Chapter Twenty One

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Marinette was, well, simply put, freaking out. She found herself crying in the bathroom at school, for some reason unknown to her.

She heard the fluttering of wings and knew it was an akuma, and even though she willed herself to say no and run, she stayed put as the akuma made it's way into her earrings. Her body refused to listen to any of her commands, as she was forced to stay in her paralytic state.

Against her will, she felt her suit cover her body, turning a dark purple and black. It reminded her of something but she couldn't quite remember what it was, she just stared at her new suit. It was the same as her old Ladybug outfit but instead of red, it was black and instead of black spots, it was dark purple.

She felt her body be taken under control by Hawkmoth and wanted to scream in agony, but nothing came out.

This couldn't be happening. She was Ladybug, she was supposed to be stronger than this. Paris needed her to be stronger than this, Chat Noir needed her to be stronger than this.

A wicked grin spread across her face as a purple butterfly mask came over her face.

"Miss Fortune. I am Hawkmoth. I will give you the ability to give the people who hurt you bad luck. But only if you give me Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous."


"Yes, Hawkmoth."


It was Marinette and Chat Noir on top of a tall brick building. He stood there, looking at his partner and girlfriend, who was akumatized.

"Ladybug please-"

"I'm not Ladybug, silly kitty." She giggled, holding a hand to her mouth. It felt unnatural to Marinette. She was Ladybug! She shouldn't be fighting her best friend, her partner, her love. But here she was, watching herself from the very depths of her mind as the horrendous show continued.

"Please, I need to make sure you're okay! I need you to snap out of it!" He pleaded as he tried to advance towards her.

"Marinette and Ladybug aren't here anymore!" She hissed. The knife in her hand was shaking wildly as he continued to walk towards her.

"Marinette. I know you're in there. I know you're Ladybug. And I know you're better than this."

"K-Kitty?" She saw his gaze soften as he hugged her.

No! Go away Chat! It's a trick!

"I need you back, Princess..." He whispered into her ear. Marinette fought. She fought like she always did, driven as hell and with endless determination, but it wasn't enough.

"Kitty- please! Go!" She cried as tears ran down her face.

Chat shook his into her neck as he fell to a squatting position, pulling her down with him.

'Miss Fortune' sank with Chat Noir, a cruel smirk forming as the superhero buried his face into her neck, tears covering her dark suit.

"Princess." She gasped as she saw what she had just done. To her partner, to her loved one. Tears came full force, burning as they streamed down her face. She felt her energy drain as dark black and purple bubbles surrounded her, before leaving plain old Marinette in their midst. The Marinette who had been fighting against her own body and mind to help Chat Noir.

Chat Noir was barely holding himself up as he slightly coughed into his hand, blood splattering his fist and dribbling down to his chin. A knife protruded from his back. Her knife, to be precise.

He gave her a slight smirk, dealing with the pain as he stared into her bluebell eyes.

"Looks like I won't be around to protect you anymore." He joked as he leaned his head against hers, his breath fanning across her bangs. The air smelled heavily of copper, covering the scent of leather, mint, and Camembert. He took in a deep, ragged breath as he spoke again.

"I love you, Marinette." She hugged him tightly, avoiding the knife in his back and cried into his shoulder.

He pulled her head back and cupped her cheek softly with one hand. She bawled as she placed a hand ontology of his.

"Please Chat. I'm sorry! I- don't go please! I love you!"

Lucky Charm! If I could just transform I could save him-

He grinned, one last time.

"That's all I wanted to hear, my Princess." His body went limp against hers, his hand slipping off her cheek.

"Chat Noir? Chat? Kitty?" She cried out as she held on tightly to his clawed, leather covered hand, keeping it in place on her cheek.

She remembered one of the first things Tikki had told her after she had become more accustomed to being Ladybug.

"The Miraculous can heal almost everything, but there are some that can't be fixed. The Lucky Charm can't repair magic."

"What does that mean, Tikki?"

"'Magic' from an akuma, is really just second hand power from the butterfly Miraculous that Hawkmoth has. Magic can only come from Miraculouses. So essentially, you are capable of fixing damage and cleaning the akuma, but anything directly from the Miraculous cannot be repaired."


"You and the holder of the black cat Miraculous, Chat Noir. You are direct affects of the Miraculous. You change, even just a little, to better fit for the Miraculous. That's the suits protect you as much as they can. They use the magic and and repel as much as they can. But any injuries you sustain cannot be fixed by and Lucky Charm. With every action, there comes an opposite get equal reaction. And unfortunately, that is yours."

"Please. Please don't leave me!" She screamed in agony. She screamed in hate, in fear, and in sadness. She screamed because of heartbreak. She screamed because the best thing that ever happened to her was now gone. She screamed so she could let out all of the things she was feeling.

But most importantly, she screamed because she was alone. Alone in this big, dark, scary world, with no more Chat to protect her, love her.

She screamed, because she was lost.

Images of a teenage boy with black hair and brown eyes flashed through her mind. A dark purple mask.

"This- this isn't real. Chat Noir isn't dead!" She wildly moved her hand across her collarbones, in search for the familiar cold chain. When she came up with nothing, she was certain.

"It's an akuma! Chat's not dead!" She felt herself cheer. The murky gray sky above her cracked. It literally split into two. The world around her began to swirl and fade out, including Chat. It went dark.

When she could see again, she was standing at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower. Chat was halfway up and Sandman was holding a dangling her at the top.

"Kitty!" She heard herself scream in fear. With that, the cat themed hero leapt even farther up the tower to get to the fake her.

Okay, Marinette was now starting to get personally offended that the Sandman guy was depicting her as someone so weak. She swears, once she helps get Chat Noir out of this mess, she's gonna kick that akuma's ass into next week.

"Don't drop her!" He screamed. "I'll do anything, just don't hurt her!"

"Chat Noir!" The real Marinette yelled, trying to catch his attention but he was too focused on Sandman and the fake her.

She let out a frustrated groan before looking at the Eiffel Tower. The only way she could catch his attention was if...

She groaned in annoyance. She still didn't have Tikki! On the flip side, at least if she fell, she wouldn't actually get hurt. Hopefully.

She let out another annoyed groan as she ran over to the leg of the Eiffel Tower. She placed her foot in the spacing before grabbing ahold of a metal bar.

Chat was about to take off his miraculous to toss back up to Sandman when he heard Marinette's voice below him.

"Don't do it!"

He stared in horror as the girl he loved was clinging onto the edge of the tower, high up from the ground. The wind was blowing wickedly and her twin pigtails came undone, leaving her hair to slap her face. Her sweatpants shook wildly in the wind and her tank top strap was sliding off of her shoulder.

"Trust me!" She made another effort to move before she slipped. Mentally cursing her clumsiness -seriously, why couldn't she be graceful like Ladybug all the time?-  Marinette allowed herself to fall. Sure, it brought up bade memories -stupid Copy Cat- but it would bring Chat Noir to the real her, not Sandman's version of her.


He forgot. His mind went blank as he dove after her. He completely forgot about Sandman and the Marinette he was holding, his only thoughts were that he needed to save his Princess.

"Marinette!" He whipped out his baton and used it to boost of of the Eiffel Tower down towards the girl. She had both her arms stretched out and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Her freezing arms wrapped around his neck and she didn't have time to scream as he lodged his baton into the Eiffel Tower and dangled from it.

"Marinette? But how? You were- I just- I just saw you up there in Sandman's hands!"

"It's a nightmare. We need to find a way to prove this isn't real. It's the only way to escape!" She explained as she struggled to get a grasp on to his baton. She could see his arms shaking as he held both of their weight so she moved to hold her own.

As the dangled there, facing each other, Chat shook his head as he smirked, before going in for a kiss. He placed his lips on hers as he swung forward. It was so like her to come and save him. He couldn't believe that he thought Marinette was actually capable of being caught by Sandman.

Okay, if she was in his nightmare, she probably had been, but she wouldn't have been so hopeless as to dangle from the Eiffel Tower.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She shivered. "I watched you die... And I was the one who did it!"

He watched as water lined her eyelids, understanding what she was trying to say. "It was your nightmare wasn't it?" She nodded and he sighed.

"I'm fine. But we won't be if we don't get out of here." He swung himself over the baton and placed his feet on the metal weapon. He held a hand down and lifted her up before setting her on a bridge in the Eiffel Tower.

"Stay here, I have an idea." She watched as Chat bounded up the tower, up to Sandman and fake Marinette.

"You don't have the guts!" He screamed at Sandman and the akuma smirked down at him. He was really hoping that he was right. That if Marinette fell, it would prove that this was just a nightmare, because there couldn't be two Marinettes. Though there was that time there was two Ladybugs...

He couldn't let himself be deterred. He trusted Marinette with his life.

"Oh really kitty?"

"Yeah, you idiot!" Chat egged him on, encouraging him to drop her. Sandman grinned as he dropped the fake, thinking he got Chat Noir.

Chat Noir watched as the fake flew past him and disappeared into a puff of smoke before hitting the sidewalk.

A thought passed through Chat Noir's mind. His powers are like Volpina's.

He made his way down to Marinette and hugged her before the sky cracked. In half. Like, full blown Shrek the Final Chapter shit.

"What's happening?" He called over the loud crashing and booming going on around them.

"Either going back to reality or to a different nightmare!" She yelled back a she tightly held on to Chat, trying not to be blown away.

He secured her to himself as the city faded to black before something different came up.

Suddenly, pink cotton candy looking grass appeared on the ground with a bright blue sky. Rainbow colored trees surrounded the duo as they had an arrangement of different colored trunks and leaves with candy randomly placed in it. A tiny unicorn flew past them as a rainbow appeared in the sky.

"Who would be terrified of this sweet dream?" Chat asked, purposefully putting the pun in his question.

Marinette glared at him. "No need for your jokes. We need to get out! Now who would be scared of this?..." She thought back to Chat's earlier question.

Suddenly realization hit the two of them and a lightbulb lit above both of their heads and they spoke at the same time.


Woo! Extra long chapter! I actually cried writing Chat's death scene.

Until next time, peace!

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