Chapter Five

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Check out the video above!

It's been a few days since Chat last visited Marinette. She also took note on how Adrien was acting weird around her but shrugged it off.

"Girl what did you do to Adrien?" Alya asked as they met up outside.

"I don't know? Did something happen on Monday?" The bluenette thought back to that day but was unable to remember much.

Alya felt her evil within bubble up as she smirked at her best friend. "Maybe." Was all she said as she shrugged before walking inside.

"Maybe? Alya!" Marinette ran to catch up with her, tripping in the process. She braced for impact as her arms instinctively were held out straight in front of her.

Her blue eyes squeezed shut as the ground got closer but something dove in front of her, cushioning her fall.

Her eyes popped open as she stared at a black shirt with three lines crossing it. Marinette placed her hands on the ground as she pushed herself up off of the person.

"A-A-Adrien? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She scrambled backwards, away from the blonde boy in front of her.

"It's fine. Are you hurt Pr- Marinette?" Adrien caught his slip up and stood up, brushing himself off.

"Y-yeah, fine I am, er I mean I'm fine." She stammered. Adrien gingerly held his hand out to her, beckoning her to grab it.

She slipped her smaller hand into his as he heaves her up with ease.

"Are you okay?" She asked, craning her neck to see him.

He smiled and nodded as he looked down at her smaller stature. "Yeah I'm okay. Come on, we should get to class Mari."

Marinette froze when she heard him call her by her nickname.

Chat called me that a few days ago...

She thought lonesomely. She would never say it out loud but she actually did miss her kitty. For the past several days she kept going through different reasons as to what she did to make Chat stop coming to her room.


She profusely rubbed her eyes, quickly ceasing the water that started to brim and put on a smile for the nice boy in front of her.

"Let's go shall we?"


"Mari, are you okay? You've been sighing a lot lately. And I don't think it's because of Adrien." Alya asked during their lunch. Marinette was walking to her house and Alya decided to tag along.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking."

Alya looked skeptically at her but said nothing as their parting point came up.

"I'll see you at school?"

Marinette nodded, her pigtails bouncing and waving in the wind. As Alya crossed the street, Tikki popped out of her purse.

"Marinette is it about Chat?"

Her high pitched voice asked softly as Marinette walked on to the bakery her parents owned. She nodded again as the bell chimed as she walked in. She said hi to her parents before going up to her room.

"Yeah." She sighed as Tikki flew up to her face. "I mean, did I do something to upset him or make him uncomfortable? Or did he just not want to come over anymore?"

She laid herself on the floor, staring at the wooden legs of her desk. Tikki floated to the ground in front of her, her lavender eyes staring into Marinette's blue ones.

"Well go see him as Ladybug."

"No," Marinette shook her head against the floor. "It just won't feel the same. It seems different when I'm Marinette. A good different. And what am I supposed to say to him? Oh hey kitty, I am so glad you're here because without you these couple of days have been long and boring and depressing and I don't want you to leave like that again? As if I'd say that."

"Well that's one way you could." Tikki snuggled into Marinette's cheek.

Suddenly the window to her room opened and Chat Noir popped himself in.

"Hello my Princess."

Tikki was already hiding in her purse and Marinette let out a breath of relief.

"You know, I don't usually let stray cats in my room. Consider yourself lucky." Marinette said from her position on the floor, not bothering to get up.

"I can't I'm a black cat. I'm litter-aly the definition of unlucky." His boots hit the floor with soft thuds as he walked up to Marinette. He let out a quiet grunt as he dropped himself down to the floor as well, lying flat on his chest like Marinette and faced her, blocking her view of the desk.

"Hey kitty." Marinette said as she brought her hand up and lightly tapped the bell on Chat Noir's neck. It made a light chime and Chat smiled at her with dazzling white teeth.

"Hello again Purr-incess. What's got you so down?"

"Mmm." She hummed something that sounded like a 'who knows?'

He hated seeing his princess so down.

"Princess, what do you get if you cross a cat with a dark horse?"

Marinette chimed his bell again. "What?"

"A Kitty Perry."

She let a smile break through and Chat silently cheered inside.

"What's the unluckiest kind of cat to have?"


"Me-ouch Princess. It's a cat-tastrophe."

Marinette giggled at his stupid joke.

"What do you call a painting of a cat?"

"I don't know."

"A paw-trait."

Marinette let out a quick laugh and felt her smile grow into a grin.

"C-Chat stop it with the stupid jokes. They're worse than your puns!"

Chat grinned back as he thought of an idea.

"Really purr-incess? I thought my cat puns were purr-itty claw-some. Maybe with a little purr-suasion you can see how paw-sitively a-mew-sing they are."

"So... Many... Cat puns..." She coughed out in the midst of her giggles.

"You feline better Purr-incess?"

Marinette nodded as she sat up, her face a deep red from all of her laughing.

Chat joined her and sat up as well.

"I'm glad to hear that."

Marinette glanced at her clock on her computer.

"Oh crap! School starts back up in 6 minutes!" She stood up abruptly, grabbing her small purse at the same time.

"I need to go and so do you." As she was about to run down the stairs, Chat grabbed her small wrist.

He was almost amazed by how easily his hand could wrap around her delicate wrist.

"Let me drop you off, then you won't be late."

"But what if people see? They'll start asking questions and-"

"It's fine." He cut her off. "I'm sure they'll all be in class."

She nodded in agreement. "Okay, but don't drop me. Literally."

Chat smirked at her. "Why would I drop my beautiful princess?"

Marinette blushed and faint red and Chat wrapped an arm around her slim waist, pulling her close to him. He held onto her tightly as he used his baton and extended it from the ground.


She nodded into his chest as he leapt them out of her window.

The city soared by and within a few minutes they landed safely in front of their school. Marinette was almost disappointed, the feeling of wind blowing through her hair as she nearly flew in the bright and clear sky.

"Now get to class Princess."

She thanked him and quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek before running off to her classroom.

"Oh by the way kitty," Marinette turned around. "I missed you." She turned again and ran off once more.

Chat's cheeks flares and he softly touched his cheek, his claws gently prodding his cheekbones.

She kissed my cheek... And said she missed me...

He felt a small smile grace his lips as he ran somewhere to detransform.

Marinette kissed my cheek...

Hi guys! If you have not watched the video above, please watch it now! It's one of my favorites! Until next time, peace!

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