring it to the thrid power.

After Nora song one last girl showed up to complete this streak of, who knows what's going on

And she was being chased by a deathstalker and while she was able to dodge one it she got smacked towards us.

Y/N: You ok?

???: Yeah, I'm good, just a little beaten up.

June: Sorry for not being a good partner.

We than helped her up.

???: It's alright June your doing alright.

June: I made the grimm mad.

???: We'll I'm the one who brought it here, so I guess we are both to blame.

Y/N: It doesn't matter, first who are you?

???: Oh We'll I'm Pyhrra Nikos.

Y/N: Y/N Rose, second we better retreat cause right now none of us are in the best shape to fight those two giant grimm.

June/Pyhrra: Two.

Nora: Yeah, two, the deathstalker and the giant bird in the sky.

She than pointed in the air as the nevermore flew above head

Weiss: Well anyone got any ideas?

Y/N: If someone has a Semeblance to make us disappear now is the time!

Ren: I'm on it.

She placed his hand on the ground and we all turned gray scaled and the grimm to seem we dissapeared.

Y/N: Now time to get out of here. Quick take cover under the trees!

We ran to the tree's and got on and hid under the leaves.

Weiss: That was, actually a not bad plan.

Blake: Agreed, but now how do we deal with those grimm.

June: Wait here till they go away, I could sing us a song even though I don't have my guitar.

I than stood on the branch trying to watch my balance.

Y/N: June as much I would love to hear your singing I don't think we have that type of luxury, we have to get passed them.

Ren: It's true my Semeblance can't hide us from them for long.

Yang: So what we do.

I looked at them and try to form a plan on how to deal with them until I think I got something.

Y/N: I think I got something.

Pyhrra: What you have in mind?

Y/N: Well I looked at each one and I see how they work, and if can get this just right we might able to defeat them or atleast get passed them.

Yang: Well what we got to lose, what's the plan bro.

Y/N: Ok, Blake you take June, Ren and Yang to deal with the deathstalker. Be careful it's strong but it is really slow so just keep moving and trying to damage its armor and when the time comes smash into pieces.

Blake/Ren/Yang: Got it

June: But I'm not fast.

Y/N: I know, but someone's got to have cover for Yang

June: What?

Yang than picked her up with one hand and put her on her back piggyback style.

Yang: I guess you've "got my back" get it.


Yang: Eh I'll get you guys eventually.

Weiss: ( Whispers to Pyhrra ) Thats if we survive this.

Yang shot off with June screaming like bloody Mary with Ren and Blake following suit.

Y/N: Ok now we got the nevermore, we've got the ranged weapons but don't get careless make every shot count and if you need cover get under the trees again and when it's weakened Nora.

Nora: Yes?

Y/N: ( Smirks ) Drop the hammer on it.

Nora:... I love this plan!

Weiss: Ha ha we're going to die.

Y/N: Have faith partner have farther or don't, besides it could be worse.

Weiss: How could it get worse than this?

Y/N: You could be hearing my sisters jokes all day and I tell she can make fifty jokes under ten seconds.

Weiss: Fair point.

Pyhrra: Besides what other options do we have?

Y/N: See Pyhrra speaking my language. Come on let's go.

I than made it to the top.


Meanwhile Pyhrra kinda blushed of what he said and followed suite.

On the ground with Blake, Yang Ren and Jaune, they kept circling the grimm with Ren and Blake using their quick and nibble movements to dodge the Grimm's claws while shooting it in it's eyes keeping it focused on them while Yang and June where in a tree with Yang gauntlets ready to punch.

June: Um Yang if it's not much to ask but can we reconsider what we are about to do.

Yang: Sure let me think... Nope now come on shield up ond hold on tight cause we are going for a ride!

Yang jumped with June screaming again with Yang firing some shoots hitting some of it's plateing causing it to crack but it's attention was on Yang and June

Yang: Bring it on you oversized roach.

Meanwhile Y/N and the others would take shots at it with Weiss making platforms for the others to stand on but for the most part did nothing

Weiss: This isn't working.

Y/N: Give me a moment.

Y/N looked at the nevermore and how it was flying as it dodge their bullets and then looked at Nora.

Y/N: Hey Nora remember how I said to make your shots count

Nora: Yeah.

Y/N: Forget what I said, go crazy fire as many as you like and don't worry about what you hit, we'll cover that.

Nora: I keep liking this guy more and more!

She loaded more grenades and started firing no stop with each explosion making pink clouds

Weiss: How does that help.

Y/N: Simple before it could see us but now it is blind as a bat, making easier to take it down. Now remember aim for the wings the faster we clap it's wings the better

Weiss: "Wow, got to admit, I probably couldn't think of that on my own. Maybe Y/N was more prepared for this than I was"

They kept firing bringing it down a bit

Y/N: Come get ready to jump!

The nevermore flew by and they hopped on to it with Y/N and Weiss on the left and Pyhrra and Nora on the right.

Meanwhile Yang was dodging deathstalker hits and when it reeled it's tail back she caught it and flipped it over to it back.

Yang: Thry June, you should do the honors

She than ran up to it and jumped up in the air

June: Yang what are you doing!

Yang: Don't worry you'll get the point!

She than tossed June at its stomach

June: Oh I get it.

She pulled her sword and stabbed it in the stomach and for good measure she cut its stomach opened and it's head

June: Next time pick on someone your size.

She than kicked playfully.

Meanwhile Y/N and the others where having problems having control which cause Nora to fall but she landed safely.

Weiss: Now what!

Y/N: Hold on I think I got it. Pyhrra get to its head Weiss can you make a comically large sword?

Weiss: You think I have one?

Y/N:....Well do you?

Weiss than made a giant sword

( Something like this )

Weiss: Acourse I do.

Y/N: Ok follow my lead

They got to the sides if it's face

Y/N: Pyhrra ram your spear in its head and make it go up

Pyhrra than stabbed it and forced it to force it to move upward.

Y/N: Ok on three we jump, ok Weiss.

Weiss: What you crazy!

Y/N: Weiss listen we only knew each other for two days but please just trust me!

Weiss:... Ok I trust you.

Y/N: Ok, one two. THREE

They jumped ramming their weapons to the sides of the nevermore slicing it in half and as they fell Y/N grabbed Weiss and Pyhrra and he used his cape as a makeshift parachute and they landed safely.

Y/N: See I told you, you could trust me.

Weiss: Alright your right.

We than met up with Yang and the others

Blake: Did we do that?

Y/N: Yes, we did. As a team.

The eight stood their of the battle they won

Y/N: Come on, let's go.


We made it back with our relics in hand and we saw the teams made with CRDL was the first

Y/N: Hey Yang Cardin reminds of Shrek expect he isn't entertaining.

Yang: So what's left?

Y/N: Simple, he's just a ogre.

Yang: ( Laughs ) True

Soon June, Pyhrra, Nora and Ren made it on stage.

Ozpina: June Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyhrra Nikos, and Lie Ren. From this day forward you shall be known as team JNPR led by June Arc

June: ( Surprised ) Um who?

Ozpina: Congratulations young lady

Gylnda: Now, can Y/N, Weiss, Blake and Yang come on stage.

Y/N: Show time

We made it with Weiss trying to look professional as I waved to many in the crowd

Ozpina: Y/N Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long you four shall be know as Team RWBY led by. Y/N Rose.

Yang than hugged me as many clapped even Weiss who was last person to expect to clap

Yang: Congrats little bro.

Ozpina: I expect great things from you.

Ozpina and Gylnda left.

Y/N: Um thank you, I'll make you proud!

Opzina POV

Gylnda: I'll admit not only he's good looking and so young but he's a born leader.

Ozpina: Agreed, like mother like son.

Gylnda: So what did you mean that expect great things from him.

Ozpina: Simple besides we hope to date him but he is good or even better than his mother Summer, speaking of which. Did you find any of her belongings

Gylnda: Saldy no, there's nothing of heros that remains besides we need to help of any maidens which there are none we know of.

Ozpina: Have faith Glynda, have faith we'll find one someday.

I'm going to give him the best gift ever I just need to find the last two parts to make it work


Y/N: Ok here's our dorm, 7567.

We opened it and found our beds

Yang: Not bad, they're just like home. So what you want to do Y/N, Y/N?


They saw he was fast asleep.

Blake: Poor guy must have tired out.

Yang: He's not the only one.

Yang than passed out on the bed.

Blake: Well Weiss can't beat them join them.

Blake than went to sleep.

Weiss: You know what. I'm tired to

She pulled a ice hammer and knocked herself out to sleep.


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