My Friends ^.^

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Idk if I've posted this on THIS book but still.
This is my friend group :

Genevieve ( Genny ) - Bubbly, Peppy, Jumps on me a lot. So exactly like me
Alex - She's awesome! She's funny and loves to read like me... And sarcastic too, but not so much as Luke
Luke - He can be mean. He's sarcastic and very annoying. He'll get really annoyed if you take his book, like me.
Jacob - He's in my drama class with Luke and Eva. He also sits next to me in science. He's super funny xP
Claire - I'm really close with Claire, and we both love OUAT! She's really cool, sarcastic, funny... All the awesome things in awesome people. User is Lobsiger. Don't stalk her creepy stalkers -__-
Eva - She's quiet and kinda shy, but once you get to know her she's super funny. Her phone case is a unicorn!
Kayla - She's sometimes quiet, but really fun to hang out with! She laughs at my jokes too... I love making my friends laugh. :)
Lizzie - She's quiet and funny too. She's really sweet. Whenever someone in the group 'hurts our feelings' ( It's normally just teasing ) we fake cry on her shoulder XP
Kimberly - She's sarcastic and quiet, and laughs a lot.
Nick - He's funny, a bit inappropriate at times ( He turns lullabies into horror songs 0.0 ), but he's still awesome.
Liam - My coffee buddy XD
We both like coffee and go crazy when we have it... He's a bit of a prankster ( see "I'm so Gullible >.< ) and really funny
Andrew - Andrew's awesome! He's very fun and
ME - I believe I am the crazy spunky random one in the group. I'm sure you all know who I am. :3

directioner4life2345 / JessWilson976  - She's super funny, I love roleplaying with her! Plus she's sarcastic, but a funny sarcastic, not a Luke sarcastic

Bravesoul54 -
Braveyyyy! Bravey is super duper fun, I also love roleplaying with her. And she's super sweet and funny!

So those are my friends!

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