Hold the phone, there's BONUS CONTENT

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Thought we were done? Friends, I love this book far too much to actually end it without bonus content. We're also fresh out of Pride Month here, and this book is freshly out from under an exclusivity contract with Wattpad. What does this mean? I'm now free to write and post new bonus content whenever and wherever I want. 

In celebration of all things queer and chaotic, then, I've released TEN bonus chapters for this book—six previously posted and four new—FOR FREE on my Patreon page. Yes, Patreon lets me post free stuff. Yes, that means a new bonus chapter every three days. Yes, these are full-length chapters. Two are actually closer to short-story length... oops!

These ten bonuses include (links in the comments as they go live on Patreon):

1. The cat litter incident from chapter one of this book

2. Meg and Ditzy's first meeting

3. The ✨accidental kiss✨ 

4. A survivors' watch party for the horrible Horror film that the Anport Murder House is named after

5. A sequel to bonus #4 above, where the squad attempts their own improved remake of the film

 6-8. What each of the other main characters—Ditzy, Patrick, and Calico J—were doing on Red Thursday

9. An Antarctic "road" trip with associated chaos

10. A date for Meg and Ditzy, because they both deserve some fluff

Want to read any and all of these? Hop over to Patreon (link in the comments beside any item on the list above) and follow my page there for free! Yes, Patreon allows that now, too.

This isn't a one-off. Starting July 1st, 2024, Patreon will be the new home for any bonus content associated with my Wattpad books. Over the coming months, I'll be posting lots of extras for different books there, along with a whole Patreon-exclusive novel: a queer Sci-Fi Romance sequel to my 2021 Wattys Shortlister, White Crystal Butterflies. 

I'm also still taking suggestions for Red Rover bonuses! All future extras will be Patreon-exclusive at my paid tiers, but I love these characters, so I'll likely keep writing them. Especially if you all keep feeding me with such excellent ideas  😆

To suggest or vote on bonus content ideas, see below!

For a bit of backstory here, I marked this book complete with a challenge for myself and a promise for my readers: If Red Rover hit 10k reads, then 20k, I'd post pre-determined bonus chapters for my readers to read. Suffice to say, this book blasted past those milestones and all the ones I've set since then, bumping my bonus-chapter budget up to ten. The topics for those ones have already been spoken for, but my call to you all remains:

What kinds of bonus content do YOU want to see?

Drop your suggestions in the comments below! See someone beat you to an idea, or post one that you also like? Reply to their comment with a like, a +1, or any other show of support! You're also welcome to elaborate on each other's ideas. Backstory, sidestory, fluff scenes, maybe even an AU... the content doesn't even need to be narrative. If you want to hear about my writing process or any other background on this book, ask away!

My only hard boundary is no X-Rated content. Author over here is ace as hell and does not touch sex scenes. I'm also unlikely to write non-canonical pairings—I see you Calico-Patrick shippers in the comment section! I love you guys  😂  Anyway, any member of this book's cast is fair game. So is any point in the timeline, though "Birth of a character," or "Married with kids" are likewise less likely to interest me. I love my YA chaos disaster queers, if you couldn't tell. 

I'll select the final bonuses based on what gets the most votes, but also what I think I'll have the most fun writing. If I see support for non-narrative content, I'll pair it up: one narrative and one non-narrative bonus for the same milestone. If your idea doesn't make the cut, don't despair. There will be more milestones down the road. That failing, go forth and write your fanfic: I will not stop you  ❤️

Interested in any of this? You can help this book out! Recommend it to a friend! Add it to your reading lists! Vote on all its chapters! Comment on your favourite parts! Reading lists in particular make a major visibility difference on Wattpad, especially if they recommend a book personally. In short, any little thing you do will help, and I will thank you from the bottom of heart for all of it. 

You can do all those things anyway if you want to, but I like having a little reward at the end to say thank you. See you all when the next milestone comes—and don't forget to comment or vote on your favourite bonus ideas!

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