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Reader discretion is advised - mild sexual scenes towards the end of the chapter.

"Don't you let go of my hand, understand?" Their intertwined hands were held to Adrien's chest as they were about to enter the train station.

"What are you going to do if I let go? Kiss me in public?" Marinette spoke sarcastically and Adrien wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her close.

"Don't tempt me princess." He said huskily before flashing her a teasing smile and she pushed him away by the nose.

"Alright, alright, let's go!"

The two began walking into the station, it being crowded like the one they had boarded on Paris. Everyone was coming home or going back, so everyone was bustling.

Adrien held onto Marinette's hand protectively, maneuvering around the crowds. As they got closer to their train, someone bumped into Marinette roughly.

"Hey, watch it!" They shouted and Marinette began to apologize deeply, even though it wasn't her fault.

"I-I'm sorry!"

"You should watch where you're going!" The man was angered, due to various things and Adrien started getting increasingly irritated, stepping forward and standing in front of Marinette defensively.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?" Adrien snapped, a rumble growing in his chest. Adrien's lips started to curl into a snarl and the guy started to get intimidated. "Next time, don't go picking random fights."

The guy nodded and turned away, muttering "freaking kids" under his breath. After he disappeared, Adrien let out a sigh and he felt Marinette's hand flat on his back.

"Adrien?" Her voice was soft in the loud station, but she was all he could hear right now.

Adrien turned to look at her, looking her over. "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

Marinette smiled softly, shaking her head. "No, I'm okay. Thank you for defending me."

Adrien smiled. "Well, the knight has to protect his princess, doesn't he?" He winked and brought their intertwined hands to his lips, planting a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "Let's go."

The two continued into the train, meeting Alya and Nino just before boarding the train. Alya was busy blogging on her phone, Nino looking around lazily until he spotted the two of them. He smiled and when his eyes met on their hands that wouldn't let go of each other, Nino rose a curious eyebrow.

Adrien nodded and Marinette blushed, looking away and Nino's smile widened.

"Hey guys!" Nino said, purposely nudging Alya to get her attention.

Alya looked up at Nino then over at Marinette and gasped loudly, patting Nino's chest many times as she gaped.

"Are they-!" Nino nodded and she began to jump, flailing her arms. "I can finally die, I can finally go to the light. I may finally be able to rest in peace."

Nino scoffed as Alya looked up at the ceiling. "No way Jose, you're not leaving me yet. We still gotta face Chloe's rage."

Alya laughed. "Dude, you're right, I can't die yet." She hooked her arm around Nino's and she pecked him on the cheek. "You're the best boyfriend in the world." Alya hummed.

"Don't boost his ego – I'm the best actually." Adrien added his two cents and Marinette choked on a laugh, Adrien looking down at her. "What, why are you laughing?" He asked, offended.

This made Marinette laugh harder, Alya and Nino joining in. "So, who made the first move?" Alya asked, wiggling her eyebrows at them as they sat in their seats.

Marinette sputtered for words and Adrien shook his head. "That's for us to know and you to not."

Alya deadpanned and sighed. "FINE, whatever. But now since you two are dating, I give you my little Marinette. She's like a daughter to me and I swear to god, Adrien Agreste, if you break my little girl's heart, you will get the shit beaten out of you."

Adrien chuckled. "I don't think that will be a problem. Right Marinette?" He asked, planting a kiss on her cheek, effectively making Marinette blush and stammer for words.

Alya was slightly awed and looked over at her boyfriend beside her. "You put those in my purse, right? You didn't leave them on the counter?"

Nino sighed, rolling his eyes. "I wasn't the one who left them on the counter last time. If we would have known that housekeeping was going to come in while we were out, I would have put them away."

Alya started rummaging into her purse, her lips pouted until she found what she was looking for. "Aha!" Alya pulled out whatever it was, before tossing it across to Marinette and Adrien. "As Marinette's other mother, I do suggest that you use those."

Adrien opened his hand to find a small, silver square packet in his hand.

Marinette gasped loudly and slapped her hand over Adrien's open one, blushing crimson. "Alya!" Marinette cried.

"What?" Alya and Nino laughed. "I just want you guys to be safe."

Marinette couldn't believe that this was happening right now, her heart in her throat and something pooling in her stomach. She stole a glance at Adrien and he was blushing as well, looking away.

"I, uh, I'll keep this, I guess." Adrien muttered, sticking the packet into his pocket as quickly as he could.

"That was so worth it." Alya whispered to Nino, whom Marinette was both glaring at.

The train ride back home consisted of them talking about what they had done Saturday and Alya mentioned Ladybug and Chat Noir, both Marinette and Adrien pretending to be upset because the missed the action.

"You two were probably going at it while we were gone." Alya eyed them and Marinette gaped.

"We were not!"

Alya didn't take it. "Mhmm, that's why the two of you gave the excuse of a shower at the same time the other day." She smirked and crossed her arms. "You can't hide from Mama Alya."

Adrien remained silent, knowing better than to argue with Alya and Marinette face-palmed, letting out a sigh.

The rocking of the train ride made Marinette sleepy, leaning on Adrien's shoulder as she let her eyes flutter to close. She vaguely recalled Adrien pulling out something from his pocket and writing on his arm, feeling something on her own arm. Marinette drowsily looked to her arm and saw that familiar green ink.

"To my lovely Bugaboo, I love you." Half-asleep Marinette nuzzled into Adrien's shoulder, fixing herself into the crook of Adrien's neck.

"I love you too, my kitty cat." She mumbled softly before she fell asleep.

Adrien's skin felt hot and Marinette's words breathed cool air to his neck, making Adrien feel uncomfortable in the best ways. His heart pounded as she mumbled her words, wishing that she would remember when she woke.

However, Adrien knew that Half-Asleep Marinette doesn't retain any memory and Chat's message to her will be gone by the time she woke up.

A couple hours passed and the train had finally arrived in Paris. It was early evening when they arrived and Adrien had to nudge Marinette awake, Marinette humming slightly.

"Mmm... Five more minutes kitty." She mumbled, nuzzling into him.

"I'm sorry Bugaboo, but we're in Paris. I have to take you home."

Marinette groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She didn't properly wake up until they were off the train and she stretched, yawning.

"Home sweet home." She let out a happy sigh.

"It feels like it's been forever." Alya agreed.

"But it's back to normal tomorrow." Nino sighed. "Let's hope Professor Bustier doesn't do a pop quiz or something."

Alya groaned, agreeing with him. "Wanna come over tonight? Mom told me she would be home late." She wiggled her eyebrows at Nino suggestively and Nino gave a lazy smirk, hooking his arm around Alya's waist.

"You make me-"

"Get a room!" Marinette called loudly. "See you dorks tomorrow." Mariette said as she started walking away from them.

"We will! Don't worry!" Alya called back and laughed.

"You carriage awaits, my lady." Adrien was standing before the car, holding the door open for her.

"Oh, thank you, my prince." Marinette teased.

The ride to Marinette's house was a quiet one, with Adrien's bodyguard driving and Nathalie sitting in the front seat.

Adrien and Marinette came to terms that they wouldn't speak of their relationship, not wanting Adrien's family to interfere.

Once they arrived to Marinette's house, Tom and Sabine welcomed them both with open arms.

"I bring you back your princess, safe and sound, like promised." Adrien said, helping Marinette with her bags.

Tom chuckled, giving Adrien a pat on the back. "Thank you, my boy. I see that there's at least one boy that I can trust my little princess to." This made Marinette blush and Adrien couldn't help the smile.

"Would you like to stay for dinner Adrien? I'm sure you're hungry after the long trip home." Sabine said, motioning Adrien into the dining room.

Although Adrien was hungry and wanted to spend more time in the Dupain-Cheng family warmth, Nathalie was already counting his minutes inside.

"I would love to join you, but unfortunately I can't. I have to get back home soon."

Sabine frowned slightly and went to him, giving him a hug. "That's a shame. Well, whenever you want to come over, you're more than welcome to. I'm sure Marinette won't mind your company."


Adrien chuckled at the way Marinette tried to shush her mom and how Sabine only laughed at her daughter.

"The Dupain-Cheng home is your home as well Adrien."

Adrien smiled. "Thank you very much. Well, I must get going now." He headed to the door, looking over at Marinette. "See you tomorrow?"

She stared, a little too long, wanting to go across the room and hug him herself, but she didn't, only nodded.

"Of course. Good night." Her smile was gently yet stunning, leaving Adrien with a honeymoon afterglow as he left.

Yet the moment was short-lived when his body guard opened the door to the car for him, ushering him in.

"I see that you made several withdrawals from an automated teller machine, would you mind telling me what it is you spent money on?" Nathalie asked as soon as he sat down, glancing down at the lit tablet in her hands.

Adrien let out a sigh, looking out the window. "Does it matter?" Adrien asked. Nathalie remained silent and Adrien let out another sigh. "Restaurants and museum tickets."

"Surely you chose healthy and beneficial meals according to your diet plan, right?"

Adrien remained silent, wishing he could be in the warmth of the Dupain-Cheng household. Upon receiving silence, Nathalie let out a short sigh.

"For the next couple weeks, you will be waking up earlier to do early morning exercise, to burn off whatever toxicities you gained in London."

Adrien let out a long sigh, not wanting to deal with Nathalie or anything Agreste related.

"Really, to let teenagers run amok in the streets of London. Your father is already home and is planning future events, so we need to have you ready."

After being given what Nathalie called "dinner" and was given a scolding about spending his money frivolously, Adrien was allowed to retreat for the night.

Adrien allowed Plagg to eat some Camembert before transforming, quick to jump out of his window and run through the night of the sleepy Paris city.

Chat Noir landed on a familiar terrace and knocked on the door, waiting a minute or two to see a pajama ready Marinette.

"Chat? What are you doing here?" She asked, welcoming him in.

"Just got home from London." Marinette hummed.

"What a coincidence, so did I. My friend Alya, the one who runs the Ladyblog, was going crazy about it." She sat on one end of the chaise, Chat plopping down right beside her.

"Really? I wish I would have known, maybe I would have sneaked into your bedroom at night." He ran a clawed finger up from her collarbone to her chin, his eyes focusing on her flushed lips.

Although they had only parted an hour ago, he was already Marinette-deprived.

"That would have been a problem kitty. What would I have told the Ladyblog if they found out that I was letting in Chat Noir into my room past the dead hours of the night?" She asked, her eyes batting at him.

He couldn't help how he was drawn to her, to the irresistible grapefruit smell of her body wash.

"That you're fooling around with Chat Noir, of course." He dragged up a clawed finger up her neck again she leaned, exposing more of her neck for him. He leaned and attached his lips to her collarbone.

She shifted uncomfortably on the chaise, the small kiss becoming gentle sucks that made the feeling in her stomach grow with intensity.

"Surely, you wouldn't mind, right?" He asked huskily.

"Chat..." She whispered in a groan as he gave a small suck to her neck. The feeling made something pool to her stomach and she squirmed in chaise. He hummed, delighted to hear her voice calling out his name that way.

His sucks grew stronger, laying her back onto the chaise, her shirt rising slightly. His clawed hands scraped her skin gently and she shivered under his touch and under his gaze as she pushed him away.

"C-Chat w-wait." Her eyes were a liquid blue that were demanding for more, even though her words said something else as she panted for air.

"I'm sorry princess, it's just... I couldn't help myself." He wanted more.

"I-It's okay, but Chat... I need to tell you something." She wiggled under him, the warmth he was radiating through his suit enticing. "I-I have a boyfriend." She said, looking up at him.

"Oh really? That's too bad." His hand slipped under her shirt and up her torso, taking a warm mound into his hand and kneading it gently. She gasped, tilting her head back in a quiet moan. "I'm sure he won't mind."

Adrien felt guilty, extremely guilty, for making his own girlfriend believe that she's cheating on him, but he really wouldn't mind. Because he was Chat Noir.

"I-I can't do this..." Marinette gasped.

"Marinette, your body says one thing, yet your mind says another... What does your heart say?" He asked, his voice a low rumble.

Marinette's heart yearned for Adrien, yet her body wanted Chat. Her feelings for Chat didn't disappear overnight, but her feelings and relationship to Adrien were top priority.

"Chat... Please." Marinette begged quietly.

Chat let out a frustrated growl and pulled away. "I'm sorry princess. You're just so..."

Marinette brought her fingers to his lips. "Please, don't speak."

He smirked against her fingers, giving them a lick. She groaned and pulled her fingers away, bringing her hand to the hand that was holding one of her breasts.

"Chat." He leaned in close to her ear, letting out a soft rumble of a purr as he kneaded it again for the last time. She let out a soft groan that stirred the cat within him.

"I need to leave. I need to leave before I make you mine."

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