🔸🔽⏩ Leo ⏪🔼🔸

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"Echo!" I call out.

"Echo!" Echo calls.

Yes, I have done it. I have gotten her to talk. I told you, she's mute most of the time.

We're playing a new game, where I call out her name and she echos, and I have to find her, but she runs everywhere I can't catch her!

What? You say this is...childish? Well, excuse me, but do I seem...Sirius...to you?

"Echo!" I attempt another find.

"Echo!" Echo calls back, from right behind me.

I turn around and she jumps on me, tackling me into a hug. She giggles and I laugh hard.

"Whoa!" I try to catch my balance, but we end up collapsing on the living room couch. She rolls of me, both of us laughing uncontrollably.

"We should do that again!" I joke.

"Again!" Echo throws her arms up in the air. She puts them down and smiles at me, and I smile back.

It's fun to have you around. I think, and I know she's thinking the same thing. I just do.

"Hey! The food!" I call. I jump over the couch arm and run to the kitchen, where I grab nachos, salsa, and sodas.

She smiles and nods, her "thank you," and I smile in return and set the food on the little table. I prop my feet up on it when I sit on the couch. She sits next to me, chowing down as well as I.

This is the life.

When the food is gone, I rub my hands and sit up. I was about to offer if she'd want to watch a movie, when the thought directed me to my usual thinking habit: Nico.

If only he were here... He'd scold me about being so childish and clumsy, but all the same laugh too and do something fun with me. He'd let go just a little, if just for the day. It'd be our break from the world. It'd be our sanctuary. It'd be the greatest of memories...when we were just, happy.

But it's not, it's none of those things; because Nico isn't here, and he isn't coming here, at least I don't think. He's too lost in the pits of sorrow to even think about it. My beautiful pride and enjoy is just...gone.

No matter how hard I try, he'll always be that way, because you can't stop what has already begun. An apocalypse.

Echo poked my cheek to get my attention. She waved friendly at me, but her eyes geld concern and curiosity.

"Sorry, just thinking." I say.

She nods her head up and her eyebrows ruffle, asking me what about.

I look down and suck in a breath, "Nothing, E. Let's just play a board game or something."

She knows I'm lying but she grabs a board game, still smiling at me. I love that about Echo, she won't push or prod, but she'll caress either way. Like a sister.

Like Hazel? I think, hoping Nico has someone through this too, considering I couldn't be that person for him. I really, really do hope he does. Why wouldn't I? I love him.

Echo pulled out Monopoly. Classic. I smile, and try to focus on enjoying this paradise. All the meanwhile, Nico is still in the back of my head.

I don't show it--I never do--but I'm drowning.

Echo pokes my cheek again and gestures towards the board. I quietly apologize, sure she didn't hear it, and roll the dice. I move three spaces, to a purple property. I grab my fake money and pull out $20, and hand it to the banker (Echo). She smiles, and hands me my property.

Just as I reach out to take it, I hear a knock on the door. Suspicious, I stand and look through the peephole.

I go agape, dumbstruck, shocked, yet so, so thankful. It's...


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