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"I'm coming in! You two better be decent by the time I come in!" Alya called loudly from outside Marinette and Adrien's hotel room.

Alya opened the door and poked her head in, looking around mischievously, only to find Adrien and Marinette sitting at the dining room table, eating breakfast.

Marinette semi-glared at Alya who was coming in with Nino and Adrien was confused.

"Why would I be indecent? There's a girl here." Adrien spoke up, before sticking a fork full of scrambled eggs into his mouth.

"Unbelievable." Alya said, knowing already that the two of them did nothing last night.

"Believe it or not, my Adrien is a gentleman." Nino said and Alya scoffed, joining them at the table.

Marinette offered them breakfast and they declined, having already eaten breakfast.

"Dude, what happened to your neck?" Adrien pointed with her fork over to Nino's neck, just above his collarbone.


"Did you get it injured yesterday?"

Alya snickered and Marinette shook her head.

"That, my dear Adrien, is a hickey." Alya said, patting a red faced Adrien on the shoulder mockingly. "Surely, you've had one before?"

Adrien shook his head sheepishly and Nino smirked, knowing what his girlfriend was going with this. "W-What kind of person do you take me for, Alya?"

She acted surprised. "No?" An impish grin spread across some her face. "No worries, I'm sure Mari could help you with that."

Marinette almost spit out the juice she was drinking. "Alya!" Marinette cried, as red as Adrien while Alya and Nino laughed.

After breakfast was done with, the floor headed down to the hotel lobby to meet Professor Bustier for today's plans.

"For today, we will be museum hopping. In a few minutes, I'll be handing out a pamphlet that includes the top ten museums of London you may visit." She began to hand one pamphlet to each group. "Your task for today, go to at least three of the ones off that list."

Marinette hovered closer to Adrien as he opened the pamphlet. "The British Museum, V&A, Natural History Museum, Science Museum, the National Gallery, Tate Modern, National Maritime Museum, the Design Museum, London Transport Museum and the Imperial Was Museum."

Marinette gasped. "Can we go to the Design Museum?" Marinette asked excitedly. Fashion design was Marinette's life and she had heard of this museum before.

Adrien chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Sure." He smiled. "But we have to choose two more. How about... V&A and the National Maritime?"

Marinette hummed, looking at the pamphlet and nodded. "Sounds good to me." Marinette smiled.

Adrien smiled back and they admired each other, when a clearing of a throat took their attention away.

"Excuse me." They looked to the girl in front of them. "Just for this field trip, will you be this close with my Adrikins. Once we get back home, you stay away, you cat lady." Chloé pointed a threatening finger at Marinette and Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Even if I'm a cat lady, I know one cat who will stay with me."

Chloé crossed her arms across her chest, raising an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Chat Noir."

Chloé gasped. "If anything, Chat would be with me. I'm Paris' most desirable." Adrien hummed.

"What do you think Adrien?" The two of them said, looking towards the male between them.

"I believe Chat would rather be with Marinette." Adrien pointed to the dark haired girl and she put her hands to her hips.

"Ha!" Marinette looked over at Chloé with a mocking laugh. "Take that."

Chloé huffed and stomped her foot, turning away."Whatever. Adrikins is mine though."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Marinette spoke, hooking her arm around Adrien's. "Shall we go Adrikins?" She asked with the sweetest of voices.

Adrien gave a smirk and nodded."Of course, my princess." He played and Chloé gasped loudly as the two of them walked away with a skip in their step.

Chloé began to quickly complain to Sabrina, who tried to console her and tell her it was only for the time being and that he would surely go to Chloé once they were back in France.

The two of them were laughing, still walking arm in arm as they made their way towards the Embankment Subway a couple blocks down. "So, you like Chat Noir?" Adrien asked, curious as to what he was going to say.

"Yeah, he's kinda cool I guess." Marinette shrugged.

"Kinda cool? I'm sure Chat's got your tongue." He winked and she scoffed, unhooking her arm from his.

"In more ways than one." She muttered.

"What was that?" Adrien said, trying to lean closer to her and she chuckled, a blush rising up to her cheeks. Her face almost matched her pink blouse she was wearing, paired with some shorts and some sandals, her hair in her usual pigtails.

"N-Nothing!" Marinette laughed it off.

Adrien hummed curiously as they continued walking. "Have you had your first kiss Marinette?"

She jumped, startled. "W-What?"

"Are you hard of hearing?" He teased. "Your first kiss?"

She looked down, her face flushing as she recalled the moment she had shared with Chat one night. The heat between them, the wanton feeling that had collected within her stomach.

"U-Um... Who was yours!" Marinette asked, trying to stray attention from her.

Adrien's gaze moved forward, giving out a sigh. "I haven't had one." He glanced over at Marinette through his sunglasses and she was still blushing, looking at him with a gaze he couldn't deceiver. "Well? How about you?"

She looked down at her feet as she walked beside him."It was Chat..." She said quietly and was surprised by being pulled back by Adrien. His arms had wrapped around her waist and she was in his chest.

"Be careful Princess." She could feel the vibration of his voice through his black shirt. She was startled by the sudden honk of a car that zoomed by them. One hand was holding Marinette's head to his chest as she felt a rumble rise from Adrien.

"Fucking careless drivers." He muttered before looking down at Marinette. Adrien moved some hair from her eyes, cupping her cheek. "Are you okay?" He was close, too close to her, breathing in the smell of his cologne, the scent of his breath mingling with hers.

She closed her eyes and she nodded, a blushing mess. "Y-Yes." She barely whispered. She felt the exhale Adrien let out, his warm breath fanning all over her face as he slowly let her go.

"Be careful Mari."

Marinette's eyes fluttered opened and Adrien was looking down at her with a sweet smile. She quickly nodded and they continued walking towards Embankment.

The two remained silent for the rest of walk to the subway, Adrien being watchful for any danger to Marinette. The subway was full of people who were commuting to work, which led to Adrien and Marinette standing. It didn't bother him, as long as he was close to her and protecting her from any creep that would try to touch her.

Marinette didn't know how she wasn't falling. She felt like her knees were weak from shaking with all this proximity she had with Adrien.

She noticed that there were some teenagers on the bus that kept glancing over at Adrien and whispering to themselves.

She glanced up at Adrien through her bangs; he looked like a model, of course, his green eyes scanning the crowd as his sunglasses were settled into his hair. His black t-shirt was not too tight and not too loose-fitting, with some borderline skinny jeans. He was hot, to say the least

"Do you think that's his girlfriend?"

"No way, look how nervous she is." She wasn't too familiar with the English language, but she knew enough to grasp what they were saying.

Marinette grabbed his shirt without thinking, making him look down at her. Adrien put an arm against the glass behind her, leaning in forward, her face practically in her chest.

"Let's make them jealous, won't we?" The two of them had picked up the habit of teasing others but she didn't know if she could play along this time.

"A-Adrien, w-wait." She looked up at him, their noses inches apart. Marinette's eyes flickered down to his lips and the way he licked them. She shuttered under him and he smirked, starting to put some distance between themselves, when the train lurched to a stop. The momentum of the stopping train pushed Adrien into Marinette, their lips catching each other.

Marinette's eyes widened and she found herself wanting to move away, but she couldn't. Adrien moved back a little, examining her. "A-Adrien?" She felt like she couldn't breathe, her breath stolen by him.

"Don't speak." He countered before he pressed his lips against hers again. Marinette sucked in a breath, breathing in all of him, falling prey to him. Some words rang in Marinette's mind.

"Abandon thought and let the dream descend! What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desires unlock its door?" Adrien himself had said these words, words of the Phantom of the Opera, looking at Marinette. She had indeed abandoned all thought as he lips were connected to Adrien, losing herself in a swirl of need.

The train lurched again and separated them, their breaths in little pants. Adrien looked down at the girl before her, her blue sparkling eyes becoming a dark liquid.

Something about being in a public transport and doing something even as simple as kissing, set both their nerves on completely on edge. The two just remained close, breathing in each other's hot breath until Adrien spoke.

"I don't apologize." He murmured close to her ear, before allowing some space between them. Within a couple minutes, the subway arrived at Southern Keningston Station, walking the rest of the way towards the V&A museum.

The walk to the museum wasn't as awkward as Marinette was expecting. The two managed to keep normal conversation between each other, Adrien occasionally throwing a pun or a tease at her. They passed by Thurloe Square Garden and Marinette had caught a glimpse of a couple kissing on one of the benches. Marinette blushed simply from having a glance at them.

The V&A had so much to look at. Marinette learned a couple things from Adrien that she hadn't known about, such as his likes for the Asian culture, mostly hanging around the Japanese exhibition that was in the museum.

"I forget you speak Chinese." Marinette hummed, remembering when her uncle came and visited.

Alya had set up Adrien to come in and help since he was fluent in Mandarin. "What made you study the language?" She asked as they were leaving the museum and walking back to the station to head off to the next museum.

"My father always insisted for me to know as many languages as I can... Better for me as an Agreste, I suppose." Adrien didn't really like to talk about anything regarding his father, but it just came naturally with Marinette.

"I guess it's easier, if you travel out of the country and you are fluent in the native language." Marinette hummed thoughtfully. "How many languages do you know?" She asked.

"Well, there's our French, Mandarin, English and I'm learning Spanish."

"Wow. That's so cool."

Adrien looked down at her, a chuckle slipping out of his lips. "I guess?" He shrugged.

"No really, Adrien, it's truly admirable. Even though your father may be... A prick, I'm sorry." Adrien rose his hand to dismiss her apology and she continued. "You really shouldn't shoot yourself down like that. You are truly an admirable person."

Adrien couldn't help the real smile. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you're the best." He took her hand and twirled her close, a giggle rising from her lips.

"You flatter me." She said as they were now face to face.

"A pretty girl like you deserves it. After all, you are the cat's meow."

It was about half an hour to the Tower Hill station and since it was late morning, not many people were around, so the two were able to sit. They sat comfortably close, Marinette leaning her head on Adrien's shoulder as they rode, their legs bumping into each other occasionally.

"Are you getting hungry?" It was a fifteen minute walk from the station to the Design museum and they were both starting to get hungry.

"I actually am." They made it closer to the museum and stopped at an Italian restaurant. "I'll have... The Spaghetti Al Pomodoro." Marinette handed in her menu and Adrien groaned.

"You're going to kill me with all this food." He said, eyeing Marinette as he closed his menu and handed it to the waiter. Ravioli Marittimi, please." Marinette giggled.

"Am I that bad of an influence?" She asked, leaning into her open palm.

Adrien leaned forward, looking at her natural smirk and the way her blue eyes sparkled in the sun. "You're the best worst influence I've had so far." She threw her head back in a laugh, Adrien admiring her.

They were provided with food and they are in silence as they ate. They were times where they made eye contact and Adrien would take a generous mouthful of pasta, his eyes telling her that she was the reason he was eating like this. Marinette simply smirked, taking a small bite of her pasta.

They finished and the two got into an argument on who would pay.

"I'm paying." Adrien said.

"No, you paid for breakfast, I'm not going to let you pay for lunch too." Marinette starting digging in her purse, careful to not squish Tikki.

"Too late." Adrien handed the notes to the server and Marinette half-glared at him and he stood.

"I feel like I'm taking the advantage of you." She said as she watched him come around her and pull her chair back. Marinette stood and Adrien offered her his arm.

"Not at all."

Marinette took his arm and hummed disapprovingly, walking out of the restaurant and to the museum.

Marinette was enjoying herself to the fullest. The Women Fashion Power was in London and Marinette was practically running around everywhere, Adrien in tow, enjoying her small childlike antics. She would talk to others about seams, patterns and many other things Adrien didn't know about, but he enjoyed being with her nonetheless.

Adrien liked the way she went from childlike excitement to looking at the designs thoroughly and critically, often picking up a very professional like manner to speak to other adults whenever she had questions or comment about something.

"You really are something." The two were walking towards the London Bridge station, Marinette looking up at him as she hummed curiously.

"Why is that?" She asked.

"You're just... You." Marinette got confused, but she had a slight feeling that she knew what he meant. "No one ever really gets close to me, except for Nino. Nobody gets to know me personally and I don't get to see everyone's true self. I guess I have a bunch of bad luck, but once I've met... Several people, my life has had a turn for the better." He gave her a smile.

"Some people don't try and look at the little things."

"And sometimes it's the little things that make a difference."

"I couldn't agree more." The two smiled and made their way to the National Maritime Museum.

It was about a half an hour trip to The Maritime museum and by the time they arrived, the sun started to go down. They made it in the museum, yawning halfway through the first exhibition.

"History isn't my thing." Marinette yawned.

Adrien chuckled, grabbing her wrist. "Let's get out of here. There's one place I want to show you." Adrien and Marinette walked out of the museum and went out back, into Greenwich Park.

They continued walking, in silence, past Time Ball, General James Wolfe's Statue.

"The Observatory?" Marinette asked.

"Nope. The planetarium." Adrien looked down at her with a smile as they rushed the rest of the way to the Peter Harrison Planetarium.

Adrien didn't let go of Marinette's wrist as they walked inside, being taken to one of the shows with a group of people. They were sat towards the middle of the room, sitting in red velvet cushions that leaned all the way back to lay down.

"What are we watching?" Marinette whispered, leaning close to Adrien so the others wouldn't hear.

"The Sky Tonight." He replied.

The lights darkened and small specks of white started to appear on the ceiling, glowing with intensity as color started to bloom on the panels. It was breathtaking, Marinette had never seen anything like it before.

Adrien looked over at her and admired her as she watched the stars, her eyes sparkling like the stars did. His hand slowly let go of her wrist and she looked over at him. She started to pull her hand away but Adrien didn't allow her, weaving his fingers through hers.

"What do you think?" He asked, looking up at the stars.

"T-They're beautiful." She whispered, looking up at them.

Adrien remained silent for a while, examining the stars, before looking down at Marinette and giving her hand a small squeeze.

"Do you know what they remind me of?" He asked.

Marinette remained looking at the stars for a while, before looking at Adrien, shaking her head.

"No, what?" She asked quietly.


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