Chapter Ten

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Warning: There is mentioning of hard-ons. They're teenagers! It happens!

Also special thanks to @BlackCatWithBlueEyes they really made my day! People like you make writing this book so much fun!

Adrien vs Nathanael ~YouTube hitovismo

It was a few weeks later and Adrien's worst nightmare came true. Nathanael asked Marinette out.

Well, not exactly out on a date, but that was close enough for him. He was currently with Nino at the art museum. They were secretly spying on them as they looked at the paintings hung upon the wall.

"Adrien, dude, what are we doing here? I thought we were gonna go play some video games." Nino complained as they turned down the hall Marinette and Nathanael were previously at.

"Yeah, I lied."

He quickly ran up to the end so he could keep an eye on her. Her hair was back up in their twin tails instead of down. He smiled cheekily to himself as he thought about how he was able to see her with her hair down.

The outfit she was wearing was a pale pink sweater that hung off the shoulder that wasn't hurt and some black leggings that clung nicely to her legs. He wanted to go up and tug the bottom of her sweater to past her knees as Nathanael secretly kept looking at her thighs and blushing.

His chest thrummed with a deep growl and Nino hesitantly touched his shoulder.

"Dude, are we here to spy on her?" When Adrien didn't answer he continued. "Do you like, have a crush on Marinette?"

Nino knew that Marinette has had a crush on him ever since Alya told him on the day they got locked in the animal cage.

Adrien was quiet for a minute before he saw the two people they were watching, walk out of the museum.

He stalked after them, Nino following close behind as the dashed down the busy street. Marinette was laughing, but not like the cheerful giggles he was used to. It sounded more forced, almost as if she was doing it to not hurt Nathanael's feelings.

He shook his head, his blonde locks swaying in his eyes. When he looked back up, they were gone.

"Nino." He hissed. "Where'd they go?" Nino shrugged and Adrien grabbed his friend's arm and tugged him down the street. They ran past the corner and made a sharp turn before skidding to a stop.

Marinette was staring at the two boys with wide bluebell eyes.

"Adrien? Nino? What are you two doing here?"

Her sweet voice lolled him in temptation but he put a lid on it and shoved it in the back.

"Uh, we saw you at the museum and were wondering if you wanted to hang out." He lied, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

Nino nodded in agreement with a big grin. "Totally dudette." He sent her two thumbs up and she let out one of her beautiful giggles that Adrien loved.

"That'd be fun! Is it okay with you, Nathanael?"

Nathanael frowned, furrowing his red eyebrows but quickly placed a fake smile on.

"Yeah. Sure."

She smiled at him and said thanks before jogging over to us. Adrien protectively draped his arm over Marinette's shoulder and held her a little closer to him and looked over his shoulder.

Nathanael was glaring at him, his light blue eyes clouding over with frustration. Adrien glared back and turned to Nino and Marinette.

"So what are we doing?" Marinette asked as Adrien dropped his arm off of her and they walked down to a cross light.

"Uh... Actually, I heard from my father that they were hosting a fashion show under the Eiffel Tower. And I thought you'd like to see it with us." The words hadn't come out as cheerful as he intended, focusing more on not letting his face break its mask. He knew that he was the one in the wrong for what he did to Nathanael, and the guilt was already starting to eat at him. He turned back around to see if her could spot the redhead, maybe invite him with them, but Nathanael was already gone.

"That'd be so cool!" She squealed in joy and hugged the both of them. Adrien turned back to them. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She gave Adrien another giant hug that surprised him. He grinned and after a second, held her tightly against before releasing her in embarrassment.

"Adrien, you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. He's fine Marinette." Nino came to his rescue and stood in front of him as hi face flushed a bright pink. Let's just say, his pants were uncomfortably tight.


Marinette had gotten home two hours ago after Adrien and Nino had taken her to the show and walked her home. She had a really good time and was hoping Chat would stop by tonight so she could tell him all about it.

She loves Chat's company, almost more than she does Adrien's. With Chat, it's like a best friend that she's in love with. He's so easy for her to talk to and she doesn't need to be embarrassed with personal things. But being with him as Ladybug was hard for her.

She was trying to keep it like the usual Ladybug but sometimes she would make a slip up and confuse the poor kitty.

She stepped out of the bathroom in her pajamas, the same ones she was wearing when she asked Chat to stay the night. A night she doesn't even remember.

Her hair was down again, cascading in wet, limp, dark blue locks down to her shoulders and curling slightly. She threw the towel into a basket and sat at her desk and began to sketch Chat. She was becoming more and more serious with this Chat Noir clothing line.

She wanted Chat to feel special, not like a sidekick or someone left in the shadows. She wanted him to know that without him, Paris would be in ruins, not to mention her life being in shambles. She shivered at the thought of losing Chat.

"Cold Princess?" She jumped slightly as a sudden warmth came over her back. Chat's scent instantly surrounded her and she let out a secret smile.

"Yep." She popped the 'p' and dipped her head back to look up at him. "Hey kitty."

Chat chuckled at her unusual position and replied back.

"Hey Princess. So I saw you earlier today. You were with that Nathanael guy."

Marinette let out a soft laugh and spun her chair around to face him. He sat on the floor cross legged and looked up at her.

"Is a little black cat jealous?" Chats cheek burned as he denied the question.

"Well, for your information, Nathanael asked me as a friend to go to the museum with him because the person he invited bailed out. But I did see two of my friends as we left. Adrien and Nino." She paused for a second before continuing.

"I didn't think they liked art but the said they saw me at the museum and wanted to take me to a fashion show under the Eiffel Tower. Chat it was so amazing! I wish you were there with me. It was fun and all of the outfits were beautiful!"

Chat smiled as he stared up at the amazing girl in front of him as she went on about the different hand crafted and hand sewn designs on the runway.

But I was there Princess. I was.

God, that sounds creepy, doesn't it? Thank God Plagg didn't hear that. He would not let me hear the end of that one.

All too soon, his miraculous beeped and he sighed in frustration. He stood up and gave Marinette a quick peck on the corner of her lips. Her cheeks flushed in a brilliant red and he gave her a smirk.

"Y'know Princess, I kinda like that goodbye, don't you?" Before he could get her answer, he was out and about in the city of Paris, trying to get home before he detransformed.

Marinette sighed as she watched a black speck hopping away in the distance as he eventually blended in with the dark night.

I'll never admit this to you Chat but, I do like that goodbye. More than you'll ever know.

Happy days people, happy days... Happy St. Patty's day! Also what do you think about question of the chapter?

QOTC: Adrien or Nathanael

AOTC: Personally I would choose Adrien.

Until next time, peace!

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